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A little reminder

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Hi Guys,

As you will recall, we lost our Forum home a little while back, for various reasons, but the root of it was a simple lack of respect for each other, and by that I mean all members of the Great War sim community. Venom seems to visit various fora at one time or another, and things can get out of hand, tearing a community apart, and driving good people away. It has reared it's ugly head here, and I have seen some of our friends just slip away.

It is going to stop, here and now.


We want discussion of our sim - what is good, what is bad, and what needs work. If you feel compelled to talk about another sim, same thing applies. And if someone posts an opinion of this or another sim that you don't agree with, feel free to say so, and why. But that guy is not an idiot or a jackass because his views differ from yours. Everyone's opinion is equally valid.

Flaming and trolling will not be tolerated.

If you are incensed about something, cool off before you post, or just pm them.

We are all friends here.



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It appears some posters got out of hand and the posts of those riding close the the edge removed. Winder and myself have not seen these posts so hence the rather blank looks. But thanks Ted for clearing the air.


Guys please remember respect people on here who come into our forum for a good interesting read about OFF and WW1, not a slanging match. Please stick to the facts in discussions very easy to sling cheap stuff and that escalates quickly.

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Damn, that must have been one fast gunfight! Who got shot?

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I have no idea but somehow I feel quilty. Ha!!



I remember now, some of us opined that Pol sounded like Ringo. My big mouth said he waass Ringo. I took it too far, Pol, you know I meant no harm. I can't take it back tho. Sounds like Ringo.



Just in the spirit of keeping it light.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Damn, that must have been one fast gunfight! Who got shot?


I agree. Some of those posts must have been shot down faster than me in a EIII flying against Billy Bishop. :haha:


At any rate, I'll try to keep my posts about OFF 99% of the time from now on. If I feel I have to say anything about another FS, I'll keep it brief and balanced. OFF doesn't have an advertising budget, so this forum is about the best advertising the game has. If we make a poor showing of ourselves here as being "unsportsman-like" then all we do is turn off new people from trying a great game. That really doesn't help anyone. They miss out on an incredible WWI air combat experience. The Devs miss out on some extra cash to keep them going and we (forum posters) will miss out on new people who might just have some great ideas or just plain be a lot of fun to chat with. My apologies for the times I got over-heated. From now on I'll save my rounds for enemy planes.



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I think he's referring to the thread where CJ got banned from Sim HQ and there was some negative talk about the environment at Sim HQ and an incident that happened there.



That's my guess at least.

Edited by SirMike1983

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Damn, that must have been one fast gunfight! Who got shot?

It's a mystery to me too

I was following that thread pretty closely

Made one post and was planning another then poof it's gone

Just a chalk outline left on the pavement

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I think he's referring to the thread where CJ got banned from Sim HQ and there was some negative talk about the environment at Sim HQ and an incident that happened there.



That's my guess at least.


I believe you are correct, SirMike. But I got into one heated exchange with someone on here and I probably was guilty of bringing a bazooka to a knife fight. I still disagree with the comments and tone of that persons remarks, but I could have handled it with a lot less steam.


Anyways, so did you hear about the "Fokker Scourge"? I hear if you so much as even see one, your dead!



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I think he's referring to the thread where CJ got banned from Sim HQ and there was some negative talk about the environment at Sim HQ and an incident that happened there.



That's my guess at least.


I should not have even started that thread. My sincerest apologies to all. :blush2:



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No Worries CJ,

Main thing is that this Forum be a place where everyone feels comfortable and can enjoy being here.



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I should not have even started that thread. My sincerest apologies to all. :blush2:




No worries CJ. Everybody here is a good person. We just sometimes let our passion for the Devs work get the best of us and it doesn't always take us to the most positive places. Soooo....Have you heard about that new Sopwith Camel? I hear it makes more widows out of pilots than the bosche do.



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Hi Guys,

As you will recall, we lost our Forum home a little while back, for various reasons, but at the root of it was a simple lack of respect for each other, and by that I mean all members of the Great War sim community. Venom seems to visit various fora at one time or another, and things can get out of hand, tearing a community apart, and driving good people away. It has reared it's ugly head here, and I have seen friends slip away.

It is going to stop, here and now.


We want discussion of our sim - what is good, what is bad, and what needs work. If you feel compelled to talk about another sim, same thing applies. And if someone posts an opinion of this or another sim that you don't agree with, feel free to say so, and why. But that guy is not an idiot or a jackass because his views differ from yours. Everyone's opinion is equally valid.

Flaming and trolling will not be tolerated.

If you are incensed about something, cool off before you type, or pm them.

We are all friends here.




I see a potential ROF/OFF competition brewing that could get ugly.

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Shedward's words are always good practice. Thank you for those.


The thread was removed because as a community it served no greater good. When a discussion can't be salvaged fairly it's often best to just pull it. It's not something that anyone enjoys doing but it's a healthier solution than the alternative. Please don't let this stifle your passion and hobby, it's just a common side affect of a large vibrant community like ours.


On behalf of all us who sit on the firing line. Thank you for the concern and understanding you've shown.



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Shedward's words are always good practice. Thank you for those.


The thread was removed because as a community it served no greater good. When a discussion can't be salvaged fairly it's often best to just pull it. It's not something that anyone enjoys doing but it's a healthier solution than the alternative. Please don't let this stifle your passion and hobby, it's just a common side affect of a large vibrant community like ours.


On behalf of all us who sit on the firing line. Thank you for the concern and understanding you've shown.




Can't say fairer than that! :good:

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I think he's referring to the thread where CJ got banned from Sim HQ and there was some negative talk about the environment at Sim HQ and an incident that happened there.



That's my guess at least.


Heck, I was in that one. Don't recall the shoot-up being amongst home-towners though, more of an indirect shelling of the shanty-town over the rise. :dntknw:


Curse whoever it was who mentioned Juarez! :biggrin:

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One of the differences between man and animal is the ability to sit down and think about our actions, before we act.

Another is, that we don't use it. (Lol!)


That's the point, where the moderator comes in. For the sake of the whole community.

I think, no one must feel bad yet; actions where taken at the right time.


And yes, Rickity - it was all your fault, mistaking Pol for Ringo! :biggrin:

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I should not have even started that thread. My sincerest apologies to all. :blush2:




Nothing wrong with a good rumpus every so often though. :hunter:

Edited by SirMike1983

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