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anybody watch Band of Brothers TV show

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Does anyboby watch it? If so I have an idea for the game if anyone is interested

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It is one of the best mini-series I've seen in a long time. I'm glad I picked it up when it came out on DVD.

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I got put off by it when I saw David Schwimmer in the first ep. Yeah, petty, I know, but I can't stand him. I hear the cinemaphotography was outstanding though.

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I got put off by it when I saw David Schwimmer in the first ep. Yeah, petty, I know, but I can't stand him. I hear the cinemaphotography was outstanding though.


Yeah, you missed out.

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I watched it for the first time when I was...ummm.......8-10 years old on RPN now CS9. And yes the cinematography was great.

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Watched it when aired here, got the DVDs. After that and Generation Kill i´m

anxious to see The Pacific, wich is like Band of Brothers, but about Marines instead

of Airborne

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I thought this show was fantastic. Bought the DVD boxset as soon as it came out. The bonus documentary disk is really cool too.





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Guest a10boar
I thought this show was fantastic. Bought the DVD boxset as soon as it came out. The bonus documentary disk is really cool too.






Yep,got this last christmas as a gift.Just watched all of it again over the weekend.

Game idea?There is three games for consoles on this series.What is your idea?

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I have the DVD boxset, i like it a lot. IT'S THE BEST SERIE

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I got put off by it when I saw David Schwimmer in the first ep. Yeah, petty, I know, but I can't stand him. I hear the cinemaphotography was outstanding though.


you shouldnt let that be what causes you to miss out on a wonderful story, as his part is relativly small, and not to spoil it, he "gets what he deserves".

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Tbh i thought David Schwimmer played quite a good part. the sort of character that everyone loves to hate. I think a game of this series might be pushing it slightly as you get the usual arguments about what should or should not be included, comparisons to other similair games and people just complaining about it which i think might affect peoples opinions of the film series. On the other hand i would most probably get it if it came out :biggrin:



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My daughter bought the set and we've watched it again many times.


excellent series.

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Wow! Didn't expect this to take off. I thought we could mod strike fighters for ground fighting.

You know, you could play as a paratrooper, infantry, tanks,etc. We could model it after the TV series. Jus an idea. I don't think it's possible. Worth a try. :dntknw:

Edited by Dload

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Wow! Didn't expect this to take off. I thought we could mod strike fighters for ground fighting.

You know, you could play as a paratrooper, infantry, tanks,etc. We could model it after the TV series. Jus an idea. I don't think it's possible. Worth a try. :dntknw:



You mean Battlefield, Call of Duty? Ever heard these names?

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Yeah, I've watched it, it's great! It's mainly the story of Easy company of the 101st Airborne. Shows a lot of stuff from the European TO in WWII. I highly recommend it!

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I bought the boxed set, and have watched it three times. It is better each time.


Navy Chief

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You mean Battlefield, Call of Duty? Ever heard these names?



What is This Call of Duty? Battlefield?


LOL yeah i've heard of them actually i've got COD3


I just thought it would be fun

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I loved this DVD box set, its just so well put together, the acting is brilliant and so is the cinematography. This is my favorite Mini series of all time.


There is already a game out about it, kinda, you heard of brothers in arms? Those games follow the lives of men from the 101st airborne, and ever game is set in a different location. The one that has recently been released, hell's highway, is a great game, the command system in it is great, in terms of graphics, top notch. The only bad thing about it is the actual game play, its not fast paced like Call of duty is, but its still a bloody good game.


Also, you have medal of honor airborne, which is a really challenging game actually. You are with the 82nd Airborne and do missions in:





Jumping from the C-47 is the best bit, the rest is rather tricky. Problem with this game is that it is just so short. There are only 5 levels, although they are long and tricky, its not really worth getting, rent it out or something, just dont buy it.




I think in level 4 when you have to assault the train yard you come into contact with a rather nasty Nazi elite. With a Thompson you would have to empty 3 magazines to the head to kill him, or 5 to the body. Its crazy, and their weapon is a MG-42 which is held with no support, which is near impossible to fire accurately without a turret below it.

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The first expansion for MOH Allied Assault, I can't recall if it was called Breakthrough or Spearhead, was based on it. You start out in the C-47 and watch other C-47s get shot down around you as you bail out somewhere over the countryside. I miss that game.

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Ubisoft Brothers in Arms has the same feel as Band of Brothers.

Similar topic as well. A game that is well researched with regards to historical accuracy. Squad tactics are good... It's like a combination of Medal of Honor and Full Spectrum Warrior.

But somewhere along the way, it became a very "commercial" game like the Tom Clancy titles (arcade tank battles and survival horror feel).


Medal of Honor Airborne has those Nazi ubertroopers... more reminiscent of the Wolfenstein franchise. :(

Edited by jomni

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The first expansion for MOH Allied Assault, I can't recall if it was called Breakthrough or Spearhead, was based on it. You start out in the C-47 and watch other C-47s get shot down around you as you bail out somewhere over the countryside. I miss that game.


I think its called medal of honor vanguard, thats the only MOH game i know of, with exception of airborne, that you are a paratrooper

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*Sigh* Oh well. None of my potential projects get started. :dntknw:

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If you want to relive Band of Brothers, get Brothers In Arms 1 and 2.


Trying to adapt the ThirdWire engine to ground infantry combat is very problematic at best, impossible at worst...a whole lot of time wasted vs spending probably less than $20 for 2 good infantry games.



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Can I get this topic locked? I didn't know it was impossible. Besides, i've got half the Call of Duty games to play.

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