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Idea For Mrmudd

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MM -


You ought to start up a for-pay site.


Its obvious some people think very little of tossing out disrespectful comments. All that does is alienate you from the community and consequently making you not want to have anything to do with the community in general. Then we get ticked because yet another driver becomes disinterested from engaging the community in discussion that we like.


Perhaps the community needs a little bit of incentive. Like, oh say, if they misbehave, they get banished. And how to make sure someone who gets banished stays banished? Make people pay for access to your forums and track their credit card numbers.


People subscribe, when they mouth off (which they won't do because of the system), they're banned. For good.


People are highly incentivized to behave because there is a financial investment in it. And - you get that elusive paycheck. Which you deserve.


Alot of former military types become consultants - for pay. Why should we get to benefit from your experience and knowledge?


There are people who, for whatever reason, don't highly value your input. Fine. They don't have to pay to join. Those of us who do value your input, we can benefit by paying to play - just like everything else in life. Hey, what a concept.


Yeah - probably won't happen tomorrow. Probably a long term idea. But what the heck. And, if you only charged $3 a month, I'd bet you'd probably get 50 to 250 people to sign up. Its better than a stick in the eye, eh?


Just think about it.

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Guest MrMudd

It is true that having a dialogue with the public has its ups and downs.


The idea of a pay-site dissintrests me for several reasons.


Number 1 is i am a very active gamer, I enjoy online flight simming.


Secondly the internet has and always will be a domain of "Free stuff". Its a community, clubhouse, social hall etc. The responsebility to maintain ethics is soley up to the owner of the sites.


As a flight simmer, people Have a hard enough time staying current with technology and gaming hardware. I know i certainly do.


Too me, i wouldnt feel good depriving a dude of 20 bucks that could go toward a better Joystick or a memory upgrade.


I'm not much of a salesman or one to get involved in marketing.



If i was to solicite my services it would be to the developers, After all they are the one makeing the buck from the endproduct.


Consumers should not be hit for every nichael that is in their pocket.


I feel an internet website is the wrongplace to do it. That is where advertising and vendor support should cover the burden of those costs.


My dissapointment is in the UBISOFT forums. In the past 2 years, take IL2 forums for example. In the begining it was a great place to hang out and talk the technical aspects of the sim and fighter aviation of that era. Today it has become nothing more than a wasteland of no moral ethics. This is where the problem has layed for me.


To donate my time to a site that cant maintain dicipline in their forums and to request of me voluntary services, that are used as a marketing item. It really burns you in the end. This is why i wont participate at the Ubisoft forums.


I took allot of personal time away from my family and other personal intrests to make these videos and other activities.


I have seen the numbers of what videos ive had on my ftp downloaded. and yet, i cant get one simple comment about the videos here at biohazcentral. It is dissapointing. 2 comments over 10,000 downloads is pathetic. It really makes it difficult to support a community that wont communicate with you. It's hard to support the communities intrests when you dont know what they are.



It is really comeing down to decideing if i want to continue on as a journalist, or become a subject support expert for a developer, write a "strategy guide" or not get involved in any of it.



What i do miss is my days in F15E and F18E squads online. My online experiance has lost its entertainment before i started the community work here.


The cheating, lack of decency in the forums etc. It all leads to the burnout.


I'm loseing the drive to play sims at the moment. I cant keep them going longer than 15 min.


:( not sure where this leads me in the weeks ahead.

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I can see how you can get burned out dealing with adolescents. I`m relatively

new to the boards (any of them) but in that short time I noticed one thing: just

about all the trolling, insults, etc. come from adolescents. You can tell they are

very immature or insecure (I don`t wanna be dr. Freud here!!!).

There`s also plenty of arguments or discussions between more mature members,

but these I can deal with. Sometimes I can pick up bits and pieces of information,

some of it quite reliable. Some of these guys never miss an issue of "Aviation

Week" magazine or Jane`s reports. They know your credentials and they can

distinquish reality from the game. Obviously, there`s not too many people on the

boards with your type of background and you can rest assured that whenever

you speak, everyone listens! Some of these young folks might even have serious

aspirations to become a combat pilot and I don`t think they can find a better

source of motivation then a word on "real aspects" of military aviation from the

guy that`s been there, done that.

