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Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam is Released!

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I always adjust the target values in the terrain folder in the file called "map name"_TYPES...it is usally the line marked "TargetValue="...set this to zero and it will not be a problem. Only way I found to finally eliminate that damnevilcommbuilding.




So says Sparko, member with -999,084 posts :blink:


Thanks for the tip

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You need the latest direct X update, i think novembers will do it but i think there was one in march too.


Thanks for your response Hokum! :good: I'll try downloading it from microsoft

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IF for some reason just like me you do prefer the default effects, but hate the yellow explosions, here's and alternative Explosion1.tga replacement I did yesterday, check picture




here's the file, extract to your FLIGHT folder (ie. X:\Documents and Settings\...\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\Flight\)



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IF for some reason just like me you do prefer the default effects, but hate the yellow explosions, here's and alternative Explosion1.tga replacement I did yesterday, check picture


here's the file, extract to your FLIGHT folder (ie. X:\Documents and Settings\...\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\Flight\)


You speak my language, CA. Good work mate. :good:

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I have received Many PM's regarding YAP Products compatibility with SF2Vietnam.


Please don't take this as a Mean spirited Post.


But in those regards, All I can say is it works. It is a Support issue for the YAP Team and their Product. I Myself, are in no way connected with YAP. I don't get compensated for fixing their Product. I must reffer You to their Support for Information in regards to this Issue. That's what You pay for when You buy the Product. Is their Support.


Thou I have no Problems in answering problems in regards to SF2V. I can not be of any assistence for the YAP line of Products for the Reasons I just stated. It's not that I can't or refuse to. I won't.


Please understand My position. It's in no way ment to be Mean- Sprited. But I'm dedicated to supporting the "Freeware Community" here. It's My Hobby, Not My Job.


Thank You.



Edited by 331Killerbee

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I'm sure zeroazzhole will be happy to field all of your YAP technical questions with his usual high standard of customer service and civility. :biggrin:

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Until there is a major revamp of terrain, I am still holding off on the "new" series.


I hate to be a nay-sayer, but ground that looks little better than EAW released over a decade ago just no longer cuts it.


Have you seen the terrain on that arcade thingie "HAWX?" There is a big gulf that exists between the two, both released this year...

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Anyone bring TMF Crusaders into this one or SF2? I like the vis from the stock F-8 pit a little better, but I do loves me my TMF 'Saders.


I figured out the decal thing, but one little glitch remains. The position/nav lights all appear as white, instead of green and red. Not sure where to go on that one. Any ideas?

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Until there is a major revamp of terrain, I am still holding off on the "new" series.


I hate to be a nay-sayer, but ground that looks little better than EAW released over a decade ago just no longer cuts it.


Have you seen the terrain on that arcade thingie "HAWX?" There is a big gulf that exists between the two, both released this year...


I am NOT impressed by the terrain in HAWX. Seems video to me, not 3D. You're right TK sim terrain isn't exactly fancy to say the least, but shadows are very good and there are some very nice detailed cockpits!

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Anyone bring TMF Crusaders into this one or SF2? I like the vis from the stock F-8 pit a little better, but I do loves me my TMF 'Saders.


I figured out the decal thing, but one little glitch remains. The position/nav lights all appear as white, instead of green and red. Not sure where to go on that one. Any ideas?


I did this and it works well except for the cockpit swap. It appears your view point in the default WoV2 'pit is different than TMF's Crusader views so your Sidewinders look funny if you look over your shoulder and the refueling probe is a ghost image except for the very tip of it. Also, if you open your canopy it doesn't open in the cockpit view (maybe a default aircraft canopy mod would fix this?). Hard to explain but try it out and you'll see. If anyone has a fix for adding the new default Crusader 'pits to TMF Crusaders and sorting it all out it would be great if you could post it.


I don't ever seem to fly night missions or turn on my NAV lights so I don't know about that issue.



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Seems video to me, not 3D.

