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N Korea issues warning to Seoul

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Could it be the rest of the world really just doesn't give a damn whose name is on the door?

Besides, so far all that's changed is the talk, the actions haven't. At least, none that matter.


Inconceivable! We were promised that the world would love us again! Oh wait...the world has never loved us...even when we were saving them from Nazis and Communists. :doh:

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Its those bloody plaform shoes that'll kill the dear leader and hopefully soon.

Edited by Atreides

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Inconceivable! We were promised that the world would love us again! Oh wait...the world has never loved us...even when we were saving them from Nazis and Communists. :doh:


Well, it needn't to be saved from communists...

(And, if saving the world from communists means insalling crazy dictators and organisations like the Mujaheddin, I prefer the commies!)


But to tell you one thing from a non-US viewpoint:

Most parts of the world really think more positive of the States now!

In the past the US kind of talking to the rest of the world was like "We have the biggest b*lls, do what we want!". Now we fell a little bit more respected, more like talking on the same level...

Of course that doesn't always prevent regimes like NK from doing stupid things, but maybe they have to show their own people who is in charge, to prevent a total collapse of the regime?

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Most parts of the world really think more positive of the States now!


That is scary. But societies can have the same characteristics as individuals, including lunacy.

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(And, if saving the world from communists means insalling crazy dictators and organisations like the Mujaheddin, I prefer the commies!)


Why would anti-Semitic Europe have a problem with the Mujahadeen? Everything I've seen indicates that European and Islamic opinions are in alignment on most issues.

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Why would anti-Semitic Europe have a problem with the Mujahadeen? Everything I've seen indicates that European and Islamic opinions are in alignment on most issues.


You recognised we are post-'45, right?


If Europe is that anti-semitic, why have most Eropean countries boycotted the anti-racism conference (used as a anti-Israel podium by Ahmenisomething) this year?


The only negative comments today towards Israel are regarding the new settlements in palestinensic territory and some of the exessive use of violence in Gaza...

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Quite honestly folks...


Y'all really don't have ANY idea just how screwed up N Korea is.


My mother was North Korean. Managed to get out before things started turning really bad.


Her solution to the problem tends to have the words 'glass parking lot'...even though she still has some distant relatives there.


Considering she has a PhD, works in the hospital, is about 5 foot nothing in height, and is normally soft spoken, this kind of statement disturbs me even more.


Then again, she doesn't have a whole lot of kind things to say about the Chinese either...



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You recognised we are post-'45, right?


So you are saying that Antisemitism is not rampant in Europe, and that attacks on Jews--coming in various forms--are not common?

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Then again, she doesn't have a whole lot of kind things to say about the Chinese either...


Its very common--especially in America, I think--to be somewhat ignorant of the extreme cultural differences across Asia and the animosities that exist among its various peoples.

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So you are saying that Antisemitism is not rampant in Europe, and that attacks on Jews--coming in various forms--are not common?




EDIT: It is pretty common in the ME today...

Edited by Shaolin

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Transcript of a 2002 US Congressional hearing on Escalating Antisemitism in Europe, for those interested in the issue.


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Q: What happened when Napoleon went to Mount Olive?














A: Popeye got pissed.

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Oh jeez...the puns they are a flying...


Talking about a thread jumping off the rails...



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Oh jeez...the puns they are a flying...


Talking about a thread jumping off the rails...





The Germans didn't bomb Pearl Harbor?

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Yeah, those guys are royally jacked up. I cannot claim any experteise, but I did take a few classes on Korea with a professor whose been to the North on several occasions and offered an objective look at the North. There's a lot of saber rattling, a lot of "hey, look at us! We're still here!" but how serious a threat it is to the global community is questionable. They're just about broke, areas are heavily affected by starvation, but they also have a view of their leadership that might as well equate to religion. When the Eternal President died, they couldn't believe it; it was as if a god had died (if you've seen the recording, you know what I'm talking about) and they put absolute faith and will in Dear Leader right now.