Yea, occasionally some silly spoiled brat will post something stupid and insulting,

case and point: UBI`s board, few days ago. Some kid called your last video crappy and he was hoping to see you land on a boat! Well, I also wanted to see

you come in for a hot, combat break with a good start on the ball and a "OK"

on the "greenie" board! But I realize you have a life out there and from what

I heard - it`s a pain to make vids with Fraps.

So, summing it up - Don`t quit MrMudd!!! Lo-Mac will be released soon and the

need for "reality" will be released too! A lot of people will try to fly and fight as

close to real ops as they can get. And people like you can add that final touch

to the sim.

And as far as business part of it - well, my thick scull is not really wired for advice

in that area, but I`m sure that a small incentive for the effort would not be wrong!

If you or someone comes up with an idea - I`m in!




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i guess making a video with the full blown version of the sim won't be as hard as with FRAPS as it makes a file for u 2 view afterward, i'm guessing the same way that Counter-Strike does..


is the burn-out coming from being able to fly the real thing, or from the lack of challenge?

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Yeah don't quit MM. If you want to play with people online I'm always in need of some serious help as I'm new to Flight Sims myself. I would really love it if you wrote some tutorials. Like how to fly as you did in your last Video :D So please don't leave there is plenty you could teach people that do like your help.

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I like the idea.


But can understand your reservations.


Doesn't have to be $20 - just $3 a month. Just enough that you could bar entrance based on a credit card number - not an IP which isn't a good enough identifier.


Also, I don't think its adolescents that are spoiling the online experience. Every poll (forum thread) that asks ages - its predominantly the over 30 crowd. You're seeing a very sad commentary on just what real people are really all about.


I saw a post on the Ubi forum that I think everyone is referring to - saying that they were disappointed in the last video MM made. The guy got banned. Don't know what else you could do.


The internet is a wild and whooly place - gotta have a pretty tough skin I guess. No matter what you do, someone's always gonna try to put a stick in your eye.

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Guest MrMudd

I have started a Flight simulation development company This week.


that is the latest, and we are well on our way on developing our first title. B)

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I have started a Flight simulation development company This week.


that is the latest, and we are well on our way on developing our first title.  B)

How about few more details, MrMudd?

I imagine the first title has something to do with helos?

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Guest MrMudd

We have allready begun on our first title.


When we are ready to make an anouncement we will have a public news release available to the public. You can guartantee that all the quality sites such as biohaz will bring you that information, when we are ready to release it.


In the meantime im focusing on bringing you the most authentic Modern Combat sims possible.





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Gonna give the good ole LOMAC line of flight simulators some competition, eh?




Hey - good onya MM. Wishing you all the best!



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Good for you Mr. Mudd,

One thing, read the UBI boards and avoid the same mistakes.

Just want you to know that I enjoyed your vids, learned a few things.


From the numbers that downloaded your vids you say you only got 2 replys, that means the rest were probably satisfied by them and took some notes.

The old adage still goes, (No news is good news), people are more likely to write to complain than to praise.

Good luck with your new project, hope it is a heli sim.


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I have started a Flight simulation development company This week.


that is the latest, and we are well on our way on developing our first title.  B)

Great news MrMudd!

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Wow, great news MrMudd. Good luck! Can't wait for the info on that title! :D


So...before anyone else ask...Can I be a beta tester?!

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Wow, great news MrMudd. Good luck! Can't wait for the info on that title!  :D


So...before anyone else ask...Can I be a beta tester?!

What he said... as long as testing starts after August ;)

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I wasn't that serious about beta-testing. Not that I would mind, but it's better left to people experienced with development rather than gamers/simmers like me.

I'm good at finding weird bugs though. ;)


Just hope MrMudd will get a good team to work with, a clear vision etc, and that the venture is successful. Risky business, but respect to those that dare.

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