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Man faces Jail after Urinating on War memorial

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Well, if he was really drunk, I would have arrested him for the night, and condemned him

to clean up the whole memorial, plus all other spots in town, where people have urinated

against walls. Prison will only make it worse with him.


And the Yellow Press should also get punished for showing that photograph "in public" - those basterds!

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Yeah, I agree Olham...I was just listening to a radio chat show, with listeners calling in with various ideas from "Sending him to Afghanistan" to public Whippings!...quite scary how the British Public can go totally overboard sometimes!


A very silly young man, whose punishment would be best suited to Community Service, cleaning up War memorials for a few weekends I think.


We've all done daft things when young and pi$$ed I reckon...but Prison should be reserved for those who deserve it through serious crimes

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Send him to Afgan as a stretcher bearer, I bet he would'nt do it again!

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Send him to Afgan as a stretcher bearer, I bet he would'nt do it again!



You got my vote! If the jerk is smart enough to get into a University, then he should have a greater understanding of just how that memorial got there in the first place.


Booze is no excuse for stupidity... no matter what the level is.



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A very silly young man, whose punishment would be best suited to Community Service, cleaning up War memorials for a few weekends I think.


We've all done daft things when young and pi$$ed I reckon...but Prison should be reserved for those who deserve it through serious crimes


Sorry, S- I disagree on this occasion. This was not a silly prank. This was complete disrespect

for those brave servicemen who died and who are dying still for this country. I've just listened to the description of that poor chap who died defusing bombs in Afghanistan.

Bravest of the brave etc.


I'm not in the mood to listen to excuses any longer for some of the namby pamby, disrespectful cowardly youth which this Country is now breeding.

For that disgraceful act, drunken or not, of the options I'd give him, he would choose jail!.

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Sorry, S- I disagree on this occasion. This was not a silly prank. This was complete disrespect

for those brave servicemen who died and who are dying still for this country. I've just listened to the description of that poor chap who died defusing bombs in Afghanistan.

Bravest of the brave etc.


I'm not in the mood to listen to excuses any longer for some of the namby pamby, disrespectful cowardly youth which this Country is now breeding.

For that disgraceful act, drunken or not, of the options I'd give him, he would choose jail!.



Hi D


Must admit, that was my first thought too...But It costs us Tax Payers good money to keep people in Prison...I like the American Chain Gang approach personally :drinks:

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"I'm not in the mood to listen to excuses any longer for some of the namby pamby, disrespectful cowardly youth which this Country is now breeding."


Whoa there!


We're talking about one person here. The fact that it made the papers at all indicates what a rare act of stupidity it was. And don't forget that there are plenty of young people his age who are actually serving in Afghanistan and elsewhere, so let's not make blanket judgements, eh?


In the case of punishment: it's pointless sending him to jail, unless you're heavily into revenge. I suspect that that particular foolish act will follow him around for very many years to come, and his proper punishment will be for him to face people and explain why he did what he did. I think that that will be a very salutary experience for him...

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"I'm not in the mood to listen to excuses any longer for some of the namby pamby, disrespectful cowardly youth which this Country is now breeding."


. The fact that it made the papers at all indicates what a rare act of stupidity it was. And don't forget that there are plenty of young people his age who are actually serving in Afghanistan and elsewhere, so let's not make blanket judgements, eh?


In the case of punishment: it's pointless sending him to jail, unless you're heavily into revenge. I suspect that that particular foolish act will follow him around for very many years to come, and his proper punishment will be for him to face people and explain why he did what he did. I think that that will be a very salutary experience for him...


I haven't made any blanket judgments at all. I said ..some...

And the kind of behaviour of which we speak is not "rare".

Try taking yourself for a stroll in our city centres late on a Friday night, and see whether you would go again. ( Hopefully you wouldn't take your wife with you, for her sake ).


As for the "acts following these people around.. etc.." - Do not make the mistake of thinking that yobs have a sense of shame, remorse etc, as you may consider you would have , if you misbehaved. It would be nice to think they may have, but I think forgiving natures like yours

are placing too many decent members of society at the mercy of Anti social behaviour.

The levels of such behaviour in this country are now sky -high, and a change is urgently required.

My motives would not be revenge, but to protect decent society. So, please don't tell me to "Whoa!"

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Thing is, getting your tackle out in public is gross indecencey, and jail or not, I think the clown could even find himself on the sex offenders register. That should take the grin off the stupid gits face.



Like that story Uncleal. Go vets!

Edited by Flyby PC

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"And the kind of behaviour of which we speak is not "rare".

Try taking yourself for a stroll in our city centres late on a Friday night, and see whether you would go again. ( Hopefully you wouldn't take your wife with you, for her sake )."


