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WOE 2009 (Operation Bear Hunt)

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Maybe just one indigenous Polish aircraft in the newly released PZL Skorpion?


Might be a kick for a small strip so the home town heroes can make a stand...



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Maybe just one indigenous Polish aircraft in the newly released PZL Skorpion?


Might be a kick for a small strip so the home town heroes can make a stand...




I was thinking the same. If not, well... I'll add it myself :smile:

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Some Scorpions will be very nicely! It is "What if" campaign so "What if" aircraft don't make mess. :cool:

For Polish Air Force You can add Su-22M4 -they will be in service to 2012-15. But I think that if Scorpion project wasn't canceled it can replace our Fitters earlier... :dntknw:

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I was actually debating that myself.. but if you insist.... :smile:


And just offhand... CA_Stary.. that's a beautiful sig pic, just marvelous :good:


Also need the squadrons depleted... maybe a few show up full strength, but the "Front" is where WOE's starts out at. Not much into readjusting something that's to be expected (near gobbling up of Germany by Russian forces).

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I've taken some time, and right now editing malibu43's campaign files.... I think it's okay, but going to need an external tester with campaign making experience with QA and QC abilities.... I think it'll be fine, just have to add the aircraft and stuff.


Added airfield assignments and how many squadrons are going to be available. I want to keep the amount low, as realistically, Germany is not that huge (I've lived there for a couple years, so not going to totally saturate the playing field with aircraft)

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I am nearing the end of the end of testing the campaign in the ODS patch, so would be up for testing this come next week or so.


I can only muster a flight or two a day, so I don't have the spediest turnaround, but I'm thorough, and fairly campaign fluent...

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EricJ, I've taken up Mt Biking as my most recent hobby, and the simming/modding time will take a pretty big hit as a result. I'll try and help out if I can, but it looks like you have quite the following here to get it done... :good:


What you've got going now looks like way more fun than what I had originally worked on...

Edited by malibu43

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Well the cool thing is that it works so far... Only that it's now randomly choosing what I fly rather than anything specific, like in the ODS campaign, where if I select the Harrier, I've been flying the Harrier. Any clue as to why? But yeah Spectre_USA, if you wouldn't mind....


Yeah I know malibu.... I mean your idea was good but there's so much variety right now that it would be interesting..

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Sounds like you may have a mismatch between the CampX.ini and the CampX_Data.ini.


Very easy thing to do, as I've done the same on occasion. Once one is off, the remainders on the list slip a cog and are all fuggered up.


Make sure the aircraft dates are in the ballpark as well. If they are not, they tend to substitute an aircraft of the correct era, seemingly randomly...

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Well... I've doublechecked (maybe need to triple check) and I still need to get all the aircraft downloaded, so that may be the issue too..

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When able Spectre_USA I can send what I have so far..

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Well, I am currently on the 3rd of March 1991 of the ODS patch, and the Armor hasn't even penetrated as far as the original,

so I don't reckon I will be on it much longer.


Zip it up and shoot it to me at Spectre_USA - at - Yahoo.com.


I'll rummage through it and see if I have all the required aircraft and give it a go!

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No problem, I've spent the past ten minutes getting the linkages posted, just check at the head of the topic.... but will do!


And I'm trying to keep the impact on downloads to a minimum, or as far as having to have alot of custom cool stuff. Not saying it's wrong, but most of the stuff is available already so no sense in repackaging it.

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Managed to troubleshoot the issue of random aircraft (or the same) so... just need to add weapon selections for "Normal" Weapon Supply. Also going to have 2 Su-39 squadrons flyable, as well as 4 Su-27SM, 3 Su-35, and one MiG-29C flyable squadrons for the Reds.


And unless the DS Mod team has any issues, I'm thinking of adding ground objects from that for this..

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Oh yes,we need T-80/90!

I know, that Signum have T-80U WIP.

Edited by az12121

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If he's interested I'd like to add it, but T-72As aren't any big deal, still a target..

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Did some testing, along with Spectre_USA, and the main issues are CTDs from WOE in the GroundFormations.dll, and weapons selections. It's recommended to tweak the loadouts individually for your weapons selection, such as we both use the Community weapons pack, but sometimes the aircraft are a bit... "naked", so it's a do what you can. Also, noticing alot of discrepencies as far as SAM on the NATO side... Since it's "now", more than likely it'll be what you put in, such as the HAWK, Marder Roland, etc. Nothing specific but the amount of Red Air is quite alot, to reflect the gobs that supposedly flies. However I'll be adding a modded Nations.ini that puts the quality of Soviet at POOR.

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Well, got this yesterday from Erwin_Hans. It's functional... but no radar.. but will be nice to add to sites once a real radar comes it's way.


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It would be the definitive add-on for ODS, as that is where it became famous!


Along with the Wobbly Goblin and the Warthog.


I may have to repaint one in Red, White and Blue, then slap one of these on the side;




You know, to shoot down green MiG's wearing this;





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Oh, I forgot to reply to this before:

AFAIK all F-117s are being stored at their former home in Tonopah, no AMARC for them. What it would take to make them active again is probably classified so in an emergency we could spring them on an unsuspecting foe! :wink:

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Which is food for thought.....

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Just a little update on testing, after about a dozen missions.


This thing is a meat-grinder! If you don't have stealth in the 1st few, you're walking home, or worse.


Complacency in other campaigns just insn't gonna get it here...

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Nice... As to what I've done (haven't done anything in the past few days honestly.. been busy) I've added SAM sites to offset the higher Russian numbers, and to add targets. I've gotten on swambast's beta testing of his placement tool, so once I get there I'm going to add some more targets and stuff like that to add spice and a little flavor to the target list. Given what Spectre_USA said, it'll provide some more length and hopefully more variety.


YEYEYE or what his name is working on a radar for the Patriot, and those will be setup as well.

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