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When Is The Last Time......

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You backed up all your files? I am doing it right now. Wouldn't hurt to do so. Mine will take 3 dual layer DVD-R's and about 2 hours but its worth it.


So why are you not backing your stuff up NOW?



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Just backed up my installation like hours ago.

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Oh, I don't need to back my files up, my hard drive has never crashed....

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Oh, I don't need to back my files up, my hard drive has never crashed....




Always expect the unexpected. Like an eel invasion.

Edited by kct

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Oh, I don't need to back my files up, my hard drive has never crashed....


There's always first time :yes: and this one ain't nice contrary to other ones


I do backups on regular monthly shedule, ussually 2 DVDs of stuff

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Oh, I don't need to back my files up, my hard drive has never crashed....

We don´t need jet engines, you can never beat the sound barrier... :blink:

But it happened, didn´t it?


Only when you have never owned and never will own a PC, you can say honestly "my HD will never crash"! :wink:

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This pic is not as direct as one Dave used to post, but it conveys the same message:



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I want to take all my installs off my HD, I need to go to BestBuy and get some flashdrives and disks first :sorry:

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Thanks for the reminder, Dave, didn't do this for quite a long time. :good:

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Did a big reorg and triple backup of all my projects 2 days ago.


I feel so much better...



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You backed up all your files? I am doing it right now. Wouldn't hurt to do so. Mine will take 3 dual layer DVD-R's and about 2 hours but its worth it.


So why are you not backing your stuff up NOW?




Because I just did it about a week ago!


My WOE, WOV, Falklands 1982, WOK, OTC, and LBIII installs all fit on 1 DVD.


Another DVD to back up the .rar files for all the downloads in case I need any of them.

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A friend of mine lost his external hard drive. Work and personel pictures and maps. He was able to get them back because he shared them all. Most of us either saved them in our hard drive or where to lazy to delete or save them from E-Mail. I'm currently loading my mods and stuff I tweaked for myself on a 8Gig thumb drive. I don't trust disk drives.

:ph34r: CL

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This pic is not as direct as one Dave used to post.


Yeah it was more than a request but like a direct order! NOW STARTING BACKING YOUR STUFF UP YOU MAGGOTS!!!!!!! :lol:

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*correction TEH SERVAR


My install has become so unspeakably massive that it's just plain impossible to do, so I just back up personal tweaks that aren't replaceable.

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If you do a google search for back-up scripts or Synctoy 2.0 you can set yourself up a nice little automated backup system. It's probably best to have a second hard drive to guard against that failing but either method will let you run a back up at a set interval that'll copy files that have changed to your back-up directory.

Currently the directories I have stuff that I'm working on, models etc. get backed up once a day, onto a network drive in another machine (because I'm paranoid and I can) and less critical stuff on a weekly or monthly basis. It's well worth it if only for the piece of mind and will happily run in the background as a scheduled process.

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