Actually, I live near a mill town in Lancashire and get into Manchester reasonably often, and although you can see some nonsense going on, it's invariably harmless and hardly presages the destruction of All Which We Right Thinking People Cherish. I'll leave the Daily Mail to be outraged on my account. MrsSRC is not a shrinking violet, but equally, she's sensitive to her environment. I can't recall a Friday - or Saturday - night in Manchester that had me outraged in any particular manner. If you've had bad experiences, then I feel a bit sorry for you in that respect.



"As for the "acts following these people around.. etc.." - Do not make the mistake of thinking that yobs have a sense of shame, remorse etc, as you may consider you would have , if you misbehaved. It would be nice to think they may have, but I think forgiving natures like yours are placing too many decent members of society at the mercy of Anti social behaviour. The levels of such behaviour in this country are now sky -high, and a change is urgently required.

My motives would not be revenge, but to protect decent society. So, please don't tell me to "Whoa!""


I'm sorry, but I suspect that we've been going to Hell in a handcart since before you or I were born, and crime figures bear this out. In our own lifetimes we've seen a lot of behaviour which was previously considered quite acceptable - queer-bashing, Paki-bashing, random discrimination against the Irish, blacks, etc - become beyond the pale, and a bloody good thing too. We really don't live in some Kafkaesque nightmare of random violence, as, again, the British Crime Survey would confirm, and the chances of getting twatted on a night out (or in) are far, far lower than in years gone by. The fact that it sells newspapers to overblow isolated instances of random violence says rather more about the media than the country in general.


I'm not forgiving by nature, per se; I'm simply pointing out that this guy did a f***ing stupid thing and will pay a chronic and quite unpleasant price for it. Do you really imagine that his family and friends will stand behind him? I can't imagine that for a minute. He's probably simply a slightly dim student who thought that - whilst pissed up - it would be vaguely iconoclastic to have a slash in the most inappropriate circumstances. Hardly public enemy No. 1.

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I think what young people often are really lacking, is the respect for those, who have already done

something, achieved something, and fought for something.

I wished, their education would get them there, would teach them more of this respect.


Here we have "Friedensrichter", and my dictionary says for that "magistrate" or "justice of the peace".

Those judges could in this case bring him together with veterans of WW2, for a round, where they tell

him what they have done and how they did their duties for his country. This direct contact would - I'm

pretty sure - teach him more respect than prison ever could. It would make him think about it, if he isn't

pig ignorant, and I can't imagine, he would ever do it again after that.

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We had a very similar incident to a memorial in Ottawa i believe, 2 or 3 years ago, will have to find the article. Not a lot was done or said, I would of made the SOB's scrub each and every memorial in the city with a toothbrush, wearing a sign as to how fing stupid and ignorant they are.


Here is the article. http://www2.canada.com/nanaimodailynews/news/story.html?id=2183274


Figures on reading it again bloody frogs.

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Amazing how Ozzie Osbourne has had a TV show and done commercials for many companies including Blizzard, but nobody mentions he did the same thing. 20-odd years ago, he pissed on the Alamo, which is a very sacred war memorial to all Texans. He also claimed he was drunk out of his mind, but even drunk Texans would never do that. So AFAIK, he hasn't been back to Texas due to the price on his head that's still in force there.

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About 10 years go an 18 American lad pulled some pranks in Singapore

He got caught damaging some parked cars

They sentenced him to being Caned (6 strokes)


The American public was up in arms about but I said "let him have it"

Sure taught him a lesson he needed to learn and corporal punishment is cheap, which the public deserves

The Singapore officials humored the American official pleas by reducing the sentence to 4 strokes ...bahh woosies!

A trained martial artist administered the blows with a wooden rod


I'm quite sure he'll never pull that stunt again ...at least in Singapore

And in this day of the internet, the story still follows him


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Don't know what jobs a degree in Sports Technology gets you, but with a conviction for indecency he won't be working with kids or in schools. That's assuming he doesn't get kicked out of course.


He's just another embassador for our drink fuelled culture.

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Well OvS and I seem to be of the same mind


>> Booze is no excuse.. <<


No, sorry gents, I am a much less forgiving sort I suppose, particularly in matters of utter disrespect; and especially for those that gave their lives so you can take out your d**k and pee all over a memorial to their memory..perhaps it's my generation. That kid would be doing some very, very difficult time in prison to contemplate his next drink...




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No, sorry gents, I am a much less forgiving sort I suppose, particularly in matters of utter disrespect; and especially for those that gave their lives so you can take out your d**k and pee all over a memorial to their memory..perhaps it's my generation. That kid would be doing some very, very difficult time in prison to contemplate his next drink...


If I was king of the world, I'd have just cut the offending member off at the roots. Then the lad could still be a productive member of society but would remember to behave himself all day, every day, due to having a tube up in there leading to a bag of piss in his coat pocket.

