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Cheers Olham,yours are looking better every time,keep um coming. :clapping::clapping:

Having trouble uploading this one,i've posted my problem on the help forum.....

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Red Dog and Olham...great skins!!

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Yes, looking forward! Btw i think first finnish planes was nieuports from russians empire. And those was modded to use skiis :) so do that please :)





Thank you Paarma!


(I think you will really like my next Finnish Fokker!!... A little bit 'special' and just for you!! :good: )

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You mean, like this one, Paarma?

I wonder, how Widow will get to grips with the skies? (Lol!!)


Edit: and here's a Finnish D VII with skies on. Both are from the great WINGS PALETTE site: http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww1/f/111/78/0

Edited by Olham

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Yes, looking forward! Btw i think first finnish planes was nieuports from russians empire. And those was modded to use skiis :) so do that please :)


I just paint..I can't do Gmax Im afraid :dntknw:

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Coming to a download area near you soon! :biggrin:


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You mean, like this one, Paarma?

I wonder, how Widow will get to grips with the skies? (Lol!!)


Edit: and here's a Finnish D VII with skies on. Both are from the great WINGS PALETTE site: http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww1/f/111/78/0


Yes Olham, Those look similar that i have seen. Im not sure but i think the fokkers Finnish airforce gor from Swedish airforce after the ww1. The camoflage theme looks great!


Wow! Very nice! You are fast!




Coming to a download area near you soon! :biggrin:

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Some of my latest screens:














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Brilliant Rooster!..Love the B&W EIII

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Wow, Rooster (and Paarma) - are those black Albatros skins in the sim?

What Jasta then? They look terrifying!

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Thanks Widowmaker. The black and white E.III is probably the best shot I ever took! It's definately my personal favorite so far in my "collection".


Olham: They sure are in game. The black Albatros' are the aces of Jasta 7. I was flying a Pfalz when I took that shot. The Alb with the white stag is Carl Degelows. The name of the pilot who flies the other with the white stripes has slipped my mind.



Edited by Rooster89

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Ahh, thanks Shred. Josef Jacobs' then.



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So, Jasta 7, eyh? Haven't flown there yet.

Must check, wether they are "offensive" enough for my temper - if so, I'll join them!

Thanks, all!

Edited by Olham

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Over Anxious and Over Stressed


It was getting dark, it was bitterly cold and all we wanted to do was get back to the base where we knew Cdt. Brocard would be sure to have a warm fire waiting for us. No time to think about comfort, we literally ran into 3 EIII's on patrol. This was my moment.. we'd been dancing around each other for what seemed like hours, the adrenalin was up, I finally had the advantage.




He was going into a dive, I jerked the stick to follow, I wasn't going to loose him now.. I had to stay on him..




We both screamed toward the dark river below us.. My fatal mistake, the Babe didn't like to be handled roughly and I had gone too far...

a horrible sound of tearing fabric and wood splintering and then..




I looked back in horror to see my lower wing pin wheeling after me..




The German pilot could only stare in wonderment at his luck..


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Wow - superb screenshot of your "own kill" (Lol!) Didn't know, this happened to Nupes,

too. Could you sail the plane, with engine low, then - or is that fatal?


My newest screens are about my newest skin; so here's one, were I climb to kill R.E.8s.

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Herr Olham, diese ist mein leibling entwurf von Mahlo, phantastisch. Der Flagge Deutscheland. Please pardon poor german.

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I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter. I know I did.


I even had some time this evening to work a bit on my latest paint skin for the Strutter 1 1/2. Here are a few screen shots of "L'Elephant de vol". :smile:













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Very, very nice Lou. Looks like a believeable skin to me, authentic. Is it based on reality or strictly your imagination?

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Hey, that's something different for a change - a two-seater!

May give Widow a headache - now he must even think about doing two-seaters! Lol!

But why a French name? and are you sure, it wasn't "L'Elephant volant"?

It has British concordes - why not "The Flying Elephant"?

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Olham, you are spot on Sir, correct French for "The Flying Elephant" would indeed be L'elephant volant. However, this name goes back to a discussion had around the #5 RNAS Officer's Club one evening in which someone mentioned an article he had been reading on the element of flight. Commander Albertson then joked that in the case of the large, cumbersome 2-seaters it was more an elephant of flight, at which point his comrades christened the CO's plane "The Flying Elephant". However, Nels thought it would be funnier to have the moniker actually painted on in the French vernacular and in the literal translation of "The Elephant of Flight" in reference to his original joke.


And Riketycrate, thank you Sir. I tried to give it a very authentic feel to the point of beginning with a vintage image from a French cigarette package for the elephant, which I then altered to my liking. I also took various graphic design ideas from actual Great War aircraft to help maintain that "genuine" feel. The real work was sorting out how I had to distort the design in order to have it look correct when it wrapped the 3-D model. The Strutter is not at all symmetrical in terms of how the skin wraps around it.





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Hey, that's something different for a change - a two-seater!

May give Widow a headache - now he must even think about doing two-seaters! Lol!

But why a French name? and are you sure, it wasn't "L'Elephant volant"?

It has British concordes - why not "The Flying Elephant"?



I have done a two seater

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Thanks Widowmaker. I'm considering a Harry Tate for the Aussies over in Egypt for my next 2-seater project. Nels has a distant cousin serving over there. :smile:





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