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So, how exactly does one go about posting images here? Without some place to upload them already online?


Just below the box where you write your reply, you will see Attachments, with two buttons in white, one saying Browse. Click on that, select the source of the photo that you want to upload, then click on Attach This File (blue button just below). Then hit Add Reply.



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Ras..That's ok m8..it will take a while to finish the weathering anyway (ps...can you PM your email address please?)


Olham... It has twin Machine guns this one!...and although she has a few bullet holes in the screenshot, I sent three Alb's down in flames!..So be warned!!! :grin:


ZoomZoom...when you go to post, there is an option called 'Use Full Editor' at the bottom of the type box...hit that, and it will become obvious to you m8 :drinks:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Wow, thanks for the attempted help guys, but its still a no go. There is no "Use full Editor" at the bottom of my type box.


And when I try an attachment anyway, this is what I get: Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file.


Maybe its cause they are still bmp's? and i need to convert them to JPEGS?


Let me give that a try.



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one more....YAY I'm not stupid anymore. Thanks for the assitance guys.




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cool shots!..I'm afraid there are way too many Allied Aircraft being shot down in the Screenshot thread!..I shall need to address this balance shortly!!

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cool shots!..I'm afraid there are way too many Allied Aircraft being shot down in the Screenshot thread!..I shall need to address this balance shortly!!


Yeah, do like me and post shots of Fees killing Ablatri drinks.gif

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WM: I'm afraid there are way too many Allied Aircraft being shot down in the Screenshot thread!..I shall need to address this balance shortly!!


Might be a problem, as long as I'm posting my sorties. (Oops - I drank from the same glas as René Fonck. Hope it won't be too bad?)


Bullethead, better beware! Don't run into my flight one day - I train my men on Fees!

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Geesh Olham....you are like my long lost "Brother from another Mother". I was just getting into the historical biography of Rene Fonck over the past two days. I reaaallly like his style.....he just could've used a good dose of humility and personability apparently. Even so, you can't argue with his success record!good.gif





Ps...if you are interested in any of these pics for your article, you are welcome. I'm afraid the resolution may not be the quality you are seeking though.

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cool shots!..I'm afraid there are way too many Allied Aircraft being shot down in the Screenshot thread!..I shall need to address this balance shortly!!



I'll help out Widowmaker...soon as I can. And my email address is on its way. Ras

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Having only posted a few screenshots, I have a long way to make some real nice ones. But wanted to show off this great looking Tripe for now.

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Good Screenies Ras..... Nice to see a German getting it for once!..let's have some more! :drinks:

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Seems there's been a call to action from the "higher ups". The brass wants a certain suasage brought down and the loss of some kraut kites into the pot would be in order. Our losses in the air have been heavey as of late and some desk jockey of self import is due to arrive tomorrow, perhaps to pin a prize on a poor boy that's recently pissed himself. I'm to lead "B" flight again. The crates are rolled out and fired up and we leave the field at St.-Pol-sur-Mer in the lovely early morning. A. Fry and Ben Amherst are along for this jaunt, good lads. We follow the coast to the east-nor-east when just prior to changing course to head south, near the front, we are jumped by half a dozen of the hated hun. 'Round we go, here's a bit for you flippin' bird. Crikey and bloody hell my neck can hardly take the strain of getting a fix on their positions. Here's one, "good morning" I says with me gun. Knock, knock on your bloody noggin' I hope. Good for 'im the filthy bastard he's in the drink and but good. Taking a good look now I see Ben bring down another in flames. There's a smoke plume to the west not far off. Perhaps the remaining hun are harassing "A" flight. Well on with our date with the Drachen. There's a plane ahead flying low, one of ours, he joins up in our formation. In short order the target is sighted and bloody hell don't you know three Albatros DII's are not amused by our intentions and drop toward us as we dive toward our target. Damn and drat! Missed the plump gasbag on the first pass. I had hoped for a quick flamer and a mad dash for our side. Now I have to circle back and not only try for it again but face the enemy airplanes intent on my demise. I give her some lead as I missed with my last rocket, unreliable childs plaything I say. As I turn about I see the balloon has met it's firey fate by some act of God perhaps but now we have to deal with the angry hun hornets as well as the ground fire. I got a few rounds into one but one of his dark brethren bounced me from behind and took my engine out of commission. Too low to try for our lines. Nothing for it but to bring her down. Two days later I'm back in camp getting that arse chewing I expected for my troubles. You can't win.











Edited by Rickitycrate
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That was a nice "splash" and "burn" on the enenmy, Rickity. Now there will be no flying for most of us in Minnesota this afternoon, will there? GO TWINS! clapping.gif

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OOOps. Maybe I should let you guys in on a secret. Albitri, with thier sleek torpedo like fuselages, double as submarines. So what you are witnessing here is a classic evasion maneuver. He'll show up at the nearest dock in a few hours and be back to fight again tomorrow! grin.gif




Keep trying though, yer getting closer.

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Yes Ras our boys will be doing battle today. I'm excited to say the least. It all comes down to this one extra game and then it's those damn Yankee's. Last night was pretty exciting too.


ZZ, I saw what you are talking about on the History channel. They were call USO's, unidentified submersable objects, only now you let the Katze out of the bag.

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Rickitycrate, nice screenies, and it looks like you're getting set mentally for the weekend. You, Ras, and the rest of us who call the land of 10,000 taxes home are in for some of that white stuff on Saturday, at least according the the W-Man.







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Lou: You, Ras, and the rest of us who call the land of 10,000 taxes home are in for some of that white stuff on Saturday.


Really? Snow over there in Minnesota? Already, in October?

By the way - I thought the land of the 10.000 taxes was Germany. No, I'm sure it is!

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Lou: You, Ras, and the rest of us who call the land of 10,000 taxes home are in for some of that white stuff on Saturday.


Really? Snow over there in Minnesota? Already, in October?

By the way - I thought the land of the 10.000 taxes was Germany. No, I'm sure it is!



Looks like we better get the skis on the planes, fellas lol.gif

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No need to - remember, you fly over Flanders.

Europe much benefits from the golf stream, here we have autumn now, like Indian summer.

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Sgt Dun Runing's first mission .

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No need to - remember, you fly over Flanders.

Europe much benefits from the golf stream, here we have autumn now, like Indian summer.



You might get the Gulf Stream in Germany my friend...but we get the Pi$$ stream here in Blighty!!! :this:

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Wow, Red Dog, you must be the first to begin a campaign with the Bristol Scout.

Please report, how itm goes.


My, Widowmaker, what dark clouds crawled over your mind?

For me, you belong to Europe too (although youinsist to drive on the wrong side),

and I know from visits to your south-west, that there really grow palm trees.

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Good looking Red Dog Squadron.


I think Minnesnowda benefits from the Gulf of Siberia.

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