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Guest mekkalekka

Ground Control to .. WTF?

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Those are some stupid staff members there.

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but they meant well.


its not about actual results, its all about how they feel.

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Maybe it was a test to find out if some nutjob got a Stinger handy for self defence? :dntknw:

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Maybe it was a Michael Bay shot and they're just keeping it quiet? :wink:

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Well, to be fair, I've participated in some of the very same type of airshow/photography events:




And we still get the same kind of calls for those who don't realize what is actually going on.


Hell, the mayor could have been briefed and totally forgotten about it:


"Standard USAF photography flyby scheduled for blah, blah, blah..."



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The media once again is blowing this out of porportion as well. Someone will lose his job over it too. Just stupid. Better comms could of prevented this but its not as bad as the media is dragging this out to be.

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Just seen it on the TV.....would of made a good [if rather tasteless] April fools joke :bad:

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Well, there's no doubt from the handheld footage they were showing on the TV that some NY'ers were panicking, doing the whole screaming and running out of the buildings thing. In any other city this likely would've been a non-issue, but someone didn't think how it might affect NYC in particular.

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Not taking the 9/11 attacks into account I bet that it was great fun for the pilots to be able to fly that low over the city. What a cool job!!!

Edited by mikepie11986

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Unbelievable. I still can't believe you guys voted in this lightweight....photo ops I can see, but to fly over ground zero in an airliner at low altitude without telling everyone...just unbelievable. I told you so...amazing a bunch of innocent people weren't trampled to death in the understandable panic and these people you voted in weren't whacked with a billion dollar law suit.


Mike D.

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Unbelievable. I still can't believe you guys voted in this lightweight....photo ops I can see, but to fly over ground zero in an airliner at low altitude without telling everyone...just unbelievable. I told you so...amazing a bunch of innocent people weren't trampled to death in the understandable panic and these people you voted in weren't whacked with a billion dollar law suit.


Mike D.


I didn't vote for him. Even though, its not even his fault. His lacky in the White House Military office didnt make sure the word got out.

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I saw footage of it and it wasn't that low. Hell I've seen planes flying low enough over my house I expected them to crash in the nearby lake, and I'm pretty far from any airport.


But the media always has to jump from one thing to another. I'm actually kinda hopeful the paranoia over pig flu will be enough to take over coverage from the economy so it will recover faster.

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Yeah, so I can hear my in-laws talking about getting masks and Tamiflu when there's not even a confirmed case in the state yet?


It's like people WANT something to panic over...

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Well, it makes for a better headline than "Government communication SNAFU, idiots panick, mayor takes opportunity to push his own agenda"

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It's like people WANT something to panic over...


If it bleeds it leads. Its a profit centered media. I read about a group keeping track of the news overblowing things and created a "mayhem index" I'm waiting for CNN have have swine flu theme music like they had during the hurricanes.


I saw a thing on the news, the FAA was aware it would probably freak people out and went ahead with it anyway....well thats another government job opening to apply to :good:

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