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I'll be in the air shortly. I guess I am like one of those anxious young 'uns that was so and is so prepared to die?

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Guest British_eh

Central Flying School (CFS) Upavon [Responsible for training Naval and Army pilots]


Commander: Lieutenant-Colonel A C H MacLean




Lieutenant Dick Richards


Upavon CFS, Pewsey


Wiltshure, England




Commander RAF_Louvert


Royal Naval Air Service Wing 2


St.-Pol-Sur-Mer, Flanders, France



October 29, 1916



Dear Sir:

I have included a recent picture of our training aircraft the BE2, in which I have some 20 hours. The Sopwith Strutters are here too, although only a couple as most of the new training on them isn’t due till December. I have 2.7 hours now in one, and try to get up most days. As you can imagine, the weather is at 6’s and 7’s this time of the year. No matter, we take daily strategy meetings. I have included an article that was in the “Flight” magazine on October 26th. If you pay particular attention to the 4th paragraph, it certainly puts it right, about the Hun getting sorted out by the Allies, and of course the British!




I received notice of my official transfer to RNAS 2 Wing, and look forward to showing the Hun a good time. I will get a transport to get me there, and look forward to meeting you Sir, and our new kites.





With best regards,


Lieutenant Dick Richards














OCTOBER 26, 1916.




In the reports of the recent fighting on


the Somme front, the official French


reports have made mention for the first


time of aviators actually taking part in


the infantry attacks. Apparently these aviators pre-


cede each attacking wave of infantry by a few yards,


flying extraordinarily low—sometimes at no more


than 300 feet—dropping bombs on the enemy


trenches and signalling back to the advancing






This is a development which at first sight would


lead to the supposition that the casualties among the


aviators detailed for this duty must be relatively


enormous. On the contrary, however, the reports


assure us that they are extraordinarily light.




To the one versed in the lessons of practical war,


there is really nothing surprising in this. The psychology


of the fighting man is a peculiar thing, and


nothing produces so much effect as the unexpected


or that which is imperfectly understood. It is one


thing to contemplate in cold blood the anticipation


of some new method of attack, but too often quite


another to meet it when it comes. Theoretically, it


should be the easiest thing in the world to bring down


aviators flying low over trenches, and so indeed it


would be in practice, but for the distraction caused


by attack from in front and from overhead at the


same time. The safety of the attacking airmen lies


in the element of uncertainty of action this dual


attack produces on the enemy. It is analogous to


the case of the sportsman who puts up two birds,


cannot make up his mind on the instant which to


take first—and misses both when he does fire. It


would require a much higher standard of fire discipline




: —as distinct from what may be called parade discipline—


than is apparent in the German army of the


Somme to deal effectively with both kinds of attack


at once. The success of the new tactics lies, therefore,


in the unexpected character of it and the demoralisation,


for that is the true word to be applied to it,


of its effect. Possibly the Hun will get used to it


in time and learn how to deal with it. By then something


else will have been devised to get his nerves


on the raw edge. The present interest of the thing


lies in the indication it affords of the extent to which


our Allies and ourselves hold the mastery of the air


and the contempt of the enemy felt by our respective


air services. It seems the very apotheosis of the


" personal ascendancy " upon which the communiques





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To: Commander




Subject: Replacement


Sir, This is to inform you of a slight delay concerning the Transfer of Sub LT. Rufus T. Firefly. He will be delayed for 2 days due to walking a punishment tour for Rideing a farmers cow thru a local Traven. Albeit, the old chap did a good show.


Commander, Sir Hyde Parker


Royal Navy http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1256651191/med_gallery_50835_358_55347.jpg

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Sorry, sent it to you in PM. It's also posted on Siggi's website, but my pilot is Lt. Albrecht von Guber.



:rofl: Good one, Zoomzoom.


Siggi, you mess it all up for me with your new starting time, as I still need to finish our DFW skin for a bit.


Couldn't you give me at least a little more time - and start on November 1st?

That's saturday. Everyone may have a bit more time there anyway?


Here are the German names I got so far. VonGuber, I know you wrote yours somewhere, but can't find it.


