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Well I'll be doggone!

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I reckon Neoqb took heed to all of the complaints about only two aircraft. I cranked it up a little bit ago and saw that I had "purchased" a Nieuport 28! I hadn't purchased it, it just showed up! That's great because I abhor SPADS! Went to the Aerodrome and Neoqb says that the Albatros DVa is also included, free of charge!

Edited by Cameljockey

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Nice to see them taking baby steps. Honestly I cant even imagine any company in THIS day in age that would think releasing a FLIGHT sim with only 2 flyable AC is ok. I think ROF "looks" amazing and the "potential" is there. But I'm not touching this one for about a year. Then we'll see if $50 will get you more than 3 planes. :biggrin: I've flown almost every single seater in OFF at least once and I can say that is one of my favorite aspects of the game, esspecially since im so new to 14-18 aircraft.




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CJ: ...and saw that I had "purchased" a Nieuport 28!


Oh, please, CJ - can I shoot it down?! Pleeeeease!!!

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...and saw that I had "purchased" a Nieuport 28! I hadn't purchased it, it just showed up!

I'm so jealous!

Can we see a screenie at least?

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Good for you CJ. I quess that's progress. I think the cloud turbulence fix is more exciting tho.

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Guys with all due respect lets keep this Forum about OFF.....in the main?







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OK. :blush:



Thanks CJ I am just wary of this becoming and OFF/ROF mixed up forum...





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Perhaps we could have one thread, or a specific forum to discuss RoF. I like the people here and respect their opinions, and I'd prefer these opinions over others.

I was going to link the blog post (which is REALLY well written, informative, and frank regarding their launch in NA) by the main guy at Neoqb, and some other stuff (there's a patch just released as well)....but I will hold off unless there's a specific thread/forum for us (yes, I can say us, since my OFF *just* arrived today...off to load it and CFS3 now).



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Perhaps we could have one thread, or a specific forum to discuss RoF. I like the people here and respect their opinions, and I'd prefer these opinions over others.

I was going to link the blog post (which is REALLY well written, informative, and frank regarding their launch in NA) by the main guy at Neoqb, and some other stuff (there's a patch just released as well)....but I will hold off unless there's a specific thread/forum for us (yes, I can say us, since my OFF *just* arrived today...off to load it and CFS3 now).




Hi Broadside I do not know if CA will be opening a ROF forum here.

The point is I am sure that any ROF users are frequenting the ROF forums for that info!


All I ask is to keep ROF stuff where it belongs otherwise this is no longer really the OFF forum?




Hope you have fun with OFF!



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Makes perfect sense.

And thanks! Already enjoying OFF and took the day off tomorrow so I can give it a real workout!


OFF will give you a real work out, believe me.. :biggrin: it's the most immersive sim I've ever flown. ROF has a lot going for it, but it lacks that spark of being there, it just doesn't have that, "You are there" feeling. It will undoubtadely get better as they slowely add more planes, improve the cartoony and often repetitive terrain, add seasons, etc., but I just don't see they have the options of OFF's game engine when it comes to dynamic campaign historical enrichment.. maybe I'm wrong though.


I think the main problem, and something that they are on a dead end with is the data base.. the campaigns are scripted missions and activity is only set up for key points on your path. This keeps CPU usage down so that they can put all the energy into extremly complicated flight model and very high res, animated, 3d models and graphics in game. I think it would be interesting to see how much a data base is part of the game cpu usage. Some one tell me if I am completely wrong on this, I'm not a tech expert, it's more of a guess, but Iv'e heard comments on the ROF forum that members have no problem playing single missions, but get bogged down with jerky movements in campaign mode and this would seem to support my theory that as more data base info is added, along with triggered objects in game, it starts taking it's toll on the system?

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We are already provided with just such a place to post and here it is http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=46 Many and continueing thanks to Combat Ace for all they do for us OFFer's. If we can keep our civil comments about other sims there it should please everyone. First Eagle members post there and we can enjoy input from thier point of view as well. Cheers!

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Some one tell me if I am completely wrong on this, I'm not a tech expert, it's more of a guess, but Iv'e heard comments on the ROF forum that members have no problem playing single missions, but get bogged down with jerky movements in campaign mode and this would seem to support my theory that as more data base info is added, along with triggered objects in game, it starts taking it's toll on the system?


I couldn't tell you. I stopped playing it because, respectfully, I found OFF BHaH to be a far more fulfilling experience. I think most of the folks here are either in the "never play it" or "wait til they fix all the bugs, introduce a bunch of new content and remove the required internet connection to play" boat. I suspect you'd have to ask on the RoF forums to get a good answer to your question but I will say that it certainly sounds like a good theory.



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I couldn't tell you. I stopped playing it because, respectfully, I found OFF BHaH to be a far more fulfilling experience. I think most of the folks here are either in the "never play it" or "wait til they fix all the bugs, introduce a bunch of new content and remove the required internet connection to play" boat. I suspect you'd have to ask on the RoF forums to get a good answer to your question but I will say that it certainly sounds like a good theory.




Are you kidding... if I asked over there they would jump on me tooth and nail! :blink:

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They did a really nice job on the N.28 in terms of having to work the engine and fight the torque and all. I'll also be buying their Nieuport 17 when it comes out this next week. I'm a bit Nieuport fan. RoF has done a stellar job on the airplanes and having to really work to get the most from them when fighting. The graphics are also quite good.


The problem is that these great planes get introduced into a somewhat sterile world that isn't terribly immersive. OFF just is so much more comprehensive at this point, and the landscape really feels more immersive. Things are so much more dynamic and deep in the OFF experience. Even if the CFS3 engine is inferior to the new RoF one (I'll admit it is), RoF is so much more limited in the overall fighting experience at this point. It's new though, so we shall see.


I think my recommendation is that RoF is more fun for quick scenarios and fly-around because the planes are just wonderful and the flight model very challenging. But for a full career or a full-length single mission, OFF is the pick. History-wise OFF is much sounder too. I tend to think of RoF as a very specialized, limited simulator, and OFF as the spiritual successor to Red Baron 3d-- a wide ranging, historically-oriented sim that nails down the big picture wonderfully. RoF has the trees, but OFF has the entire forest.

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I have to wonder what would happen if OBD and neeoqb got together? Line peanut butter and chocolate?

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I have to wonder what would happen if OBD and neeoqb got together? Line peanut butter and chocolate?


First off would be the communication problem, I would think?

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Bin der, dun dat. Din't work out.


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