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Fokker E.V in Marine Feld Jasta I, II & III

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Almost done... ;) All that is left is Jasta 6, then the aces.


MFJ I... II ... III respectively... and you WILL respect them!!! Muhahahahahahahahhaaaaa DIE KRUMPETS!!!!




Edited by OvS

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The OBD team is too good to us. When we get a new plane we get much more than a plane and a skin or two. We get history and I imagine we get more/new missions for said planes. Great work the anticipation is fun, not desperate for me anyway, as I have so many planes to fly already. Being an Observer is rather good fun too.

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Yet another beauty I can shoot at with my trusty Camel. :biggrin:


Great work as always OvS.





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...Horrido!!!Now the Tommies may come.. butcher.gif

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It will make me feel bad when i have to fill such a beauty full of lead.....can't waitclapping.gif

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And still no input from WF2... girl where'd you go to? Your friends are here getting ready to fly you bird.dntknw.gif

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I hope your not a  jealous guy but she is now going on with the RoF boys!!!!!  see Simhq

And still no input from WF2... girl where'd you go to? Your friends are here getting ready to fly you bird.dntknw.gif

Edited by Dutch_P47M

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Otto, she is wonderful! Now I'm more than ever determined to survive until summer 1918

with my MFJ-1 Kameraden. A Flying Razor, to make crumbs of the crumpets!

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Very pretty!


I suppose by this point in the war, the navy was lucky to get any land fighters at all, let alone good ones, and so its "official" scheme had gone by the boards, eh?



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I suppose by this point in the war, the navy was lucky to get any land fighters at all, let alone good ones, and so its "official" scheme had gone by the boards, eh?



At least the elite Marinefeldjagdstaffel I gets the D.VII already in June 1918, not much later than the first army Jastas. The aviation units of the Kaiserliche Marine are probably receiving a lot more attention from the war leaders than the useless Hochseeflotte rotting in their ports and studying the works of Messrs. Marx and Engels. :grin:





Looks great!

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The screenshots look amazing. When did they actually first get deployed into the war and in what kind of numbers were they flown? What is the performance of them like? Are they better than the DVIIs?



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The screenshots look amazing. When did they actually first get deployed into the war and in what kind of numbers were they flown? What is the performance of them like? Are they better than the DVIIs?




Thanks guys, it's pure inspiration driven by a really great and supportive community!! good.gif


The E.V was only deployed to a few elite units and was released to the front in mid-August 1918. Some reports have it in the hands of Jasta 6 as early as mid-July... but much of what you read on the I-net about the E.V is very speculative at best. Even that Erich Lowenhardt flew it with Jasta 5 is wrong. Jasta 5 never recieved it and Lowenhardt was dead before it reached the front. Same for Jasta 24, it never flew it as well. Only J1, J6, J8, J19, J36, and 3 MFJ's had access to the new plane. Based on speculation, J11 and J6 will receive the D.VIII very late in the war. We did this as we wanted a little bit of balance and also... what the heck. Polovski did an awesome job on the model, why only have it in the game for a short time. If I were Germany, I'd toss everything I had in even half-servicable condition to win the war. So we kinda based the decision to add in the D.VIII on that pont.


So we did our best to evenly balance it all for you. I don't have the exact dates as Shred handles all that, but it's there as it should be as best as we can


As for flying it... it's a cross between a Dr.1 and the D.VII. It's fantastic to fly, not as manuverable as the Dr.1 and slower than the D.VII... but it handles better than the Dr.1 as it's much more stable. It feels lighter as it can climb very well, and the visiblilty is very good. For it's size, it's a better alternative than the Dr.1, but does not outclass the superior D.VII. As it's been said, the D.VII can make a decent pilot into an Ace of Aces... as Jasta 13's Franz Buchner found out. I don't see that happening with the E.V. More to come!! grin.gif


All the best,



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I have a very vague recollection of a great article on this plane written back in the 70s. I wish I still had it, because it had some very detailed drawings of the beast, plus all sorts of factoids I no longer remember.


