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Heads up my friends!

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Cheers Rickity. :good:

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Thanks for the "Heads Up" Rickety

Won't be such a shocker this time


Yes Duce. I just hate when that happens. I accidently ran across this so I was happy to pass it on.

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Thanks, Rickity - and mucho luck for you forum boys, that everything will work fine!

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Leaves us with more time to fly! :smile:

Yes, yes, we'll probably be too busy to even notice! :biggrin:

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Bump just in case some did not see.


Looks like it begins late tonight. Erik has posted more information at same link.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Much harder to keep track of threads now....needs some sort of background, and also a demarkation line between stickies and daily threads.

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Sorry, but I dont like this at all!

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Sorry, but I dont like this at all!


I have to agree with you 100%. I realize a great deal of time and effort must have gone into the change-over, but the look and feel is definately at least 2 steps backwards in my opinion. I hope they don't leave it like this. It's literally not enjoyable to read the forums this way.



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From what I read in Erik's post I don't know if this the final look. Give it a little more time maybe. It does seem to navigate faster for me.

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Read the full thread.


When the forums initially come online the add-on features (gallery, download section, etc) will not work and I'll only be allowing the use of the main forum skin. The other skins that Fates has been working on (THANKS and shout out!) so diligently won't be added until after I can confirm that all the site cache's and member settings have been properly restored and put into place. This means for those of you used to seeing the "OFF" Branded skin set or your selected skin they will not work but instead you'll see the default forum skin.


Here's a little sneak peak of your forum skin.....



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Whoo Doggies...Where is CombatAce that we all knew and loved? This is really a sterile experience. I guess it will grow on me but what a visual change. Is this supposed to be a better experience?



Edited by OlPaint01

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Yeah the look and the Stickie boundry need some work

Sounds like CombatAce might clean this up though

OTOH There's a nice 'Multi Quote' Button on each thread and alot more options for Post writing

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Erik's post says we'll have our skin back...heh, er...the old OFF skin.

They're doing us a favor by letting us have the forum, while they continue to work on it.

We should have the next few new pilots buy Erik and the CA crew a few rounds! :)

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We should have the next few new pilots buy Erik and the CA crew a few rounds! :)


After they buy some for us, of course clapping.gif

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Erik's post says we'll have our skin back...heh, er...the old OFF skin.

They're doing us a favor by letting us have the forum, while they continue to work on it.

We should have the next few new pilots buy Erik and the CA crew a few rounds! :)


Yes. You WILL have your skin back.


We wanted to get the "basic", "sterile" forum up as soon as possible so everyone could still communicate. We are continuing to work on porting everything over....like the Downloads and Gallery....but getting everyone back into communication was the utmost importance to us. You will have your skin back very soon.


PM me if you need my address to send me beer.



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Hey, Bullethead - this is your chance to get someone else to drink your homebrewed beer!

If you can bottle it, of course. I heard of "exploding" beerbottles home brews.


But if you can, I'm sure, Fates has deserved a couple of bottles.

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That's cool...thanks Erik and co

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I was about to start complaining about the new look of my favourite forum, but it seems there's no need for it. Thanks for all the hard work, you owners of this site. :good:

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one good thing is, at last...I get a clickable link in Outlook! (always had to copy and paste in the past)

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