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Beautiful is what I said.

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K;avs, just got to say...Zoinks yo !

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How about a cavalier for our selfish WOV needs.


:ph34r: CL

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Klavs, do you ever sleep? what about eat? Actually, do you DO ANYTHING EXCEPT CREATE AWESOME AIRPLANES?

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Nice cockpit but it isn't anywhere near as accurate as Stiglr's Peashooter pit, which is the benchmark by which all others be judged.

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Nice cockpit but it isn't anywhere near as accurate as Stiglr's Peashooter pit, which is the benchmark by which all others be judged.


I don't think I'm on the forum enough to appreciate the irony there, explanation please?


Rambler, I slept on Thursday, but not much since then.

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I don't think I'm on the forum enough to appreciate the irony there, explanation please?

i was in vacation during the fact but i grab what i could in the aftermatch...


here is my obsever abstract of what happened here:


Stiglr was the master of rivets, so he decided to hate everythin that came/was made for TW,he got banned because he don't feel technical critics enought so he gone to personal strikes....


in a beautyful sunny day he decided to make some (over)critics over SF2 thread at frugal's forums and he mentioned that he was the "official" rivetcounter of targetware stuff and he improved the peashooter cockpit with his critiques (not a big deal ,IMO :rofl: ). He usually says that the cockpits for TW games Aren't accurate and it's his main basic argue to throw stones in TW stuff


i hope you understand, my english is a shame and i fear i can't make me understand... :blink:

Edited by Silverbolt

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Damn, Are We talkin' about Piehole Stiglr's Peashooter again.......... :stinker:

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Damn, Are We talkin' about Piehole Stiglr's Peashooter again.......... :stinker:


He's like herpes, he may disapear for a while but his shame and embarament always comes back

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I don't think I'm on the forum enough to appreciate the irony there, explanation please?

Just messing with your head, that's all. Did you bake the occlusion to your diffuse this time like we were talking about earlier?

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Just messing with your head, that's all. Did you bake the occlusion to your diffuse this time like we were talking about earlier?


The render you see is just a test render with a dome light, but I'll probably bake it when I'm done. It's an interesting technique, my main concern is that my high resolution texture and painstaking UV unwrap is going to loose detail in the process. Or, is there a way to get it to bake using the existing UV unwrap?

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To illustrate, here is Stigler's "perfect" cockpit, from his "perfect" Targetwhatever game. (teehee, I called it a game)




I have no particular beef with Targetware stuff, I will NEVER have a problem with a flight sim that's available for free and shares a love of flying. There's not enough sims out there, I'd rather have choices. But that cockpit does need a little cleanup.

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You should be able to assign the bake to your current uv channel. Be aware though that as with normalmapping the bake won't like overlapping UV's so if you do have overlaps, move the excess shells outside 0-1 space and you should be fine.

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