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which weapon pack?

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Which weapon pack is suggested? (Lantirn, aim-120, iris-t, aim-9x, JDAM, LGBs, Mica, Meteor, etc)

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Try this one ....

Weapons Pack 2.52 by the WO*/SFP1 Community


or the latest one from the Mirage Factory,


Both are on the CA download section.

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Thank you


I thought to ask, to check if theres some majority preference for some reason over the various packs (found a few) before i go use one and i don't want to mess things up later by trying another one that i found that has an X or Y cool feature

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How does the mirage factory weap pack compare to the community pack? Is it worth switching?

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I use to community pack, but i'm kinda partial to it since I helped with the beta testing (many, many.......... many hours over the range, lol) Honestly, both are excellent. I am in love with the Russian weapons in the community pack (lindr2's I believe, but don't quote me on that) so that is another reason for my preference.


Hope this helps, good luck, and happy hunting!

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What is a "Weapons Pack" and how do you use it? I have conducted a search in the forums but, can not locate a "Weapons pack" to download. Also, where do I find this "Weapons Editor" I keep reading so much about. Do I require the "Weapons editor" in order to use a "Weapons Pack"? And are these additional weapons that are not shipped with the original game? I'm not clear on the purpose. I've been searching for this info for a few days on the forums with no luck. Can someone please point me in the right direction or offer a short explanation? Thank you.

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The weapons pack, and editor, are in the download section, not the forums. Yes, you need the editor to use the pack, and yes, there are HUNDREDS more weapons then what shipped with the original game.

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What is a "Weapons Pack" and how do you use it? I have conducted a search in the forums but, can not locate a "Weapons pack" to download. Also, where do I find this "Weapons Editor" I keep reading so much about. Do I require the "Weapons editor" in order to use a "Weapons Pack"? And are these additional weapons that are not shipped with the original game? I'm not clear on the purpose. I've been searching for this info for a few days on the forums with no luck. Can someone please point me in the right direction or offer a short explanation? Thank you.








The pack comes with a "weapondata.ini" that has all the entries for all the weapons in the pack, you put the weapons pack (by reading the README) in your WOX/Objects folder. Open the Weaponeditor and find where you put the weapondata.ini (of course where you installed the game) and you click "Save" even though you didn't edit anything. It creates a "Weapondata.dat" which the game reads, so when you go into the game and you can select a boatload of various weapons to arm your aircraft with :good:

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I've decided that the community pack is better than the MF one. Mainly because the MF pack lacks Radar guided soviet AAMs.

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And it's a great difficulty to add them, yes??? :dntknw:



kevin stein

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my main weapons interest









Paveways not provided by TW



scalp-EG / apache


mica IR/ER



which one covers those? :)



btw, are aim-120 used the same way as sparrows in TW?

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The community pack has all of those to my knowledge. And yes, all radar guided missiles are handled the same in the pit. You lock on to the target with your radar and fire. The only difference is you can switch to a different target once you fired the amraam because it is active homing, it doesn't need the aircraft to guide it, the sparrow does.

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I've noticed after the Oct 08 patch AI now fires Active homers too, found that out on a long, slow strike mission in Israel, my escorts called out "Fox 3" and I was happy.

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The only difference is you can switch to a different target once you fired the amraam because it is active homing, it doesn't need the aircraft to guide it, the sparrow does.


Is that actually supported in TW sims ? the pack install utilizes a TW existing "fire and forget" active homing capability?

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The weapons pack, and editor, are in the download section, not the forums. Yes, you need the editor to use the pack, and yes, there are HUNDREDS more weapons then what shipped with the original game.


Just to clarify. Do you really need the editor to make the weapons available? I thought the weapon pack install gave you a new weapondata.ini.


I can understand needing the editor to change the weapons.


Or does this differ with the various packs?

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I've decided that the community pack is better than the MF one. Mainly because the MF pack lacks Radar guided soviet AAMs.



you can add or merge packs. For example - I use the MF merged with lindr's stuff and a few other add ons. pretty awesome combination.

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Just to clarify. Do you really need the editor to make the weapons available? I thought the weapon pack install gave you a new weapondata.ini.


I can understand needing the editor to change the weapons.


Or does this differ with the various packs?


It has more to do with the latest patch then the weapons pack. You will find, when you install the weps pack and start WOX, you will have no weps, none at all. You have to open the weapons editor, open the weapondata file, and save without making any changes. This creates a weapondata file that is compatible with the latest patch and you will then have lots of things that go boom in the night (and in the day, evening, and afternoon for that matter) :rofl:

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the Mirage Factory Weapon Pack include many upgraded sam, with destroyed parts and new textures .



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the Mirage Factory Weapon Pack include many upgraded sam, with destroyed parts and new textures .





S300? Patriot? Hawk? Rapier? :)

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hawk for us


sa-7,8,9 and many other for red forces.



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It has more to do with the latest patch then the weapons pack. You will find, when you install the weps pack and start WOX, you will have no weps, none at all. You have to open the weapons editor, open the weapondata file, and save without making any changes. This creates a weapondata file that is compatible with the latest patch and you will then have lots of things that go boom in the night (and in the day, evening, and afternoon for that matter) :rofl:


I didn't have to do that when I tried out the MF pack. I just renamed my weapons folder and then installed the MF pack. it made a new pack and did the rest. I change the name of the weapons folder to bring the community pack back

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I didn't have to do that when I tried out the MF pack. I just renamed my weapons folder and then installed the MF pack. it made a new pack and did the rest. I change the name of the weapons folder to bring the community pack back

I did not even have to use the editor with the Community pack I just installed as per the read me and that was it all weaps were there and available :biggrin:

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So am I basically way behind the times if I'm still using Bunyap's last pack? Then again I still haven't installed WOE yet (still playing through SFP1 Mods) or patched anything to the latest 10/08......

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So am I basically way behind the times if I'm still using Bunyap's last pack? Then again I still haven't installed WOE yet (still playing through SFP1 Mods) or patched anything to the latest 10/08......
Good and bad, good cause all the old mods still work bad cause you are missing out on A LOT OF GREAT STUFF :biggrin: a lot of items have been updated to work on the new patch AND many things have been improved; avionics, radar, weaps etc come on and "get on board for the big win" :good:

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