Baldric = Leutnant Rolf Meyer

Blue781 = Leutnant Wilhelm von Konigstein

Creaghorn = Leutnant Daniel Wolf

Hasse Wind = Leutnant Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Roeder

Mr. Lucky = Leutnant Johann 'Lucky' Perrmann

Olham = Leutnant Juergen Jeschonnek

Rickitycrate = Leutnant Johann Handlich

Rooster89 = Leutnant Rudol Spaatz

77Scout = Leutnant Max Muehler

Velvet = Leutnant Albert 'Velvet' Kreipe

VonGuber =

Zoomzoom = Leutnant Argus Starke

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Männer - alle mal herhören! (Attention please, gentlemen!)


Intelligence was bluffed by false enemy combat plans!

Instead of starting their attacks on November 5th, the enemy has started them today!


When the cat enters the room, the mice run around - but we are not the mice in my example!

We rely on our Flak - they will protect us and our field, and shoot the Tommy out of the sky!


And we will soon start our own attacks with our brandnew delivered DFW C.V.

They are all painted now. To get your craft assigned, go to our group's news board - you'll find

it there.

Then make sure you have got all the settings right - follow the rules please!


Later today, some of us will fly a first mission. I will be there, when you start. Keep this in mind:


No one can say, how long this war is going to go. As you all know, our greatest ace, Leutnant

Boelcke, will not see the end of it. He surely was a calm, a cool person when it came to combat.

Still though, he died in a collision. What I want to say is: the only help besides the help of god

must come from yourself - if you fail to do the right thing for only one minute, if you give up, it

could be your and your observer's end.


I'm not the man for flaming speeches, I just say: get there and back in one piece! And don't

forget to drop your "turnips" on the enemy's fields and fighters! Bring them hell!



Edited by Olham

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Am I being dense?... I cant fint 2 RNAS. I have one that says RNAS-2 but when i select that dossier says B sqaudron 1 RNAS... where is it?


ahh nevermind worked it out!



Stiffy I am having the same problem How did U work it out? Carrickrofl.gif

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Stiffy I am having the same problem How did U work it out? Carrickrofl.gif



I believe it will change over on or near Nov 5 when we get the two man Strutters. For now, we can try and survive or wait a few days... I just finished my first flight and it was artillery spotting just north of Albert. Of course the Hun were in the way and I made a mistake that almost cost me. While pouring the rounds into a Halb Dll, it was smoking enough that I let it go, figuring it would crash. In the meantime, I engaged with another and shot it down and filed a claim. But, I put up the Tac and found that the crippled Halb was flying back to his lines, smoke trailing him all the way. I should have finished him , for now he will live to fight another day.


I believe Siggi said he had a scramble. Must have been because we started at different times on Oct 29??


I'll be waiting until tomorrow for my next flight. Isn't it something? here is the first day and I don't want to push my luck.

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Could someone lead me to the rules and settings again?

On Siggi's site I can't find them - where are they?

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Could someone lead me to the rules and settings again?

On Siggi's site I can't find them - where are they?



click on the dogfight picture, top row, 2d from right.

That should do it.

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Tch - the only picture I didn't seem to have clicked! Thnak you, VonGuber!

See you over the lines!

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Following Creaghorn's instructions I get to the Pilot Dossier and change the date but I cannot save or save as. Maybe if I start with yesterdays date and just abort through to todays date? Any advice? What is the proper file type?


Well, I advanced myself through yesterday with no time logged so that should work. I am now at today's date.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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For those of you running Vista you may need to check 'Run as Administrator' in the properties of Notepad, depending on your security settings, otherwise you won't be able to save your edited pilot file. Not sure about XP, so long since I abused it.

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I will be starting the campaign on the 5th as planned. I don't have any experience flying the sturtter before this, and usually fly with TAC and warp. So there are a few things i'm practicing (like navigation), getting familiar with the area around my home field etc. I figgure i'll be as ready as i can be in a weeks time. Besides, whats the big rush to die. grin.gif



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So I'm trying to save changes in th pilot dossier and I get"Cannot Create..." message while I'm trying to save. I set notepad to run as admin.. Still no go. Helfen mir bitte?


In the save box there is a encoding to select, default says ANSI. Is this the right encoding?

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Getting ahead of myself, and this may have been answered already, but when we switch to fighters, how will we avoid losing our hours and kills? Won't we need to start a new pilot or will there be creative editing of the pilot's file going on? Gotta run, the engines' warming up.

