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That reminds me, I gotta watch Top Gun today. I've been watching it once a week since 1986 :flyer:


Great movie :good: . I have seen it million times too :biggrin: . But please let's not Offtopic ^^. I just want to know what's causing my WoE lagg. As now i know that SF engine is hungry for resources. But that doesn't explain my WoE lagg.

Edited by Flegmatica

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That's impressively low...


I get slightly better results on a C2 4400 (2GHz), 3GB, 7600GS rig, albeit with no AA and a few crashes...


Things I'd try to do, by steps, until I'll reach the point where I get enough FPS to my liking (and please give us your results step by step, so other people with the same "problem" might benefit and comment) :


1. Reduce AA to 2x

2. Reduce Shadows to High

3. Reduce Object Textures to High

then depending on your priority

4/5. Reduce Terrain Textures to High

5/4. Reduce Ground Objects to High


After that, if you still don't get what you want, try, depending on your priorities, item by item, to be one degree lower (High becoming Medium, 2x AA becoming none, Very Far becoming Far).


You'd still may experience lag while in cockpit, in which case you may try playing with Cockpit Textures, Mirrors and Reflections until you get to a point you find playable.

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Yeah, it helped, doesn't lagg so much now. But still its akward that game with so low specs laggs so much on my pc. I just gotta get used to this lagg, thanks who helped!

Edited by Flegmatica

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Yeah, it helped, doesn't lagg so much now. But still its akward that game with so low specs laggs so much on my pc. I just gotta get used to this lagg, thanks who helped!


You're welcome!  :good:   :suicide:

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Glad you finally got to a point you liked :)


Also, the blame might partially be on nVidia's drivers... as it IS suspiciously low for such a low resolution and a nice little rig.

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1. Windows XP Sp 3

2. v.04.32.06. No patches, clean install.

3. On runway around 2-5. In air ranges 10-20. CPU usage in runway 50-70%, in air 30-60%.

4. 1024x768x32

5. 4x

6. Clean install, no mods.


Turn your resolution up. I know that sounds counter productive, but the modern cards are meant to run at the higher resolutions. You are bottlenecking your system otherwise.

Also turn the shadows to low and turn off mirrors. Turning off the mirrors gave me a solid 10fps boost. The game is based on an old engine so a lot of things aren't taken advantage of, but if you tweak ti a bit you can get respectable frames.


Also, if you can OC your cpu. The game is cpu limited not video card limited, and since its not multithreaded the only way to improve the cpu performance without getting a new one is overclocking. The difference in gameplay between running my e7200 at stock and at 4ghz is very noticable.

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Assume youve done the basics?:

defrag the HD + do a bit of tidying up

try disabling any anti virus s/w - and anything running that doesnt need to be

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The easiest fix (which I'm surprised no one's mentioned) is to simply set the horizon distance to "normal". That alone will significantly reduce your CPU load.

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It always amazes me when people complain about performance in these games.......When you compare these games to other simulators like CFS3, Lomac, Falcon, FSX, or even FS9............one of the best parts about this series of games is how well they perform, how smooth they run!!! Go try one of the others, then come back and lets have an informed comparison about flightsim performance.

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Flegmatica, if it's any consulation to you, I'm running an AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ that operates at 1.99 GHz, 3 GB of ram, OS is Windows XP, Video card is an GeForce GTX 280 and I still get a Graphics FPS of 5 on the deck with a full flight (albeit on a heavily modified install of WOI) with all the settings maxed out. The problem for me is my CPU, which is old, slow, and unfortunately a dual core (I hate dual core). I adapt by adjusting the graphic settings (which are pretty much everything on high except for the horizon which is at normal, and have cockpit reflections turned off - you really don't need them). Unless you have an uber system (2+ GHz CPU (single core), 2 - 3 GB of ram, and the latest and greates of video cards), you're not really supposed to be operating the sim with all the settings at max. The setting adjustments are there for you to balance what you really would like to see to that which you really would care less for. And I'll tell you one thing, when you're dog fighting around up there at 15,000 - 30,000 ft, the last thing that you'll be focusing on is how well the horizon and canopy reflections are rendered, how cool the shadows look, and how many objects you can see on the ground. You're really not going to be focusing on those things with a Flanker on your tail. Now if you just want to play the sim for sightseeing, take on a solo recon mission with minimum air and ground threats and you can be able to operate the sim at a decent level with maximum graphic settings. But you won't be having any fun.


Another thing to note, the SF sims viewing distance (horizon) is a lot more farther, in much more detail than in any other sim, which is probably what will kill your FPS. Infact, running the horizon on normal still has better quality than any other sim. Sims like MSFS, cheat by reducing visually quality significantly after a certain distance. GTA 4's horizon distance is also significantly shorter than SF. So those are other factors in regards to why they seem to run better. If you reduce the horizon setting to it's minimum levels, you'll be running SF at the same level of quality as most other games, and your FPS count will sky rocket.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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The beauty of Thirdwire sims:


TK made the sim in a way that it can run on old computers and is quite future-proof. The fact that I can run this sim in my laptop with Intel internal graphics processor is a good feature. I'd rather he keep it this way than require the latest graphics cards like all the other games. In fact, I cannot play the old Enemy Engaged Comanche Hokum in my laptop despite exceeding the minimum specs. I need to load it up in my desktop with the dedicated grpahics card and the graphics are not as good as Thirdwire sims even when modded to version 1.11.


The only thing he missed is Vista compatibility but that's being fixed now. SF2 is great.


Just because you maxed out the graphics of GTA does not mean you can max out the graphics of all other games. And TK is more focused on coding the flight model algorithms correctly and researching on the planes for accuracy than optimizing graphics. And this is what most fans and simmers care about.


And you must appreciate the fact that the game is made by a small company (one-man-show?). And you are getting more game time than what you've paid for. TW sims cost a fraction of GTA and it has stayed in so many harddrives of simmers for such a long time.

Edited by jomni

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Thank you all for advice, i really appreciate it. For those who didn't understand yet i dont know much about computers, thats why i took GTA IV as for example. As for SF lagg i understand now that it's very hungry game when all is maxed and i got that clear. I have discovered that not only WoE does lagg, so do rest of the games, and even the old games like Battlefield 1942 (had some others anomaly's recently aswell). Problem must have started recently because last week games ran fine. Im taking my pc to examination/repair, gotta be hardware what's faulty. Again thanks who helped, peace!

Edited by Flegmatica

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Thank you all for advice, i really appreciate it. For those who didn't understand yet i dont know much about computers, thats why i took GTA IV as for example. As for SF lagg i understand now that it's very hungry game when all is maxed and i got that clear. I have discovered that not only WoE does lagg, so do rest of the games, and even the old games like Battlefield 1942 (had some others anomaly's recently aswell). Problem must have started recently because last week games ran fine. Im taking my pc to examination/repair, gotta be hardware what's faulty. Again thanks who helped, peace!


Good luck in your tweaking. Just putting you into proper perspective that's all.

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I don't know what version of the nvidia drivers you're using, but you might try using the latest ones or just reinstalling them.

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It was my PC fault after all. Processor overheated and that caused me these problems.

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It was my PC fault after all. Processor overheated and that caused me these problems.



Glad to hear that you found the source of your problem. Sorry to hear that your processor overheated.

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