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found in my loft !

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allo you lot...i was up making space in my loft this afternoon coz my dungeon is full and look what i came across,all with disks and manuals / key cards,there were loads more up there...makes me feel old.!.. :biggrin:



Edited by racindriver1

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That's a golden find and brings back some very good memories of Falcon 3.0.



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That Su-25 game was pretty fun, I remember you had to translate a Russian word to English using the manual for copy protection. I also flew over Panama a lot in MiG-29.

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Oh My what a Gold mine!! I remember running from seven Migs in Fleet defender!

I also remember being surprised at the size of the Falcon 3.0 and 4.0 manual :blink:

You have some great stuff there!! :ok:

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Nice collection racindriver1.

You're not that old :no: .I remember much older titles like the first Flight simulator and F-15 Eagle which ran on my IBM XT compatible PC. or the even older super Huey UH-1 simulator for my brand new Comodore 64 computer.

Of course after that came lots of other goodies.But i don't remember the names of ......What was i talking about just now :grandpa: .




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Now this does bring back the memories indeed! Out of the collection

you have on display, I definitely remember trying Sturmovik. What

was that 1990 or thereabouts?

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yeh sturmovik was 1990...also found : F18 add on for falcon 3.0

chuck yegars

air warrior

F-29 Retaliator

F-22 ADF

Black Knight

gunship 200.....LOVED THAT !!

Jetfighter 2


F15 2 and 3


I also ...strangly enough found romeo and juliet the game..lol....must be my errrr.ex husbands or sisters...definatly not mine..i promise. :biggrin:


xx vanessa xx

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That Su-25 game was pretty fun, I remember you had to translate a Russian word to English using the manual for copy protection. I also flew over Panama a lot in MiG-29.


yeh ..was just looking at that part...at the botton of every page of the manual was 4 russian words and english translation...now that beats starforce anytime..lol


(your from fiddlers green ..?...hows the zombies doin ova there)

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your from fiddlers green ..?...hows the zombies doin ova there


Oh you know, we are all just flying our red and white flags, dancing to Garry Owen, and laughing at everyone going down the trail to Hell while sipping from our canteens, you know, the normal. :biggrin:

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I got some of these. Novalogic F-22(1,2 and 3), F-16 and MiG-29.

Plus Black Knight, Strike Eagle II&III...that´s my childhood.

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulators are brand new compared to that.


:grandpa: My first aircraft game (not sim) was "Wings of Fury", wich came in

a pack including the first edition of prince of persia. Lovely 90s

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Man I loved Fleet Defender. Awesome campaigns and so much stuff happening all the time.

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Man I loved Fleet Defender. Awesome campaigns and so much stuff happening all the time.


Not to mention to utilize an F-14's avionics at a level that hasn't been achieved by any other sim so far.

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i do recall one mission early on which i hated in it...might even have been first mission...where you have to chase down and kill about 5 incoming missiles....it pi**ed me off so much..lol


xx v xx

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i do recall one mission early on which i hated in it...might even have been first mission...where you have to chase down and kill about 5 incoming missiles....it pi**ed me off so much..lol


xx v xx


Use the pheonix's multi targeting capability then go after the one that was closest to the carrier. That's how I did it.

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LOL, I do fondly remember cruisin up the Kurile Islands with my F/A-18, got Falcon 3.0 gold, had all expansions. As for Air Warrior, well, back when AOL had it for free I played for HOURS on end, but I was like 11 or 12 so work didn't mess up my gaming scedule like it does now! lol

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I had most of those as well. Never had Harrier or Birds of Prey, though.

The Su-25 one was ok, but using the LHX engine it had lots of limitations. I liked the A-10 games out then better.

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Nice collection. If you dont want em, ive got one word for you....



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- what, now mention of Jane's series? Or Tornado? Or a company called Orion? What about TFX?

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Or Tornado?


Uh, check the lower right of the 2nd pic.


Jane's first was USNF and that came out later than all of those pictured.

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Wow, that is a great collection. I had all except for Harrier and the Stormovik sims.


I have agree that we've yet to see anything close to mission planning and the F-14's avionics as we saw in Tornado and Fleet Defender. Although the Falcon series has given it a strong go with the Viper.


You are sitting on a small pot of gold there Vanessa.



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Uh, check the lower right of the 2nd pic.


Jane's first was USNF and that came out later than all of those pictured.




...the Tornado version I had did not have a tan box...and I know that USNF came out later...

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This is what I found in mine, better get it back up there before the Darth Michelle gets home.

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This is what I found in mine, better get it back up there before the Darth Michelle gets home.


Is that...no...is that pornography printed in magazines??? That is sooo old skool. :blink:

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This is what I found in mine, better get it back up there before the Darth Michelle gets home.



Thats cool...i had a collection like that once...lol

Edited by nwdingo

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