Nah, they simply stretched high-res sattelite photos on the terrain, made building blocks, some more detailed landmarks and tons of shaders and blooming to smooth everything. Basically same thing as TK's terrain only done with more funding.

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Nah, they simply stretched high-res sattelite photos on the terrain, made building blocks, some more detailed landmarks and tons of shaders and blooming to smooth everything. Basically same thing as TK's terrain only done with more funding.


Very true. Also i might add that TK's Sim is Open-Source. It's Moddable. There's a couple of reasons the Developer might make the Terrain as it is. One would be to keep the Size of the Install down. Terrains take up alot of Resources. Two, Give the ability to Modders a Terrain to create in. This Area of the Sim is up to the Third-Parties. The Developer has given a Canvess for all to create in.........Something most other Sims lack.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Yeah that's all OK but one can make just as much as limitations allow him. The current tile system simply does not allow highly detailed terrain, it simply won't let me.

I've spent nearly 6 last months trying to figure out how to improve the overall terrain detail - it's simply not possible. The best thing I can do is make nice sharp 1024x1024 textures and even then I don't know how would that effect people that don't have as much memory as I do(4GB system+512MB gfx).

And even like that it's not exactly what I had in mind.

What I really dream about for SF is IL-2 terrain system, what can be done there and especially how much easier can it be done is going in the science fiction zone comparing to SF series...

On a brighter note there might be raining new tiles when I come around finishing all the things I experimented with lol ;)

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On a brighter note there might be raining new tiles when I come around finishing all the things I experimented with lol ;)


Can't wait :clapping:


Speaking of tiles, there's another problem -standard ~120 tiles in 1024x1024 res takes a lot of MBs, without really improving the look that much

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Yeah I did make something(not complete test), but I could use another eye for it. The thing is it looks MUCH better than my old work on the same thing..I'm just not sure if that's because of the overall better texture I made it from or does higher resolution play a role there too...



Sorry for slight OT everyone...

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Can't wait :clapping:


Speaking of tiles, there's another problem -standard ~120 tiles in 1024x1024 res takes a lot of MBs, without really improving the look that much

OK, guys, I finally downloaded the Catpak and it has an EXE in the RAR file and no instructions. Any help out there. I attempted to use the cursory instructions that pop up in the command window when I fire the EXE but, following those directions, I keep getting the error message "File not a proper CAT file." in the command window when I drag a file over the EXE as instructed. I admit to being a little slow on the uptake, but what am I missing here? Any suggestions?

Edited by Jug

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OK, guys, I finally downloaded the Catpak and it has an EXE in the RAR file and no instructions. Any help out there. I attempted to use the cursory instructions that pop up in the command window when I fire the EXE but, following those directions, I keep getting the error message "File not a proper CAT file." in the command window when I drag a file over the EXE as instructed. I admit to being a little slow on the uptake, but what am I missing here? Any suggestions?



You're not missing anything at all. It's just real different than what We've been used too. Just put the CatPack.exe in Your Computer. I suggest a seperate Folder. I call mine "Utlities" in My Utilities Folder, I have another called "CatPack" where I have the CatPack.EXE Installed. To extract a cat, All You have to do is Copy the .Cat over to the CatPack containg the .EXE, Drag and Drop the .Cat over the CatPack.exe Icon and wait. You'll see a DOS Box open up and see the Files being extracted. Once completed, The Program will ask You to hit "Enter" to complete the Process. Once done, You see a Folder created with the name of the .Cat that You've just extracted on it with all the File that are contained in the .Cat in that Folder.


For Older Versions of the Sim, Such as SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI, It'll Pack back up a Custom .Cat. But that Feature will only work for the older Titles. Not SF2V.


Keep in mind, As this is a Great Tool. ThirdWire plans on doing their own Extractor Utility. TK says sometime after the next SF2 Patch becomes available and the Gun Editor is completed.


Hope this Helps..


EDIT: By Default, The compatibility Mode of the Program is set to Win95. See if this has changed any if difficulty still presists.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Anyone think that YAP will be compatible with the new version? Or will we have to wait?