There is a British documentary on two children who are part of the Mass Games - the name eludes me, if I can find it I'll post it - but the BBC crew was given unprecedented access to this family. Every single problem you could think of is blamed on the US, all the way to the mandatory blackouts at night or lack of food, or you name it. It is as if the US is not a country, but the devil manifested in a nation.


I wish I had more knowledge of the country, but as it stands, and from what I do know, I don't feel very threatened by them; they can hate us all they want, but they can't do anything to hurt us, and I highly doubt they'll blitz Seoul. Then again, I'm not an Intel officer either...maybe that's why they're giving me a missile silo...

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Transcript of a 2002 US Congressional hearing on Escalating Antisemitism in Europe, for those interested in the issue.


Thanks, its very usfull for me....i'm debating(trying to) with some a**ho**s about it.


sadly there are some nazi cells in my country, but the federals are getting all of them and send them to jail...its quite inadmissible this such of behave here, at least i'm happy the public opinion still abominated with this here...

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No,NK isn't real communicat...at least in our eyes..


More likely a kingdom...Grandfather to father to son...


And this maybe the last play of King II...You know he is not fine...got some illness..


I don't know how King II thought,but I know,NK can't liberate this world,even SK... That's enough...


And I don't think Chinese goverment is supporting NK to break war...That can't be...


You know NK afraid US...very afraid....This could be a way to afraid US and got NK's own way to..?


I mean...maybe like 1979 China? Some stories said these....

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Thanks, its very usfull for me....i'm debating(trying to) with some a**ho**s about it.


sadly there are some nazi cells in my country, but the federals are getting all of them and send them to jail...its quite inadmissible this such of behave here, at least i'm happy the public opinion still abominated with this here...



Some NAZI in China and pointed to Jews. But it is out of law.And no one would do this publicaly...

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Some NAZI in China and pointed to Jews. But it is out of law.And no one would do this publicaly...


even in china? :blink:


Comunists Know how to solve that :haha:

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even in china? :blink:


Comunists Know how to solve that :haha:



Even in Russian.


We must know,there is no full comunist[i mean,in past years standart] in China.

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Yeah - but where is Hans Brix when you need him - pah!!!

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Yeah, those guys are royally jacked up. I cannot claim any experteise, but I did take a few classes on Korea with a professor whose been to the North on several occasions and offered an objective look at the North. There's a lot of saber rattling, a lot of "hey, look at us! We're still here!" but how serious a threat it is to the global community is questionable. They're just about broke, areas are heavily affected by starvation, but they also have a view of their leadership that might as well equate to religion. When the Eternal President died, they couldn't believe it; it was as if a god had died (if you've seen the recording, you know what I'm talking about) and they put absolute faith and will in Dear Leader right now.


There is a British documentary on two children who are part of the Mass Games - the name eludes me, if I can find it I'll post it - but the BBC crew was given unprecedented access to this family. Every single problem you could think of is blamed on the US, all the way to the mandatory blackouts at night or lack of food, or you name it. It is as if the US is not a country, but the devil manifested in a nation.


I wish I had more knowledge of the country, but as it stands, and from what I do know, I don't feel very threatened by them; they can hate us all they want, but they can't do anything to hurt us, and I highly doubt they'll blitz Seoul. Then again, I'm not an Intel officer either...maybe that's why they're giving me a missile silo...

Man, you got all the points!

As usual, this is saber-rattling. That regime always speak in these tones for the international media and for its own internal use.


That regime is on the verge of collapsing since the mid-90's and only hold on because it's in China's interest... and all of its neighbours interest:

-China does not want an unified Korea where, probably, US troops will be stationned in the Norh.

-South Korea does not want to pay.

-Japan fears a too powerfull unified Korea

-The US need North Korea to maintain troops in RoK, as an unification might trigger an evacuation of the troops.

Well, everybody that counts there is in favor of the Statu-quo... So is North Korea: they want to survive, and their paranoia is alievated with their new nuclear insurance. Now, they will resume their heavy-shouting and black-mailing based diplomacy.

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