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Captain freed?

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Captain freed, brilliant news in itself, 3 of 4 pirates killed makes for a truly satisfying result. Justice has been served. Arghh

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I see they have a 4th one in custody. Too bad Guantanamo is closing.

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From the BBC



US captain released from pirates

breaking news


The captain of a US container ship taken hostage by Somali pirates has been released, the US Navy has said.


According to initial reports, three pirates were killed in the operation to free Captain Richard Phillips. Another is in custody.


Capt Phillips is said to be unhurt and on the USS Bainbridge, a warship sent to track the pirates holding him.


He was taken hostage last Wednesday after pirates briefly hijacked his ship, the Maersk Alabama.


Media reports say Capt Phillips' family was informed of his release several hours ago.


Somali elders had been trying to resolve the standoff but most recent reports suggested the talks had stalled.

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Guest 531_Ghost

All your pirates belong to us. ARRRRRGH!

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****in A bubba!!!


How's that for the fine art of diplomacy!



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Way to go, Navy! I'm saddened by the loss of life................................should have been more than 3 dead.

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I'm saddened by the loss of life................................should have been more than 3 dead.



:shok: That seems blood thirst, man


BTW Good to see that things went OK this time for Blue Side

Edited by macelena

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This is wonderful news, i was afraid the pirates would manage to get the Captain ashore and we would never see him again.


A big <S> to the Navy and the Captain!

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These are pirates. They have nothing to lose so you kill all of them and send a message for the next bunch.

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Good job Navy! That is how diplomacy should be done.

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Brilliant news!


I wonder if it's too late to get the movie rights to this story? George Clooney as Captain Philips anyone?


"George Clooney "


God no!the Captain is a hero Cloony is as far from one as you can get.I'd say Bruce Willis.It's ashame the Captain wasn't a little older R. Lee Ermey would be a cool choice.

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These are pirates. They have nothing to lose so you kill all of them and send a message for the next bunch.

You can't interrogate a corpse.

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No need for interrogation. The guys holding the guns on the ships are the pirates. The corporations that own the ships disallow the crew to be armed for insurance reasons.

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No need for interrogation. The guys holding the guns on the ships are the pirates. The corporations that own the ships disallow the crew to be armed for insurance reasons.

Let me guess, you've never bothered to get indepth info on your enemy before going out to engage them?

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For what reason?


This isn't an insurgent fight where you need boots on the ground.


There isn't an organization behind this, just tribes and miscellanous groups. There is no 'head' to kill or capture.


We aren't going out to look for targets. What we are doing is protecting US shipping.


My opinion is we should set up a 'sting' where what appears to be an unarmed merchantman is in fact full of spec ops personel and weapons. First time mister pirate decides to try something, he ends up at the bottom.


Have that happen a few times and let the word spread. Your fat target may be full of dragon's teeth.



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Where do they tend to congregate?, what are their favorite anchorages?, who are the notable players? what tribes are most into it? what is the dominant clan?, who are their allies ?, who are their enemies?, what operational routines? what is their most predictible trait?, how is the ransom processed,who processes the ransom?, where does the money end up?,who has the most money? ETC,etc,etc,etc.


Those i came up with off the top of my head. You can imagine what else needs to be known before conducting certain operations.


I've known and known of street level hitters that accumulated more info and carried out more successful strikes on their targets than our Government demands of their operators.


If you intend to drop bodies, you better know who and what you are dealing with.

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Where do they tend to congregate?, what are their favorite anchorages?, who are the notable players? what tribes are most into it? what is the dominant clan?, who are their allies ?, who are their enemies?, what operational routines? what is their most predictible trait?, how is the ransom processed,who processes the ransom?, where does the money end up?,who has the most money? ETC,etc,etc,etc.


Those i came up with off the top of my head. You can imagine what else needs to be known before conducting certain operations.


I've known and known of street level hitters that accumulated more info and carried out more successful strikes on their targets than our Government demands of their operators.


If you intend to drop bodies, you better know who and what you are dealing with.



I think we already have all of that info. The problem is not what we do or do not know about the various pirate groups, the problem is that they hold several hundred hostages that they will kill if we hit them where they live.


but I agree that taking the one guy prisoner and taking him home for a very, very long stay in a federal supermax lockup after the appropriate trial has a lot to be said for it.


granted the fact that provides an incentive for more hostage taking for trade. But then, everyone and their second cousin in that area of the world is trying to snag Americans so what's new?


I think at a more fundamental level, if the other pirates see that we will let someone surrender, they may be more likely to surrender in a similar future situation.


hard to say.


but I am not one for the "take no prisoners" ROE, rather that we get them and, as you point out, gain some intel of whatever value even if its only putting some doubt in the minds of the others about what the prisoner might have said.........

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You can imagine what else needs to be known before conducting certain operations.

The SEALs had that figured out when they showed up on scene. The guys pointing the AK's at the dude who looked exactly like the captain were the bad men. I saw a story on the news tonite and the news interviewed a SEAL and he said the exact same thing I did. He said that in certain instances violence solves everything, this being one of them. He said there was no reason to negotiate and all that these people can understand is a bullet. This coming from a guy who has been operational in that part of the world just recently. The fact of the matter is that there are just some people in this world that need killing. It's not nice, it's not pretty nor does it make a lot of people feel good inside. But it's what needs to be done.

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I got to agree with Rug, start killing pirates by the bushel, no one will want to be a pirate anymore.

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This is what happens when people pay their ransoms...you get more pirates, not less.

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