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Who took my Top Wing??? :dntknw:


Not sure how this happened

I was in a scrap with Alb DIII's when I was decapitated

She flew OK til I tried to pull out for the landing and slid/rolled to Port


But reunification with earth was horizontal ...and he lived! :heat:

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Nice save Druce! Hate it when the top or bottom wings go AWOL during a flight.



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You are one of the aviators who changed it for good in the last seconds - and lived.

Great shots, Duce, and great landing!

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Questions to HELLSHADE:


Just uploaded a video to YouTube, and they made pixelcrapp of it, so:


- how can I delete a video from YouTube

- how do I get such a good quality as you videos show


Your tips would be highly appreciated, Hellshade - your videos are great!

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Questions to HELLSHADE:


Just uploaded a video to YouTube, and they made pixelcrapp of it, so:


- how can I delete a video from YouTube

- how do I get such a good quality as you videos show


Your tips would be highly appreciated, Hellshade - your videos are great!


To delete a video from Youtube, you must be signed in to youtube under your account name. Then under your login name on the upper right hand side of the screen, click the down arrow button and select "My Videos". The page will change to display all of the videos you have uploaded from most recent to longest ago. On the lower right hand side of the page of each video you will see the Delete button.


As to how to get good quality videos, I consider that a constant work in progress. But I will give you the settings that I am using and you will need to adjust them up or down depending on your specific hardware of course. My settings are as follows:


Nvidia Control Panel

Anistropic filter = 8X

AA Gamma Correction = ON

AA Mode = Override Any Application

AA Setting = 16xQ <--- You can actually turn this off completely and the video will still look ok because the FRAPS software is going to reduce the video screen size by 1/2 and get rid of most jaggies anyways. Try it both ways.

AA Transparency = Off

Extension Limit = On

Max Pre-rendered Frames = 5

Texture Filtering Quality = Quality

Texture Filtering Anistropic Sample Optimization = On

Texture Filtering Negative LOD Bias = CLAMP

Trilinear Optimization = On

Triple Buffering = On

Vertical Sync = Force On


OFF BH&H Slider settings

Aircraft = 5

Terrain = 4

Scenery = 3

Effects = 5

Clouds = 4/5 depending on if you want enemy AI to see through the clouds


Resolution setting in CFS3 Config

1680 x 1050 no AA


FRAPS settings

60 FPS record rate

Half size


Windows Live Movie Maker



For FRAPS, you will need the registered version in order to be able to record more than 30 seconds. If you have the latest registered version (3.2.2) it will record up to 3.9GB worth of data and then immediately start another video (without you having to re-push the record button) which you can then simply add together in the Windows Live Movie Maker. You generally will not even see a single frame skip when you do this. It does a great job.


The Process

Once you've flow the mission and recorded what you wished, exit OFF, load up Windows Live Movie Maker and put together your video with any title screens, text overlaps and credits, etc. When you are ready to publish it, select the "Home" tab and on the right hand side of the menu you will see "Sharing". Don't select the Youtube option. You'll get crappy results because it will publish it in a 360 quality format which is very poor quality. Select the icon that looks like a TV screen and says High Definition (1080P) when you highlight it. There are two other video screen icons for recording at 720P and 480 but obviously you won't get as good of quality by using them. The video will be saved to your local hard drive. Now we need to get it uploaded to youtube. The file size of your final video, by the way, is going to be drastically reduced down from the 3.9GB raw video clip that FRAPS recorded to somewhere between 100 - 450MBs. You will notice a loss of quality but not nearly as bad as if you published it in the default 360 quality format of youtube.


Once you save your video and give it a name it's time to head to your personal Youtube web page again. Select upload video and browse to the video you just recorded from Windows Movie Maker Live. Upload it and put it your title, comments, etc. This can take awhile to upload, even if you have a good connection speed. Some of my videos took nearly 2 hours to upload even with a 5Mbps connection. Youtube is just slow that way.


