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Yankee Air Pirates - To Buy Or Not To Buy

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I've been mulling over whether to get Yankee Air Pirate but have been wanting to ask questions that I can't find the answers to on the YAP site;


1. Is the playability level the same as WOV? By playability I mean is it more complex to operate


2. Is there a bigger hit on the FPS when compared to WOV?


3. Is it overall more a enjoyable experience?

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1. Better


2. Depends on your system


3. I think it is.

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Two replies - two positive ones. Sounds promising :yes:

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1. Very different - more challenging in most missions - new things to learn


3. imo is very good

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Absolutely a must-have. Consider the time and talent that went into creating all of the missions, target objects, environmental adds, new aircraft, effects, etc. by people who were there, if you are a flight simmer with a historical perspective, get it.


Considering the cost of the mission sets is about the same as a dinner meal at the diner here where I eat, how could one refuse buying into it? I see MS Flight Simulator single aircraft that cost more than the initial purchase price of the entire base YAP2 setup (and no one bats an eyelash at that).


I've said it more times than I can recount now - the YAP project is what I would have created myself if I had the talent and time and contacts. And I still have no affiliation with the project - I just think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread!


Mike D.

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Absolutely a must-have. Consider the time and talent that went into creating all of the missions, target objects, environmental adds, new aircraft, effects, etc. by people who were there, if you are a flight simmer with a historical perspective, get it.


Considering the cost of the mission sets is about the same as a dinner meal at the diner here where I eat, how could one refuse buying into it? I see MS Flight Simulator single aircraft that cost more than the initial purchase price of the entire base YAP2 setup (and no one bats an eyelash at that).


I've said it more times than I can recount now - the YAP project is what I would have created myself if I had the talent and time and contacts. And I still have no affiliation with the project - I just think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread!


Mike D.



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#1 priority purchase in exactly 2 weeks. :biggrin:


Can't wait!



You wont regret it.... :wink:

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1. Better


2. Depends on your system


3. I think it is.


I vote with Dave on this. My opinons pretty much match his.


I would expand a bit and say that to have an opportunity to fly some real missions as translated by the YAP team from the real flyers during a difficult war is dear to me. I flew with some of these guys and each driver that pitched in a mission from his "pirate" days** is high on my hero totum pole. It is a small tribute to each to go fly the missions they flew and see what it was like. Full credit and respect to the YAP crew for a product, to me, that is worth twice what I paid for it.


** days when you were young, firm, virile, 10 feet tall, bulletproof, hostile, mobile, and agile. All that is left these days is the "Arrrrgh" when you shoot a straight shot of Pyrate Rum.

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I suppose it's a bit like watching your favourite game on TV or going to the stadium.


With YAP there is an atmosphere, it really is that good.


If you are into Vietnam it is a must have.

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I think I've been well and truly sold on this issue, guys. I finished reading 'When Thunder Rolled' by Ed Rasimus last week, and I'm about 90 pages into his second offering 'Palace Cobra'. I hadn't played WOV in a LONG LONG time and after reading through these books I think I've got a case of the WOV munchies coming on .............. :yes:

$24.99 - a good bargain judging by the screenshots on the website. As soon as I get some money on my card I'll be burning it on to my hard drive

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YAP2 kicks A** worth every penny and then some.



Yes running the full on "Real" environment pack will hit frame rates hard, but there are 2 other packs to choose from if that is an issue on your rig.

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For me the carriers alone are worth the price of admission and all of the little goodies that the Yap crew has tossed in for good measure.







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