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Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

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What you said 'exactly'. Sorry, if I came on too strong... What I meant was the real deal is not the type of person to go showing off that type of stuff, when it comes to something serious like an MOH. Anyways, you be right on that, I just hadn;t had my coffie yet (or enough of it). TO CHIEF- lookin' sharp man! Oorah!

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I hope he does! Put me in that briar patch; I would be one happy man!


I will never understand why retired military cannot be members of the reserves. Even if the pay was reduced, I would join, if allowed.


Think about it. So much talent not being used.


Navy Chief

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Cretin said;

They just don't want you to make Admiral, Chief.


Obviously Cretin doesn't understand, ALL Cheifs are GOD!

And we Petty Officers are their evil minions :D


Oh yeah,heres my last re-enlistment pic.

I'm the young guy in blue :P

God I miss thse days.

Edited by firehawkordy

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Chief Your lookin sharp... for a Squid :D


(Navy\Marine thing for those who maynot know)



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1,113 replies to this thread, and still nothing from Fast Eagle himself.


His silence alone says volumes, doesn't it?


Go Navy. Launch'em.


Navy Chief

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1,113 replies to this thread, and still nothing from Fast Eagle himself.


His silence alone says volumes, doesn't it?


Go Navy.  Launch'em.


Navy Chief

lol, thats 1113 views, not replys. only 62 of those ;)


But I agree with you, FE needs to get on here and post his defense...

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Yep, I realized just after I selected the "Add Reply" button that I meant to say "Views", not "Replies"; but it was too late. Oops.


But it was not a mistake, however. CPOs don't make mistakes. We simply make oversights. Heh, heh, heh......



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Well FE we are all waiting, I do not like it that I fell for your BS about the reasons for retirement.I at one point felt sympathetic for you,however,had I read your reasons more carefuly I would have seen through you. MY BUST.Before you pull this again and you will,try being a man and really joining the armed forces.

WE are calling you out FE, be a man about it and present your credentials or give your appology. :angry::angry::angry:

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MJ, I know you can check when the last time someone was on the site... IP wise. Just wondering if FE's been on during the time of this thread.


I dont know if you can only see the IP's of members or all (guests too), but if you could check, it would show us that either he is completely avoiding biohaz due to the emails, and various messages, or he is still coming here and refusing to post.

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Man, this thread has generated a huge amount of replies...


I'm going to go ahead and lock it, as Fast Eagle has never replied to me either here or via email, and I've banned his account. Since he can no longer defend himself, I think it's only right that I lock it.


If you guys want to continue any other parts of this discussion in another thread then by all means start up another thread, but let's leave FE out of the discussion. The whole incentive-ride procedure discussion has been very interesting, I would love to hear more about it. So I'm going to split those posts into a new topic

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