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brits**ts courts rule again..W**kers

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SkippyBing> Because it's no better in France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Greece (and I guess the rest of Europe)...

That the US, Japan, Korea may be better on some issues but have ones we don't even have in Europe.

Iceland (well, if you like a dying economy dependant on Russia's good will), Switzerland, Luxembourg might do better, but they are special cases...


The real trouble is that while, once upon a time, justice was concerned above all with protecting the public/victims/innocents from criminals, now they are more concerned with respecting the criminals rights, and protecting them from the public/victims/innocents right[eous|ful] anger, too often forgetting its first and foremost duty in the process.

That's what you get for living in compassionate societies...

Edited by Gunrunner

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I dont know by you Guys and Gals. But if someone ever raped my daughter and I found out who. He wouldnt survive. I would beat him to death after I cut his balls off

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Guest pfunkmusik

I don't know about Britian, but most of the juvenile courts here in the US focus on rehabilitation rather than retribution. That's for the big-kids jail.


Anyhow, some of the worst criminals I've ever seen were mere striplings, mostly because they lack the experience of life to give them any kind of a conscience or compass. When they start out on that path at such a young age, it's a VERY rare case that they can be recovered. It's not impossible, mind you. I've seen it happen, and most of the time, they spend the rest of their lives attempting to make up for what they did.


Some, on the other are born poison and never become productive members of society. Occasionally, you have to recognize that some people can't be helped, no matter what you do.


I am so sorry something this horrible happened to this little girl, and as a dad, if anyone did this to my daughter, I..., well, let's say she means the world to me and leave it there. There is no punishment that fits here for fathers, short of something out of the Dark Ages. Unfortunately, juvenile courts, when rendering verdicts like this, in order to 'save' or 'rehabilitate' said future file titles ignore the feelings of the survivors (I will not call them victims, it degrades them and prevents the healing process from ever even starting) and the Law of Unintended Consequences takes over and when people don't think justice has been served, they take matters into their own hands...and make a horrible thing worse.


I volunteer as an advocate for People Against Violent Crime here in Texas. We lobby for harsher punishments, we are court advocates for survivors (I am a survivor of a violent crime), we hold their hands through court proceedings, we speak on behalf of the survivors and generally try to help people put lives back together. It doesn't always work. It's awfully hard for judges to pass 'light' sentences when they've seen me every day, watching them, reporting to the families and the community, standing up for them. I was asked by trial judge one time, "Why won't you just go away?"


Get her into counseling, work with support groups of people who've been through similar experiences. Your first responsibility right now is to HER, not your own anger. You can nurse that later, but right now that person needs people around them watching out for her, keeping her first and foremost in their thoughts, not their own desire for retribution.


Here we are:





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And i tought that kind of things happen only in El Salvador.................


Racing i really can feel that same anger you have, since i suffered an accident froma relative who is still on wheelchair (he and his girlfriend), a policeman dead and the responsible just paid a $1.000.00 fine and voila!!! again in the streets................


Damn, how should have been to live in the past in a no laws land (i think it should have been almost the same)....................

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I cannot imagine the pain and anquish that causes. I cannot imagine it because I remember it all too well. By the time I found what had happened to someone - the perp was already doing time for something else so I couldn't do anything more.


You have my understanding and prayers for her recovery from a monstrous ordeal.

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So sorry to hear what happened to your niece, it must have been such an ordeal for her to have gone through, one which may well leave her scarred for years or even the rest of her life. Then to have been treated so badly in court. To feel that no justice has been done must be a right kick in the teeth.


As for the four young gits who did this vicious act. castration with house bricks would seem to be in order.


I just don't know any more, society just seems to be broke now and the authorities just don't seem to help matters. All these four tw$ts were interested in was self gratification and to hell with the damage it would have done to the other person.


I just hope that she gets all the help and support that she needs but I'm sure she will.