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bring out that old 1850s law book and see what can be added to the list.


a slight ticking off is about the most that could be hoped for. It's not as if we remember the lessons of either war anymore. We've never really had to fight for our freedom since and we don't know what it is, and so we let our politicians take advantage of that.

The war generation almost rebelled over suez, i don't know what they'd make of iraq or afghanistan, or the other dictators we got rid of after we helped them to acquire power in the first place, only to replace them with additional dictators.

it's all very futile.


anywho, yes the mass hysteria over this latest escipade will fade and the idiot will get a slight slap on the wrist, but that's about it. community service would seem the most logical outcome.

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bring out that old 1850s law book and see what can be added to the list.


a slight ticking off is about the most that could be hoped for. It's not as if we remember the lessons of either war anymore. We've never really had to fight for our freedom since and we don't know what it is, and so we let our politicians take advantage of that.

The war generation almost rebelled over suez, i don't know what they'd make of iraq or afghanistan, or the other dictators we got rid of after we helped them to acquire power in the first place, only to replace them with additional dictators.

it's all very futile.


anywho, yes the mass hysteria over this latest escipade will fade and the idiot will get a slight slap on the wrist, but that's about it. community service would seem the most logical outcome.


Agree totally

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From Wikipedia:

While at the school he is said to have defaced the school grounds for a prank by painting footsteps to suggest that the school's statue of Field Marshal Earl Haig had got down from his plinth and gone to the toilet.


That's what John Cleese did when he was 14 or so. And he was sober for sure.


So yeah. Let's send the kid to Afghanistan. Oh yeah. That will teach him a lesson. One more kid dead for the "War Against Terrorism". (ooo that's seeerious business) Or maybe he will die for the profits of oil and weapons manufacturing businesses?


Go watch Fahrenheit 9/11 and see what the hell I am talking about. So many Americans sent their kids with great pride to the war at Afghanistan, just to watch them die in a hot desert away from home, months later. And for what? For freedom? Or maybe just for the profits of corporations and a handful of countries?


Hero for me would be a person who fought to the death for freedom.

The kid urinated an Idiot Memorial. Not a Hero Memorial (and I am certainly not drunk now). Of course, that fact does not suggest that the kid that peed on the memorial is not a moron. That's because he needed booze in the first place to pee on it, and more importantly, because he did not have the balls to pee on a limo of a weapons manufacturer that sent those kids straight to hell. And if you think I am harsh calling the "veterans" idiots, (and before you call me a "disrespectful young man") I will tell you that in the future, I hope we will learn something from their unreasonable deaths and would start treating the bastards above our heads that send us to War just to save their arses they way they deserve.


Wake up...you have been brainwashed.


P.S. I suggest that the moderators monitor this thread, as it may be heading towards dangerous waters.

Edited by Gous

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The kid urinated an Idiot Memorial. Not a Hero Memorial (and I am certainly not drunk now).




P.S. I suggest that the moderators monitor this thread, as it may be heading towards dangerous waters.


What are you on about? The memorial is not identified save to say it was a war memorial.


This was not a memorial to the politicians/ instigators of the Afghan war, nor the Irag war, or any other war of which you may disapprove.It was a memorial to the brave men and women who were killed fighting for their country. That's who he was insulting.!


And you are right about the moderators- for you, more than anyone, has pushed this thread to aggravation. You have tried to move this thread into a debate on the rights or otherwise of particular wars and the politics of it. Those were not issues in what he did, nor, may i suggest, in the mind of the initiator of this thread or any other contributor to it.

Edited by Fortiesboy

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Well, there is an obviously different approach to this between those, who faught in a war,

or lost someone close through a war, and those who haven't.

It's like in that film "A few good men", where I could also understand the Marine's position.


But I think, the thread title is wrong already. It shouldn't be


"Man faces jail..." but rather "Silly boy faces jail..."


A silly boy can't piss against my knee - cause I'd knock him off his feet.

And those who where heroic, know what they are - men.

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What are you on about? The memorial is not identified save to say it was a war memorial.


This was not a memorial to the politicians/ instigators of the Afghan war, nor the Irag war, or any other war of which you may disapprove.It was a memorial to the brave men and women who were killed fighting for their country. That's who he was insulting.!


And you are right about the moderators- for you, more than anyone, has pushed this thread to aggravation. You have tried to move this thread into a debate on the rights or otherwise of particular wars and the politics of it. Those were not issues in what he did, nor, may i suggest, in the mind of the initiator of this thread or any other contributor to it.



I think it's a language thing Fortiesboy. Just a wrong word here and there and it reads totally differently.


I read what Gous says as someday we'll wake up to the fact that those who start the wars aren't the people who have to fight them.


Don't think he's trying to be provocative.


That about right Gous?

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