Once you have it uploaded, it's not immediately viewable in HD mode. In fact it looks like crap. Youtube will give you a message when you try to play it saying that the video is still being processed and the picture will likely improve when it's done. You don't have to do anything except wait for youtube to get done processing the video. You don't even need to be logged into the page while it does this, which is good because they take a long time to process the videos into HD format. Sometimes 2 - 3 hours. You will know that they are done processing it when you go to your youtube videos page and the "HD" now appears after the name of the video. It still is not going to look nearly as crisp and clear as the video you recorded directly from FRAPS but it will look better than a non-HD youtube video.


That's pretty much the process I use. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask. I'd love to see your work sir.


And thank you for the compliment on my videos. It is a lot of work but, for myself at least, I find the results to be very satisfying. OBD has crafted such a beautiful WWI flight simulator but they have no way to offer a Demo to people to try it. I hope maybe if people see the videos of in game action they will see what they are missing and decide it's worth far more than the price of admission.



Edited by Hellshade

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Thanks a lot, Hellshade! I only have Windows Moviemaker - without "Live" in there.

I'll try to get it right with that. If it should be crappy, I'll dowload the "Live" version.

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Thanks Guys,


Hellshade, I have to say losing the top wing is definately preferable to losing 1 or both lower ones

Se5 having ailerons on the bottom helped

But looking at the pictures, I'm not sure they're evn functional


Olham, Calling it a landing is certainly generous

Unless you're applying the "Any landing you can walk away from..." rule :biggrin:

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Hellshade: Thanks again, your imforamation is really appreciated. And yes, your videos are getting to be noticed.. I've posted several on some of the other forums and they are making others aware of how fine OFF has become.. and how fun with your great text addons.. Love it :salute:

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My Jasta 7 flight came across a huge furball and decided to help shift the odds in favor of the Kaiser. Spad XIIIs, Sopwith Camels, Fokker DVIIs and Albatross DVas all mix it up in this one! Plus, I do a little strafing of British troops who are advancing while under artillery barrage afterwards. I had to split it up into two videos because youtube only allows videos a maximum of 10 minutes. I left the TAC up and labels on, even though they are a bit of an immersion killer, so that people could see how many planes were in the sky at one time. At the start of the fight, I counted at least 38 aircraft blips on my "radar". Man I love this flight sim!


Hellshades Campaign Video #10 - Part 1 of 2 (7:46) HD


Hellshades Campaign Video #10 Part 2 of 2 (7:25) HD




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Cracking Video Hellshade!...that first Spad was downed with so few Bullets...I'm hoping I never meet you in the Air!!! :drinks:

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What an epic battle indeed, Hellshade!

Can you make one without Labels and TAC on, so it looks more like reality ?

That would be even more thrilling, cause the spectator would not know friend from foe

and sit and sweat with the pilot.

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He's either very, very brave, or very, very foolish!........................................foolish!

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Yeah, Jasta 6 gives the Crumpets Hell! Good you fly again, CJ !

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What an epic battle indeed, Hellshade!

Can you make one without Labels and TAC on, so it looks more like reality ?

That would be even more thrilling, cause the spectator would not know friend from foe

and sit and sweat with the pilot.


I agree it is more thrilling without the TAC and labels. The only reason I turned them on for this campaign video is because there were questions over previous videos I did with some people saying that Over Flanders Fields can't have 40 planes in the sky except in Quick Missions 20 v 20 mode. The TAC proves at least 38 aircraft in the sky of 4 different types (Spad XIIIs, Sopwith Camels, Fokker DVIIs and Alb DVas) at various altitudes which can't be done in any of the Quick Missions. It's a video rebuttal proving the campaign capabilities of Over Flanders Fields: Between Heaven and Hell. They can post what they want, but the video speaks for itself.


As for your request for an epic battle without the TAC and labels on - Jasta 7 flew again a few days later in very stormy skies. I am uploading the video now and I'll post it once it finishes processing into HD mode on youtube.



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Jasta 7 on Patrol behind friendly lines - 24 July 1918 - in stormcloud filled skies. My squadron members spot the Crumpets hiding amongst the clouds and roll in to attack.