Anyway, what stuck in my head was that the drawings showed that the oil tank, and IIRC at least an auxiliary fuel tank, were inside that little stub wing between the wheels. Or so I seem to remember.


Is that correct? I remember back then thinking it must have been funny seeing one flying along with a raging fire in its landing gear yikes.gif



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The OBD team is too good to us. When we get a new plane we get much more than a plane and a skin or two. We get history and I imagine we get more/new missions for said planes. Great work the anticipation is fun, not desperate for me anyway, as I have so many planes to fly already. Being an Observer is rather good fun too.


Agreed. As always the OBD team show how it should be done.

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Here is some info I found in posts at the Aerodrome for the E.V / D VIII


First post; about data:


The U.S.A.S. report of a D-VIII (code P-165) at McCook field, 20th MAY 1921 states the following:


MAX Speed at ground level was 115 mph.

At 6,500 ft speed was 113.8 mph.

At 10,000 ft speed was 112.3 mph.

At 15,000 ft speed was 107.8 mph

Rate of climb to 6,500 ft was 5m-3s

Rate of climb to 10,000 ft was 8m-55s

Rate of climb to 15,000 ft was 16m-40s

Rate of climb to 20,000 ft was 34m-40s


the above figures were based on the 110 hp Oberursel UR.II

Other powerplants used in the D8 were the 110 hp Le-Rhone, 145 hp Oberursel UR.III, 160 hp Goebel Goe. III,

200 hp Goebel Geo. IIIa, 160 & 220 hp Siemens-Halske Sh3, and the 130 hp Spijker-Clerget.

All information came from PROFILE PUBLICATIONS - The FOKKER D-VIII #67.


And from a post by Dan San Abbott:


No Fok.D.VIII was issued to any Jasta in August 1918. Fok.E.V were issued to the

Jagdstaffel in August 1918. In my opinion, the following pilots scored victories

in Jasta 6 on 8 August 1918:

Vzfw Hemer, his 19th; Uffz Reimers, his 1st; Ltn Wenzl, his 6th.

On 9 August 1918:

Ltn. Wenzel, his 10th; Uffz.Reimers, his 2cd.

On 16 August 1918:

Ltn. Rolff, his 3rd. On 19 August 1918; Ltn. Matzdorf, his 2cd.


That is a total of seven, just in Jasta 6. How about, Jasta 19, 24s, 36, 1 and 8?


And one other post:


...the 2 Marine Feld Jasta and the 3 Marine feld Jasta as well the Marine Jagdstaffel Gruppe Führer

flew Fok.E.V machines, and they got them early. I would feel quite sure there would be some victories

in those Kreigsmarine Jagdstaffeln.



Does anyone know more about the Belgian DVIII in the colour photograph?





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Great stuff!


As much as I do respect DSA's information and opinions, and believe me I do... you also have to put everything into perspective and add doubt to it all, as he will tell you, it's his opinion, based on his research... it's not bible. Although the German's were top-notch at archiving everything, they also lost portions of it during bombing of WWII, and some of it simply lost over time... so we can add speculation to it all... and we did. grin.gif


Another issue we came across was noticed when we actually applied the suggested paint scheme to planes in OFF based on his color charts. Some looked very good, and some were so off the wall that they looked silly. So again, we altered and tweaked to the look of the game and the thought of being speculative. At worst, we can call it an adaptation of DSA works.


As far as the D.VIII, we knew that, and have heard it suggested as well that not one made it to the front after the alterations were made, but again, sprinkling a little doubt and speculation... you'll have them to fight the Snipe, when and if it becomes available. Why not... we can have a little fun and imagination with history as wel... besides... it takes a lot of work to make these planes and skin them... we want you all to enjoy them as well.



Edited by OvS

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OvS: ...we altered and tweaked to the look of the game and the thought of being speculative.

... we can have a little fun and imagination with history as wel... besides... it takes a lot of work

to make these planes and skin them... we want you all to enjoy them as well.


