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PS3 vs XBOX 360

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Uh uh,


Do NOT start this stuff here. You want to talk trash, go somewhere else.


Only warning.



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Do NOT start this stuff here. You want to talk trash, go somewhere else.


That's right, trash talking is the quickest way into the penalty box. Try it if you want, but see if you'll be able to post again anytime afterwards.

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Sony only made one model that had PS2 backwards compatibility and none of their current models have it. That one model only had backwards compatibility because they put PS2 hardware in it alongside PS3 hardware. Too costly so they stopped making that model which means PS3 does not have backwards compatibility with PS2 games anywhere and not just OZ. Sony does sell some PS2 games at their online store that have been ported to PS3 though, a few PS1 games too.


Okay, I didn't know that. When I've spoken to retailers here in Oz, say like at EB or somewhere, they've all told me that if I want one that plays PS2 discs, I should go and grab a Malaysian machine. I'd also heard that other regions' PS3s were backwards compatibles, but to be perfectly honest, once I picked up a 360 and a new PS2 (which is now an old ps2), I didn't really investigate it. Unless they were implying that I could go and get a chipped PS3 or something, I'm not particularly keen about that. I'd prefer to have the warranty otherwise it's quite an expensive booster seat should it decide not to work.

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The first console to make a flight sim edition, with a proper sim and a joystick/throttle will get my vote.


Otherwise, N64 with StarFox 64 For the win! If you're gonna play an arcade-style game, it really doesn't have to have HD graphics or overcomplicated gameplay. Just a cheap little system with a fun game where you can blow things up. What more do you need?

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The first console to make a flight sim edition, with a proper sim and a joystick/throttle will get my vote.


Otherwise, N64 with StarFox 64 For the win! If you're gonna play an arcade-style game, it really doesn't have to have HD graphics or overcomplicated gameplay. Just a cheap little system with a fun game where you can blow things up. What more do you need?



I actually still have that game and a working N64 to play it on :biggrin:

I think it has been released on virtual console too but not sure how well it controls with a gamecube or classic controller though.

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I hear ya, Rambler. Got two Atari VCS' (2600) still running here, a 1977 Sunnyvale and 1978 model, respectively. Still work with widescreen HDTV's, graphics are a joke in comparison to anything today, but man are the games FUN!

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PS3 has a better controller scheme. Its good for FPS, racing, rpg, and fighting XB360's controller scheme seem's to me more geared towards FPS definitely no good for fighting games

Have you tried playing soulcalibur 5 or street fighter 5 on the 360 it's almost impossible. OTOH the 360 does indeed have slightly better graphics but the difference from the ps3 is negligible I mean its hardly apparent at first glance + the ps3 has blue ray when sony starts cranking out those 50gb ps3 exclusiv games you xb360 fanboys are going to be so left out

You can't argue with that, but I bet your going to try



Uh uh,


Do NOT start this stuff here. You want to talk trash, go somewhere else.


Only warning.


OT: If this is a warning for the above post, than I believe it is uncalled for. Please refer to topic title (PS3 vs XBOX 360) I was only stating my valid opinion, not talking trash as you said. How can we debate a topic with a bunch of mods inserting they're authority Jees you guys are too strict. With all due respect of course.

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Hear hear for old school gaming! With todays kids it's all about graphics. Why, back in my day we had a little something called gameplay!  :grandpa:


In fact, my Intellivision and Atari 800xl emulators see as much action as any latest game.  :yes:

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Otherwise, N64 with StarFox 64 For the win!


I dunno why, but Pilotwings was a real rush for me! I loved the birdwings! I see myself getting bored and making a mod for San Andreas now... :no:

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The Super Nintendo was my first console, loved it to bits, but my favorite console of all time has to be the Play Station 1. With games like crash bandicoot it was amazing. Now i feel games like crash arnt fun anymore because the story lines are blown way out of proportion.

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OT: If this is a warning for the above post, than I believe it is uncalled for. Please refer to topic title (PS3 vs XBOX 360) I was only stating my valid opinion, not talking trash as you said. How can we debate a topic with a bunch of mods inserting they're authority Jees you guys are too strict. With all due respect of course.


Simple, it's my opinion that you were attempting to start a flame war with your last statement in your post about the PS3.


I warned you that it wouldn't be tolerated here.


Do not ever assume you have freedom to say what you want when you want and how you want...this is a privately run website, not subject to the laws of free speech. We try to give members a wide leeway, but baiting, starting flame wars, etc, are most definitely not part of the menu.


Don't bother bringing up the subject of why you were warned...it was explained and that part of the subject is now closed.


Feel free to discuss the merits/debits of the various gaming platforms all you want in a civilized manner.



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Yes, a statement like "you can't argue with that but I bet you're going to try" is goading at best and baiting at worst. The jibe about "360 fanboys" was borderline, but the following statement pushed it over the line. The post was fine till then.


