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Any one see this yet?

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I have seen a little bit about that. I must say I do like the name. Quite catchy. According to their devs it's not a Total Conversion project like OFF. For instance they aren't developing damage models for the a/c and have no intention of doing so. I'm sure whatever they decide to focus their efforts on will turn out great, but for a well rounded and very deep, historically accurate WWI flight sim I just don't see anything that will pull me away from OFF BHaH. That said, I'm always eager to cheer on anyone having a go at creating a WWI flight sim experience. I think in the long run it only helps broaden the number of people who hear about them and gets more folks interested in this time period. In the end, we all win for each of these "visions" of WWI air combat and I applaud all efforts.



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You Burst my bubble, here I thought I was going to see a favorable review of OFF, SURPRIZE



I know... tell me about it... :dntknw:


39 Flyable... a kick-a$$ dynamic campaign, more immersion than anything ever seen before... etc..etc.. etc...historic... weather... 4 countries... etc...


and nothing... still.

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But, hey! Did you read the interview? "Over Flanders Fields" is named in it!


"After Sierra's Red Baron 2 3D with it's marvelous sol campaign, Over Flanders Fields, and the forthcoming Rise of Flight,

does Canvas Knights stand a chance in what is a well supported but aging engine?"


"We admire the sheer volume of work that was put into Over Flanders Fields..."

Edited by Olham

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Aye. But they couldn't even spell it correctly. 'Over Flanders Field' No 's', fer chrissakes!


So where's the equivalent review of OFF is what one would readily ask, as OvS implies.


I've been watching CK closely. There's a lot of nice work gone into it so far and I'll give it space on my drive but I doubt it can ever equal the immersion of OFF. Nor is it meant to I think.


The replay facility in IL2 was second to none though, so that'll get my WW1 machinima tastebuds going and is tbh the only thing I'm looking forward to that OFF doesn't already have in spades.

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The replay facility in IL2 was second to none though, so that'll get my WW1 machinima tastebuds going and is tbh the only thing I'm looking forward to that OFF doesn't already have in spades.


this replaything in OFF would be awesome. probably not possible to do, but that would be one of the greatest features. I never played IL2, but i remember it from the old amiga red baron, or the gran turismo series.

if anyhow possible, please implement it. pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssseeee!!! :yahoo:

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this replaything in OFF would be awesome. probably not possible to do, but that would be one of the greatest features. I never played IL2, but i remember it from the old amiga red baron, or the gran turismo series.

if anyhow possible, please implement it. pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssseeee!!! :yahoo:


Yes..It would be the Icing on the Cake!...But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you Creaghorn :no:

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I have come to the conclusion that, for whatever reason, OFF BHaH is the best kept secret in the WW1 combat flight sim community. And it is a secret that really does need to be shared.


So, who does one have to sleep with in order to get a good review in a major publication these days?





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So, who does one have to sleep with in order to get a good review in a major publication these days?

"Well, the list is long, but distinguished."

Goose, Top Gun

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I have come to the conclusion that, for whatever reason, OFF BHaH is the best kept secret in the WW1 combat flight sim community. And it is a secret that really does need to be shared.


So, who does one have to sleep with in order to get a good review in a major publication these days?







It does seem we are the privledged few.

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It does seem we are the privledged few.


Which Few? The privileged few that Louvert has to sleep with or the privileged few that have discovered OFF? In deference to Louvert I won't suggest which would be the better choice! :biggrin:

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Aye. But they couldn't even spell it correctly. 'Over Flanders Field' No 's', fer chrissakes!


So where's the equivalent review of OFF is what one would readily ask, as OvS implies.


I've been watching CK closely. There's a lot of nice work gone into it so far and I'll give it space on my drive but I doubt it can ever equal the immersion of OFF. Nor is it meant to I think.


The replay facility in IL2 was second to none though, so that'll get my WW1 machinima tastebuds going and is tbh the only thing I'm looking forward to that OFF doesn't already have in spades.


That website is actually very much one inclined to the modding of IL2, so it's natural for them to do this IL2 WWl mod.


As you say, if it has the replay facility that IL2 has, then I'll fly it now and again, for that reason alone.


But I don't think it can, nor is meant to, oust OFF from folks' hard drives.

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Which Few? The privileged few that Louvert has to sleep with or the privileged few that have discovered OFF? In deference to Louvert I won't suggest which would be the better choice!



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Well my basic question was has anyone seen this yet?