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Johann, arhh - Mr. Lucky, before we mess around in those files, we could just leave it up to Siggi's

pilots list. You just send your victories there, and he'll sum them up.


Johann, arhhh - Rickitycrate, I can't help - still running XP. Sorry. Anyone else?

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Getting ahead of myself, and this may have been answered already, but when we switch to fighters, how will we avoid losing our hours and kills? Won't we need to start a new pilot or will there be creative editing of the pilot's file going on? Gotta run, the engines' warming up.


When you get to the fighters it's as much as when they add your name to their killboard it's for what you score with them. Your total stats are kept back at HQ (my DiD site), so to speak.

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So I'm trying to save changes in th pilot dossier and I get"Cannot Create..." message while I'm trying to save. I set notepad to run as admin.. Still no go. Helfen mir bitte?


In the save box there is a encoding to select, default says ANSI. Is this the right encoding?


Try high-lighting everything in the file, right-click and save it, then paste that into a brand-new notepad page. Delete the one in the game (that you just copied from) and save the new one you just made (with the date modded) into the game with correct file-name (same name as the original you just deleted). That should get you around whatever glitch it is you're experiencing.


Maybe better than deleting the original, just remove it to some other location, just in case.

Edited by Siggi

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Staffelfuhrer, I am ready to head out, Sir. <salutes before dashing off to his warmed up machine>


Preflight checks done, Feldwebel Schmidt ready in the crew compartment, parabellum ready...spandau ready...map open this time...engine purring, throttle up slightly, wave chocs away...quick salute to the ground crew before pulling the goggles down and grinning....throttle up.....bounce bounce and awaaaaay.

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Anyone else been flying already? I have just made my first hour - see here:




With me where Daniel 'Creaghorn' Wolf, Rolf 'Baldric' Meyer, Johann 'Rickitycrate' Handlich and Johann 'Mr Lucky' Perrmann.

All returned home to base safe and sound.

No enemy contact.

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So I'm trying to save changes in th pilot dossier and I get"Cannot Create..." message while I'm trying to save. I set notepad to run as admin.. Still no go. Helfen mir bitte?


In the save box there is a encoding to select, default says ANSI. Is this the right encoding?


RC, I suspect you're double-clicking on the .txt file? That doesn't work. You have to open Notepad, select 'Continue' then navigate to your campaign\data\pilots folder and open the pilot dossier .txt file you want. That should then save okay, if not... I'm stumped.

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A couple of pics of the "Terror in the Sky" grin.gif


Thanks to RAF Louvert for the skin. I hope I can keep it grom getting too many bulletholes.

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Meine Herren!


I had the honour this morning to make two sorties with the new Imperial fighter, the Albatros D II.

This aircraft got me absolutely stunned! It has very strong engine and is faster than the French

Nieuport, has a good climb and dive ability, and on top of it all it is carrying two light machine guns

LMG 08/15 7,92 mm, both firing through the propellor circle!

With this craft, we will reign the skies over Flanders - we will be able to shred the Entente aircraft

to small stripes of canvas!

I have brought these pictures with me - isn't she a real beauty?




(I'm almost ready with that skin and wanted to make your mouths water. I tried Creaghorn's sign

on it. As you may see, the bottom part of the skin covers the lower point of the triangle - little odds,

you always come across with skinning. I'll soon show all the various signs of our Elitegruppe.

Edited by Olham

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FA-A250 has taken the coup of First Blood upon the enemy! Ther rest may come out in the press later....but for now my mates in the most esteemed squadron will be the first to know the details. My gunner and I could not wait for our planes to be painted, we had to go up. But a squad of enemy machines came to us instead and we downed three in the scramble. Though as of yet unconfirmed, we are very happy withthe outcome.




Ahem,,....Argus Starke, Leutnant FA-A250.

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Particular thanks to Dej for helping me get the Pilot file save sorted out. I was making it to complicated. I did not realize I could navigate all the way to the file through Notepad. Anyway I have the date correct and my Jasta mates are in there now. Thanks guys.


Olham you big tease. She's a sexy beast and I want mine! I have just a few hours to get a flight in, seeya!

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