Whether there will ever be 50GB PS3 exclusives is debatable, as few developers can afford to make a game with that kind of budget and then not make it cross-platform.

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Their coming, believe me. the only game I know of right now for sure that uses almost the entire 50gb is a game called Africa. Most PS3 exclusives already exceed the 8.5gb dvd9 format witch the 360 uses. Witch means more content. But we already know that. Here are just a few ps3 exclusives.

God of War III

Gran Turismo 5

Killzone 2


Quantum Theory

The Punisher: No Mercy

There are a lot more than that these are just some that I'm anxious to try.

Ahh nice and civil.

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"360 fanboys" was borderline



In his defense, atleast he didn't say Bois.



EDIT:- PS3 all the way. To heck with M$ crap. Plus since PS3 is Japanese you know the tech is tight , word yo ! Anyone actually seen what Killzone 2 is like. I dont see any of the M$ titles doing that.

Edited by Atreides

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Well, to be honest only GT5 holds any interest for me whatsoever.

Of course, I only have like half a dozen titles for my 360 and 2 of them are racing. Another 2 are flying. The last 2 are Star Wars. Well, that covers my interests right there! :grin:

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Plus since PS3 is Japanese you know the tech is tight , word yo !


I'd trust it more if it were made in Germany, to be honest. :wink:


I wouldn't mind having a PS3 also, but I don't have the funds for it, and the 360 has the games I like, so that's why I own one.


Charley, I haven't noticed low frame rates with Soul Calibur IV or Street Fighter IV either, so I have no idea where that came from, and yes, I have played them on both systems.


Also, I agree with you, the PS3 has a LOT more potential. It's harder to program for, but with more space on the discs and the multi-core processor the PS3 really is a fine system with great possibilities. Maybe in the future when the price comes down I'll get one but for now I'm quite satisfied with my 360.

Edited by Caesar

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All I want in a next gen console is a real joystick like the PC has. I can't use an XBOX controller because of my disability. Until they start doing that again (Sega consoles including the Genesis had a 4 button stick with trigger and b, c and start buttons on top) I'll be sticking w/PC.



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Charley, I haven't noticed low frame rates with Soul Calibur IV or Street Fighter IV either, so I have no idea where that came from, and yes, I have played them on both systems.

Sorry my friend. I didn't mean frames per second, I meant First person shooter they both have the same initials very,very sorry for that friend. :friends:

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Ah, roger. You know, I just remembered why I went with 360 instead of PS3: it was when I learned Ace Combat 6 was only going to be released on the 360, and I had initially intended on going with a PS3 because I had the PS1 and PS2 and figured that series would make the jump to the PS3 as well. In the end, it was that one game that made me go with the 360...kinda funny now that I think about it, but like I said, I'm satisfied with it.

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All I want in a next gen console is a real joystick like the PC has. I can't use an XBOX controller because of my disability. Until they start doing that again (Sega consoles including the Genesis had a 4 button stick with trigger and b, c and start buttons on top) I'll be sticking w/PC.




I don't know if this is compatible with your needs, but it's worth taking a look:


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I'd trust it more if it were made in Germany, to be honest. :wink:


I wouldn't mind having a PS3 also, but I don't have the funds for it, and the 360 has the games I like, so that's why I own one.


Charley, I haven't noticed low frame rates with Soul Calibur IV or Street Fighter IV either, so I have no idea where that came from, and yes, I have played them on both systems.


Also, I agree with you, the PS3 has a LOT more potential. It's harder to program for, but with more space on the discs and the multi-core processor the PS3 really is a fine system with great possibilities. Maybe in the future when the price comes down I'll get one but for now I'm quite satisfied with my 360.


360 is multi-core processor with 3 cores. PS3 processor is a completely different animal and is a cell processor with 8 cells. A cell is not the same as a core.

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I don't know if this is compatible with your needs, but it's worth taking a look:



Wow! I had seen the HOTAS for the 360 that comes with Ace Combat 6, but I hadn't seen this yet. Much cheaper than the full HOTAS setup. If I can get a joystick for $50 and games like IL-2: Birds of Prey at least somewhat live up to their PC counterparts, I may start doing some flight simming on my console. I know my 360's graphics sure beat the hell out of my laptop's.

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Ah, roger. You know, I just remembered why I went with 360 instead of PS3: it was when I learned Ace Combat 6 was only going to be released on the 360, and I had initially intended on going with a PS3 because I had the PS1 and PS2 and figured that series would make the jump to the PS3 as well. In the end, it was that one game that made me go with the 360...kinda funny now that I think about it, but like I said, I'm satisfied with it.


Ace combat 6 was crap IMHO of course I'v played ace combat 4,5,and zero. I really didn't see anything worth porting over to the ps3 I still think Ace combat 5 is the best. Now have you heard about a game called Over G fighters Google it. It's the shizzznitt!!!

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