So if this IL2 mod that is not complete or even beta tested yet, is getting press where the hell is the press on OFF??


OFF is by far the best WW1 sim in my opinion, not that, that means diddly. But you have to look and I mean LOOK to find any press on OFF.


The IL2 mod in my opinion again, will be miles ahead of OFF I'm afraid when it comes to the multi-player aspect of the game. Due to Hyperlobby that may be changed to allow the WW1 mod, there is also another multi-player lobby gismo in the works that IS adding the WW1 mod. However that program has yet to be released. I know it's Microsoft that is to blame for the craptastic multi-player option we have and not the developers of OFF.


There are more off-liners that fly sims than on-liners so big question is ......Who's azz has to get kissed to get OFF some press time. Keep the chap stick handy we may need it.

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I too find it strange that such a great product as OFF hasn't been mentioned much in any magazines or flight sim sites or anything. It must be that CFS3 is scaring people away, as many must think that nothing good can be ever made out of that failed sim. And yet the majority of players of any game play mostly in single player mode, not MP. The same can be said of strategy games - the overwhelming majority of players play only or mostly against the computer and not other people in PBEM or whatever, but often the human vs. human players are the most vocal group in any forum. So OFF would be the perfect product for most sim players, if they just knew about its existence or were willing to give it a chance in spite of its roots in CFS3. I know I had my doubts, but in the end I took the risk and am now VERY glad I did so!

Edited by Hasse Wind

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Here in Germany, people are very much that way, that

a) they want to walk into the nearest shop and look for new games; then buy their choice straight away


b) they order it at AMAZON


What distracts their attention easily (as I noticed, when telling a friend about BHaH), is, that they would have to

get CFS3 first (Bah - old and unpleasant sim!) and that they have to order it from America.

They seem to prefer boom & zoom, so to say.

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What distracts their attention easily (as I noticed, when telling a friend about BHaH), is, that they would have to get CFS3 first (Bah - old and unpleasant sim!) and that they have to order it from America.


If that is indeed the main sticking point Olham, then the marketing tool to use would be to offer OFF two ways: With or without the CFS3 game disc included. One-stop shopping makes all the difference to a lot of folks in this conveniece-oriented world. Since you don't even need to install CFS3 to run OFF, but only need it for those few files, it would be quite easy and a real selling point to have that disc included and at the ready when prompted by the OFF Installer to pop it in.





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Frankly I get frickin' pissed off more times than I care to tell. When reading posts and reviews in other forums and webpages. There are so many misinformed statements and comments or outright lies about OFF being a lesser product or experience. I even read it was "arcade". Can you imagine that of all things? There are few enough of us that care for this genre. I wish everyone could at least give it a try. It is sad really to read of other peoples comments in other forums regarding their search for that special WWI sim, they are describing OFF BH&H, they just don't know it.

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Guess what I received in email from amazon.com just this morning?


An advertisement for ROF!


Rather irritating I must say.


Of course I understand the financial aspect of this but something is just wrong with this picture. A game which they themselves admit was prematurely released and features two, TWO airplanes and we are plodding along with our 39!




Ok, sorry about that, I'm feeling better now. Heartbeat's back to normal, blood pressure's dropped. I'm ok. I'm ok.

Edited by HomeBoy

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Frankly I get frickin' pissed off more times than I care to tell. When reading posts and reviews in other forums and webpages. There are so many misinformed statements and comments or outright lies about OFF being a lesser product or experience. I even read it was "arcade". Can you imagine that of all things? There are few enough of us that care for this genre. I wish everyone could at least give it a try. It is sad really to read of other peoples comments in other forums regarding their search for that special WWI sim, they are describing OFF BH&H, they just don't know it.


Arcade?! Damn! If OFF is arcade, I'd sure like to see what the OBD guys can do when they get serious! :blink:

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...gives me even more motivation to finish the aircraft evaluation web site. Anyone that takes a look at that cannot possibly claim arcade!

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Arcade?! Damn! If OFF is arcade, I'd sure like to see what the OBD guys can do when they get serious! :blink:

Live ammo?

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That "arcade" opinion HAS to be based on preconceived notions about MS products in general, and CFS3 in particular. No way does this person have first hand experience with OFF. But, what would the internet be without uninformed posting about topics one knows little or nothing about?

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That "arcade" opinion HAS to be based on preconceived notions about MS products in general, and CFS3 in particular. No way does this person have first hand experience with OFF. But, what would the internet be without uninformed posting about topics one knows little or nothing about?


Agree wholeheartedly!

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