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Holy crap Jon and Kate are splitting up. I never saw this coming.

Edited by MAKO69

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Mako are you a chick?




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God damned child services witches messed with those people in Texas because they had an odd religion (and no proof of child abuse), but they let these jackasses continue to exploit those kids openly.

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Um, like most of the recent commercials for the series have been, like, huge hints, dude! :blink:

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God damned child services witches messed with those people in Texas because they had an odd religion (and no proof of child abuse), but they let these jackasses continue to exploit those kids openly.



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what the hell you guys goin on about?


Isn't that Octomum?

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Isn't that Octomum?



No, kate had 6 not 8 and she was married, octomom wasn't.

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Google Jon and Kate plus 8, its a tv show about this couple and what their lives are like with 8 kids.

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It's the most pointless reality show in a long line of pointless reality shows. If I could go back in time 20 years and kill the MTV exec who first proposed the Real World before they started it and keep this genie in the bottle for even 5 more years, I would.

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No kidding. I mean are people so hard up for entertainment that the daily lives of a couple with 8 kids make for a TV show? My god I dont give a rats ass. I don't care about them, who they are and WTF they did on a given day. There is no entertainment in there. It's pure and utter bulls**t. However you can't help but be bombarded with it. Its on every news network, they have anaylsis, just stupid. Kate and Jon, divorce and go away so we dont have to hear about you ever again.

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Totally agree, i dont think its right that they earn all this money because of the actions of their kids. Eh, thats the world of reality TV isn't it

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Well, it's the masses' fault for actually watching the tripe and tuning in every night in droves to see it. We USED to have scripted television that had to be carefully produced by a large team, but these reality shows are so damned cheap the networks don't want to bother anymore. They bring out a new show and if it doesn't find an audience almost immediately they can it and show another retarded reality show. Series used to get an entire season to see if they would work, the number of older shows cancelled with less than a season under their belts every year could be counted on one hand. Now it's amazing if 1/3 of the shows on the air at the start of the season are still around at the halfway point, let alone the end!

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Since when do we have to go to TV for reality? What do we live in again?

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What do we live in again?


Socialist Utopia.

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Is it bad that I had to Google "Jon and Kate" to figure out what this thread was about?

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They should do a reality show on flight sims and the interactions with the members on the web site. Here ya go with a title for this place "Combat Ace, The Reality Show - the reality show of people who aren't really flying!" I mean that's all it really takes these days to think of a show and a title, and I bet it would be the most viewed show for the first season because it shows what the players skills are or lack there of in combat flight (albeit simulated) and has stuff being blown up. I think I should send this idea to UPN and make some money off of it.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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That would be a great trick as UPN went off the air a few years ago. :wink:

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I'm very proud to say I never watched that turd of a show Jon And Kate. Charm School has all the reality I can handle. Hahaha

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That would be a great trick as UPN went off the air a few years ago. :wink:



Well, I guess that shows how much T.V. I really watch :rolleyes:


If there were some decent shows on these days, I would probably watch a bit more.

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Sorry, decent TV costs $$ and cuts into their profit line, so PFFFFT!!! on that...

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Sorry, decent TV costs $$ and cuts into their profit line, so PFFFFT!!! on that...



I guess I have to settle for NASCAR on Sunday mornings then.

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What, you don't like the Sat nite races?!?! :tongue:

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