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This is really upseting and I see that "trend" going everywhere. When I was their age(not so long ago mind you!) the "rules" were different. It was considered weak and lame, even shamefull to seriously hurt somebody weaker than you not to mention girls.

Those guys wouldn't survive a day in the school or neighbourhood after that, I mean maybe they would survive physically, MAYBE! but we would probably have a nice game of kickball with them between clases.


The Court's decision is another, even more upseting "trend" with many decisions you hear throughout the world, people might just as well take justice in their hands - this can not be good.


As somebody that studies law I can tell you that in this ruling there are no elements of punishment one can found in very theory of law!


To punish the offender and show it as an example for what may happen to others if they brake the law, is one of the principle of punishment, ofcourse there is also rehabilitation in attempt the offender can once return to society(community) as a normal citizen.


There are nearly no such things in this ruling whatsoever.


Somebody said they would come out even worse after prison, well what kind of message will they get with: "Hey you just won this nice GPS device, but on a downside you can't go out for few weeks!" Wow that's some bone chilling punishment that will most certainly convince them not to do it again...

Also what kind of message does legal system sends to other potential offenders with this ruling?


The side rulling is also insane, all together that judge might as well had said: "Hey you can rape, torture, beat and mollest all you want, but don't you dare raise your voice in the courtroom!"


Words can hardly express how frustrated I feel every time I hear something like this...

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I have some old CCI Lawman loads for that ACP. They sport hollow point cavities big enough to allow them to double for a shot glass :good:

Anybody over there heard of Texas? They still are the leading state over here in sending the meritorious and worthy to meet their maker.


Love to see the pious UK judge review the "lads" when the victim is his own daughter. Gives turning the other cheek a whole new meaning.


Racin, my heart goes out to your neice and to your family.

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Well, if they actually started meting out JUSTICE in these courts, they might see their prison population increase to a fraction close to what the US has, and they don't want THAT. That would imply they're not BETTER. After all, inmates are a clear measure of how many criminals you have.

Oh no, better to leave admitted criminals on the street to rape and attack at will than to risk imprisoning someone for one day longer than was absolutely necessary. Whatever. :rolleyes:

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In Spain (theorically less punishing) as you told it and what i guess,

they would get from 16 to 20 years in jail...


But ¿how long would they actually spend in jail?

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But ¿how long would they actually spend in jail?



12 years, if they show a "restored" behaviour. In fact, these s**t does never get restored.


Some punishments are too long, others are uneffective. An asshole which deals with drugs or

steals because he doesn´t know anything better to get his living will get more punishment than

a perverted. This people, known not to be restored ever, should be imprisoned until being

unable to cause any harm. I don´t like death penalty, but imprisonment for life is fair

if it avoids a girl to be raped again.

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12 years, if they show a "restored" behaviour. In fact, these s**t does never get restored.


I don't know. Remember that terrorist who killed 25 people an only spent 18 years in the jail (5 stars jail, by the way)

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I don't know. Remember that terrorist who killed 25 people an only spent 18 years in the jail (5 stars jail, by the way)



I know. That´s what i mean. But his "restoration" papers were forgued. Let alone politics :crazy: "En un año estaremos mejor"

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I know. That´s what i mean. But his "restoration" papers were forgued. Let alone politics :crazy: "En un año estaremos mejor"


Yes, politicians and judges. They just don't live in the same world as us lowly mortals.

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You have to burn that F*cking morons to the teeth. But a good deterrent for first could be to cut his ... male parts off.




Damn... that same s**t happens all around the world. Here, the "Human Rights" does nothing but put all this kind of people out of prison.


If something like that happens to my neice, I will be behind bars, cause I'll kill that asshole. And "Human Rights won't do anything for me, that for sure...



I'm trembling and almost crying.

Got to take a cold shower.

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That same situation in Poland.

My friend was beat by 2 drunk guys (16 and 17 years old).

After that he has been in hospital faor 4 days (cracked snap).

And court gave that motherf****rs only a supervision of curator!

Edited by az12121

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