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So, Jasta 7, eyh? Haven't flown there yet.

Must check, wether they are "offensive" enough for my temper - if so, I'll join them!

Thanks, all!


Yeah Olham! You have to try jasta 7. I was suprised you havent seen all albatrosses yet?! Even you are tros fan.

Try also jasta 40 if you looking special markings :)

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I have mostly been in the same Jastas again; 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15. Not much more.

So Jasta 40, you say - I'll check; thanks.

Do we have the STROPP plane (Jasta 46, I think)? Must check that too.

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I have mostly been in the same Jastas again; 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15. Not much more.

So Jasta 40, you say - I'll check; thanks.

Do we have the STROPP plane (Jasta 46, I think)? Must check that too.


No unfortunetally if i remember right the jastas between 41-68 are not yet in the p3. Meaby more will come later. So STROPP are not yet in the game. But i can promise if we make more jastas in the future there will be all albatros dv/dva´s included with historical details.

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Great skin Lou :ok::clapping:


Keep the skins coming.


Will you be uploading it?

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Thanks Beanie. Yes, I will be uploading it soon.





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Lord Flasheart's latest 'mount' :smile: ( X-Rated version available via PM) heehee


Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Very neat Widowmaker, and apparently checks are in this year. I hear they're the new black. :biggrin:





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Hey, Widow - had they only had you in the RFC as the skins designer, back in WW1-

it would be much more fun, flying the "crumpet crates"! Lol!!

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Hey, Widow - had they only had you in the RFC as the skins designer, back in WW1-

it would be much more fun, flying the "crumpet crates"! Lol!!


They are a bit bland when compared to the Jasta's aren't they?...... It was all the rage in Britain in those days.


Pompous, stuffy old farts in charge (Bit Like Gordon Brown really...so not much has changed!)

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Lord Flasheart's latest 'mount' :smile: ( X-Rated version available via PM) heehee


I don't think that shade of green had been invented yet.... :biggrin:

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Here's some lovely shots of the front around Corcieux aroedrome.Flying for the french N73, 20.4.1916. Look Mountains at 7000ft.



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Albatros D Va "Stropp" from Jasta 46


Since a gentle pilot around here sent me a documentary from the National Air and Space Museum,

about the restauration of the Jasta 46 Albatros D Va "Stropp", I wanted to do this skin.

It may not look it, but it was so far the longest working process on a skin for me.


As the restored plane has a very light, bright plywood tone, I had to get that done first.

Then I had to get a good green painting, without covering up the structures and material from our

skinners' original work. Getting the tail stripes right, took most of the time, and I see, they are not

yet correct. I scanned the weight writing, and the "Stropp", and had to clean it before tracing.

And, and, and... as I said, a lot of work. But I'm quite happy now already!



PS: as far as I saw, little seems to be known about it's pilot. Also, there are debates, wehter the fabric on

the wings was Lozenge or Green / Mauve camouflage. Perhaps I do both versions.

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Wow! That looks awesome! Olham leave something to me too ;)



Albatros D Va "Stropp" from Jasta 46


Since a gentle pilot around here sent me a documentary from the National Air and Space Museum,

about the restauration of the Jasta 46 Albatros D Va "Stropp", I wanted to do this skin.

It may not look it, but it was so far the longest working process on a skin for me.


As the restored plane has a very light, bright plywood tone, I had to get that done first.

Then I had to get a good green painting, without covering up the structures and material from our

skinners' original work. Getting the tail stripes right, took most of the time, and I see, they are not

yet correct. I scanned the weight writing, and the "Stropp", and had to clean it before tracing.

And, and, and... as I said, a lot of work. But I'm quite happy now already!



PS: as far as I saw, little seems to be known about it's pilot. Also, there are debates, wehter the fabric on

the wings was Lozenge or Green / Mauve camouflage. Perhaps I do both versions.

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Man youre fast Olham! Weren't you just talking to me about doing this yesterday??? The employees at "Olham's Albatros Malen Geschäft" have been working overtime! Skin looks great. I like the work youve done making a lighter plywood.



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Thank you, Rooster, and Paarma

You have done so many already, Paarma - are you still hungry?

I've seen ,that you (?) had even made the blue-white Alb before,

that is now in the download section, by Deadhead.

Come to Berlin for a year, and we do them all together (Lol!!!)

Cheers; Olham

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and who says you cant try and dogfight wiht a 2 seater comeing very soon guys ai br14

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Additional info to the "Stropp" Albatros. No one seems to know, who really flew it,

and how he died; as the plane fell into Allied hands intakt.

Also, the name "Stropp" confuses people.

But it has two meanings (if it was not the name of the pilot):



Ein Stropp (von ursprünglich Strupf = „Knoten, Schlinge“, verwandt: Strippe) bezeichnet

seemännisch ein kurzes Stück Tauwerk mit Augen oder Haken an meist beiden Enden.

Stropps dienen unter anderem zum Befestigen von Segeln an Bootsbeschlägen oder an

anderen Teilen der Takelage, zum Fixieren oder Verbinden von Gegenständen an oder

unter Deck oder als Schlinge um Stückgut, das per Kran verladen werden soll.

Je nach Anforderung werden Stropps dabei aus Faser- oder Drahttauwerk gefertigt und

die Augenden gespleißt oder, bei Drahttauwerk, industriell gepresst.


Mit Gummistropps werden Segel auf Booten und Yachten nach dem Gebrauch festgezurrt,

damit sich der Wind nicht in ihnen fängt und sie ausweht.


Früher gehörte das sogenannte „Stropp-Spiel“ zu den beliebten Freizeitbeschäftigungen

der Matrosen auf See. Dabei nahmen zwei Matrosen je ein Ende der Stropp hinter den Nacken,

gewonnen hatte, wer den anderen damit über ein aufgezeichnete Markierungslinie ziehen konnte.


Im Rheinland wird ein kleiner Junge mundartlich als Stropp bezeichnet.


Can't translate it all, but it is

1. a salilor's bend

2. in the Rhineland area: a little boy

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Some of my personal favourites...

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Olham, your "Stropp" Alb looks fantastic Sir! I look forward to loading it up and flying it about in the OFF skies.


And as I mentioned in a recent post, I began work on my next skin as well, and it is an historically accurate one this time. Here is a teaser of the project so far; Bristol F2b #D8084 of the 139 Squadron, RAF:




I still have the top wing white and black longitudinal stripes to do as well as some final adjustments, but it is getting close, and I will post it for downloading when it is completed.





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Those shots are outstanding Jimko! They would make beautiful screensavers.





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Those shots are outstanding Jimko! They would make beautiful screensavers.






Thanks Lou,


They are some of my screensavers... :wink:

Edited by Jimko

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I've got one of jimko's "Dawn patrol" serries as my desktop. Really top notch shots jim! :clapping:

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Hey Stump!?..A Breguet 14?...Nice one m8!!..bring it on!

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So, you're really into it now, Lou? Great (but like a drug - can't stopp. Disregard work, washing up, etc.)

Well, you know that now, don't you?


Atmospheric shots, Jimko!

Edited by Olham

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