Absolutely my opinion, OvS. Don't get me wrong; I didn't mean to be the accurate historian.

I'd rather want to light the fire of some speculation, where there are not nailed down facts.

That's why I posted Dan San's guesses about victories in the E.V - to light the fire!


And as for skins: I much prefer to have them look believeable and good, instead of pinning them

down on some guessed colour sheme someone made after B&W photographs and Munsel charts,

and is selling them for the one and only truth now.


You are doing a great job there, as we can see from your pics, and I can hardly await the "delivery"

of the brandnew E.V to the front. And if you even supply some Jastas with the D VIII, I'll be grateful

and hunt down Widowmaker in his Snipe (which I regard as being announced by your words, sooner or later, -

and you couldn't make our man from Newcastle any happier).


Great job, OvS!

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Although the German's were top-notch at archiving everything, they also lost portions of it during bombing of WWII, and some of it simply lost over time... so we can add speculation to it all... and we did. grin.gif



That's absolutely true, and in fact the Allied bombings and later land combat in Germany as the Third Reich was conquered by advancing armies from all directions destroyed an awful amount of historically invaluable documents, and not only related to WW1.


Historical records about the E.V/D.VIII are very scarce; it can be said with certainty that the E.V couldn't have seen much combat (or maybe none at all), because then there would be reports available from such encounters also from the Entente side of the frontlines. But some Jastas definitely had them for a few weeks, and I have no problem with getting to fly those Fokkers in OFF campaign, as long as we won't be meeting whole wings of E.V's/D.VIII's - that would be too much, I think.

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OvS, it's called artistic license. BH&H is rife with history, thank you for that. That being said we also want to enjoy the experience, so, the more opportunities we have to fly these glorious crates the better. I appreciate the hard work of all the Historical researchers. We seem to know so very much more about this field now than was known just 10 to 20 years after the end of hostilities. So many depictions were inaccurate over the years, but that never dimminished the fascination of the imagination of futre pilots nor the actual deeds performed by the WWI fliers. Don't mean to be so long here but IMHO the OBD team takes the right approach to this sim time after time. Bottom line, thank you and best wishes, Jim

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Mark and James, great plane model and great skins (we already saw some more of them). My favourite mount. I hope it will be released very soon :this:


James,do you have also an ace skin for Onkel Theo's E.V or D.VIII while flying in MFJ I (Theodor Osterkamp, it has been reported he flew one with black and yellow 'bumble-bee' design)?



Edited by Gremlin_WoH

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OvS, it's called artistic license. BH&H is rife with history, thank you for that. That being said we also want to enjoy the experience, so, the more opportunities we have to fly these glorious crates the better. I appreciate the hard work of all the Historical researchers. We seem to know so very much more about this field now than was known just 10 to 20 years after the end of hostilities. So many depictions were inaccurate over the years, but that never dimminished the fascination of the imagination of futre pilots nor the actual deeds performed by the WWI fliers. Don't mean to be so long here but IMHO the OBD team takes the right approach to this sim time after time. Bottom line, thank you and best wishes, Jim



It's a lot like what Scotty said to "Bones" in Star Trek the Voyage Home movie when they gave the engineer the formula for transparent alluminum after they time traveled back to 1985 (or whatever year it was). Bones said "You realize that if we give this to him, we are changing history." Scotty said "Why? How do we know he wasn't the one who invented the thing?" With no real historical evidence one way or the other as to exact deployment dates, who is to say what you Devs decide to implement for service dates aren't the exact ones? Cheers for making the right call. Can't wait to see her in action above the front.



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It's a lot like what Scotty said to "Bones" in Star Trek the Voyage Home movie when they gave the engineer the formula for transparent alluminum after they time traveled back to 1985 (or whatever year it was). Bones said "You realize that if we give this to him, we are changing history." Scotty said "Why? How do we know he wasn't the one who invented the thing?"


That's how the time machine was invented. The guy who had already invented it went back in time to tell his prevoius self how to do it yikes.gif

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