YAP doesn't even work with the old WOV patched to the latest standard.

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Until there is a major revamp of terrain, I am still holding off on the "new" series.


I hate to be a nay-sayer, but ground that looks little better than EAW released over a decade ago just no longer cuts it.


Have you seen the terrain on that arcade thingie "HAWX?" There is a big gulf that exists between the two, both released this year....


Lol! HAWX terrain a beauty but if you look closely the scale is wrong.

e.g. You have gigantic trees half the size of skyscrapers

Edited by jomni

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OK, guys, I finally downloaded the Catpak and it has an EXE in the RAR file and no instructions. Any help out there. I attempted to use the cursory instructions that pop up in the command window when I fire the EXE but, following those directions, I keep getting the error message "File not a proper CAT file." in the command window when I drag a file over the EXE as instructed. I admit to being a little slow on the uptake, but what am I missing here? Any suggestions?

331Killerbee is right, but allow me to summerize;


CatPack V1.1 (<- link)

There is a text file in the zip archive.

It is a native windows console application, it looks like Dos, but it ain't Dos.

You can do three things with it:


1) Drag and drop a version 1 cat file on the programs' icon to extract its contents to a subfolder.

2) Drag and drop a version 2 cat file on the programs' icon to extract its contents to a subfolder.

3) Double click on the programs' icon to run it, it will then pack all files in its current folder to a custom version 1 cat file.


For extraction (1 and 2) you only have to place the catpack icon somewhere in your view, such as on your desktop, so you can drag and drop the cat file on it.

For packing/archiving (3) you have to temporarely place the catpack program inside the folder together with the files you want to pack, then run it.


When an error is encountered it will be clearly displayed in red letters explaining what is wrong.


(PS. I now finally bought SF2 myself, and sometimes noticed a small issue when unpacking version 2 archives.

CatPack had a problem creating a subfolder for the extracted files when it contained subfolder info.

Whenever this occurs you are advised to copy the cat file to the root of your disk and extract it from there.

(until I fix this in V1.11...))


Edit: Jug, reading your post I suspect you are using an older version of the program, without version 2 cat file support.

Edited by gerwin

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Lol! HAWX terrain a beauty but if you look closely the scale is wrong.

e.g. You have gigantic trees half the size of skyscrapers


Shameless OT discussion continues :rofl:


That's why I made 2x bigger trees for 4-seasons WOE (and why my early treemods were upscaled too) -they give the terrain rich, lush coverage, opposed to the standard sized ones.


But as I'd love to have new or heavy updated terrain engine, I won't agree the terrain is still at EAW level

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It's not by looks EAW terrain was so low res it was really flying over "green goo land" lol

The problem is our terrain is technologically still on that level just streched to the max...

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YAP doesn't even work with the old WOV patched to the latest standard.


Yes it looks like it is compatible, the terrain no longer causes the helicopters to explode/ sink into the ground like the 10/08 patch does. Zerocinco says the helicopter FM is based off of the 8/06 patch and the new patch broke the Flight Model however I think TK may have made some changes to the oct/08 level FM because the A-1 is a stock aircraft in WOV2. I was told by some one with years of modding experience that there is work around to prevent random aircraft being inserted by the new patch level game engine to populate airfields. It looks to me that with a little effort and editing yap will work fine

with WOV2

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Until there is a major revamp of terrain, I am still holding off on the "new" series.


I hate to be a nay-sayer, but ground that looks little better than EAW released over a decade ago just no longer cuts it.


Have you seen the terrain on that arcade thingie "HAWX?" There is a big gulf that exists between the two, both released this year...



I am with you on the need for an updated terrain engine, I can only imagine what Stary and Brian32 could do with an up to date "canvas" for their art. Starys new Germany terrain is simply Awesome I would love it if he could add his trees and buildings to the Formosa terrain. That terrain has so many targets, it is just a blast to build missions for but sadly the new patch kills it; the bridges are all screwed up and if I remember correctly many of the terrain items don't even show up with the new patch for some reason or another.

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