Hellshades Campaign Video #11 (7:59) HD




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Hellshade, Not sure how much it is realized how much time and effort goes into making of these videos. I had done some for FSX flight sim in th e past and just once again downloaded Win movie Maker and the trail version of Fraps. It takes so much time to put one of these together, I just wanted to let you know how much it is appreciated. I played around with it today and made multiple movie clips and was not satisfied with what I had done. So I have to hand it to you for providing these. Maybe when I have some more time, i will be able to post one. Once again, Congratulations on a fine job

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I agree it is more thrilling without the TAC and labels. The only reason I turned them on for this campaign video is because there were questions over previous videos I did with some people saying that Over Flanders Fields can't have 40 planes in the sky except in Quick Missions 20 v 20 mode. The TAC proves at least 38 aircraft in the sky of 4 different types (Spad XIIIs, Sopwith Camels, Fokker DVIIs and Alb DVas) at various altitudes which can't be done in any of the Quick Missions. It's a video rebuttal proving the campaign capabilities of Over Flanders Fields: Between Heaven and Hell. They can post what they want, but the video speaks for itself.


As for your request for an epic battle without the TAC and labels on - Jasta 7 flew again a few days later in very stormy skies. I am uploading the video now and I'll post it once it finishes processing into HD mode on youtube.




You just proved what we have been all saying, that OFF can generate these epic, historical air battles,, that was just amazing!

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Wow! That's what I meant, Hellshade - a great fight with no sim aids on, as it would have looked back then!

Your flying is pretty cool, and your aiming and hitting even more.

You show OFF in your last videos with it's enormous capacity and richness of scenery and aircraft.

And I'm sure your YouTube videos will surely attract many more WW1 air combat sim enthusiasts.

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Thank you very much for your compliments gentleman. They are greatly appreciated. That is my goal, Olham. I'm trying to get people who are interested in a good WWI flight sim to take a serious look at all that OFF: BH&H and HitR has to offer, especially in terms of the scope of the dynamic campaign as well as how great a job it does of immersing you in the feeling of being in a war instead of flying in a "fishbowl". It is definately time consuming work as Ras says. Trying to get all the settings right, good TrackIR camera work and still fly an exciting mission that I will hopefully live through!


Here is a fairly short Campaign video, but I think the flying makes it pretty thrilling and the narrative does a good job of bringing the experience to life.


Hellshade Campaign Video #12 (3:15) HD




Edited by Hellshade

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After some tips from Hellshade (thanks, m8!) I had to try a video here too.


My choice was a fight between 3 Albatros D.Va and 3 F2b Bristol Fighters.

I chose advantage for the Brisfits to make it a bit thrilling. Hope you like it!


(Still got to find a way to get rid of jaggies).


Please watch the end title 'till the end. Thank you!


Edited by Olham

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Fantastic job Olham! It's hard to fly and keep the TrackIR view steady on the enemy airplanes, isn't it? But you seem to have that down very well. I really liked the slow motion effects too. I might have to borrow that trick sometime if you don't mind. I think it added alot to it. Keep em coming bud. I'd like to see more! Oh and I saw you got the first plane smoking pretty quickly. Nice shooting. No wonder the Allies fear you.



Edited by Hellshade

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Nice one, Olham, especially for a early film attempt!

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Nice video, Olham. And while I am on a trip right now (fishing Widowmaker!) I'll return and try my hand at this video making also

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Sometimes a mission doesn't work out to be a good video, but maybe one or two really cool things happened before it got screwed up. Well folks I have been saving clips and last night I pasted together a collage of some of the more intense footage from my time spent flying Over Flanders Fields. Flying different planes in different battles, both Quick Combat and Campaign Missions, this is a collection of what I call "Lucky Shots, Stunning Kills & Amazing Escapes". I hope you have as much fun watching them as I had the thrill of flying them.


Hellshades Greatest Hits #1 (7:25) HD



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nice vid olham :good: ,

btw. do you always fly with the blue text thingy on, when hitting the opponent?

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