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*WARNING* A$$hole alert!

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Thank god I know enough American's to know this muppet is a twat!


Using the suffering of 1/2 million Human Beings to further his political aims!....rot in hell you c**t

Edited by UK_Widowmaker
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What the F***?


did this a-hole saw the images of Port au principe?


Deffinatelly not a good time to came with such a critic, specially when US is sending more men than UN Mission.

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I love America, and all she stands for!...And the work she does around the world to actually HELP people is commendable!...You should all boycott this fool!

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someone already predicted that some asshole would come up with something like this in the other threads

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IMO its an Lack of Respect and even education.


if there was any beloved people of him in danger i be he would not complain in don't measure efforts to save he/she.

Edited by Silverbolt

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Yep..A political stance is one thing...fair enough...but to use a natural disaster to make a political statement is utterly abhorant by any 'normal' human standpoint.

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Limbaugh has always been a member of the "lunatic fringe." It's unbelievable that he's not serving time for hate crimes.

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Rush is a douche.

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That's being awefully polite to him. The sad thing is, sheeple believe his sewage. Him and his kin are why america is in the sorry state its in.

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Rush is a douche.



What? You don't like Rush??? Oh come on man, they play great music! Oh wait, wrong Rush... :grin:


Anyways, I don't agree with hate at all. However, I don't think someone should be punished for it unless they physically act out on it with violence. I think everybody, to some degree, has experienced some form of irrational hate towards someone else or something. Just ignore Rush. In some ways, you are being a part of his "audience" by reacting to what he says. People like him feed off of those reactions. Just let it go and move on. Its not like the whole world is going to obey what he says. Maybe only a few, and that won't really impact the relief efforts that are going on.

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What? You don't like Rush??? Oh come on man, they play great music! Oh wait, wrong Rush... :grin:


Anyways, I don't agree with hate at all. However, I don't think someone should be punished for it unless they physically act out on it with violence. I think everybody, to some degree, has experienced some form of irrational hate towards someone else or something. Just ignore Rush. In some ways, you are being a part of his "audience" by reacting to what he says. People like him feed off of those reactions. Just let it go and move on. Its not like the whole world is going to obey what he says. Maybe only a few, and that won't really impact the relief efforts that are going on.


Yeah...I guess you're right.

We have our fair share of Nut-Jobs in the UK too (as many per Capita at least!)


One of them is actually STILL running our country!...though only until July hopefully

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Uh, I hate to tell you, but this is typical liberal-media attempt at character assassination. Why didn't they play a longer clip? Because it would have then been obvious to anyone endowed with more brain cells than an amoeba, that this edited so as to create a scandal where none existed. I challenge anyone to read the entire transcript, and then come back and tell me that it's intent is what the liberal press states that it was.


Doesn't matter in a way. Most polls show that the majority of Americans distrust the press, and feel that the press has an obvious liberal bias.


BTW. Danny Glover stated that this was payback for inaction at the Copenhagen Climate summit. Where's the media outrage against that wacko?

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Alright, where's a full unedited transcript?


reality has a well-known liberal bias.
Edited by eraser_tr
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Uh, I hate to tell you, but this is typical liberal-media attempt at character assassination. Why didn't they play a longer clip? Because it would have then been obvious to anyone endowed with more brain cells than an amoeba, that this edited so as to create a scandal where none existed. I challenge anyone to read the entire transcript, and then come back and tell me that it's intent is what the liberal press states that it was.


Doesn't matter in a way. Most polls show that the majority of Americans distrust the press, and feel that the press has an obvious liberal bias.


BTW. Danny Glover stated that this was payback for inaction at the Copenhagen Climate summit. Where's the media outrage against that wacko?


Link please

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For those of you outside the US, you don't have the right to critisise(sic) one of our (inadvertantly) best comedians.


To be honest, Rush does occasionally nail an important point, but he's fun to keep track of so one can see how many times he can put his foot in his mouth on certain issues.


The likes of Danny Glover provide far lesser entertainment.


Hollywood is filled with third rate "activists" who would be skinned alive in anything but the most stage managed public debate. They are much less fun due to the leftist (inadvertantly or not) lack of humour.


At least Rush gives you something to research about.

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Leftist lack of humor? :blink::dntknw:


Surely you've heard of John Stewart and the entire Daily Show cast, Stephen Colbert or Bill Maher?


Where is there political humor on the right? All I've ever managed to come across are a few marginally witty pictures on the interwebs.

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Leftist lack of humor? :blink::dntknw:


Surely you've heard of John Stewart and the entire Daily Show cast, Stephen Colbert or Bill Maher?


Where is there political humor on the right? All I've ever managed to come across are a few marginally witty pictures on the interwebs.


Please, a script should not be a subsitute for those precious moments of pure comedic genius.


If you can actually watch both sides' programs and views on issues with a straight face, then you should be commended for posessing a stronger amount of stone faced seriousness than i.

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But who is identifiable as a comedian on the right? Sure Michael Steele and Glenn Beck are easy to laugh at, but they aren't comedians per se like Stewart, and they are all really good spontaneously if you've spent any time watching them.

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Rush is a douche.

well put

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I don't agree with everything Rush says, nor should anyone agree 100% with ANYTHING any of these opinion givers say... Left or Right... BUT...


In this country, the press has gone full-swing to the right, so much so that anything anyone Conservative says (Dem, Rep, Ind, or TEA) they bash the hell out of it, twist it and comment on it so much that it reverses the meaning of freedom of speech. Well... I have to say... it is starting to change a little... thanks CSPAN! :)


Truth is, the awake USA went in a direction it did not see coming based on Acorn, and a few other politically motivated groups that tainted the voter base. They took people that had no idea who Obama was, but saw his ethnenticity and said (quoted from quite a few of the people I work with here at JFK) .. wow, we can make history here... We elected a president based on wanting to get away from another... in 'hope' that 'change' was good for the USA... well.. nothing has changed. A year later, and blame is still being passed.. and nothing has changed... health care that I don't want, and can't afford to pay in taxes... and more taxes... same old politics.. Bush, Clinton, Obama.. whomever.


But back to Rush... he's wrong here, dead wrong, but the underlying point is true... we are giving SO much to Haiti, yet there are STILL people in the Houston/New Orleans area that are out in the cold, were promised the world and got nothing. This president went there, for all of 40 min on a political stop, and said nothing. Could Haiti be used as a political statement... you're a fool if you don't think so. Any natural disaster can make or break a political leader... ask Bush with 9/11 (He was GOD after that) and Katrina (he was a total jackass after that).


There are thousands of people out of work across the USA.... there are hundreds living under bridges, and in back alleys... with no sign of change in the future. Yet we poor 100 million into a country that was decimated even before the Earthquake happened... what about China when they had theirs, or Italy... suddendly Haiti is the center of the world effort to help out... which is fine, no doubt... but one should not be more important than the other.


You and I see it as getting our gloves on and helping the human race, but that's a working man's view... a politician doesn't see things that way... they see the potential in the long run come voting time... hey Haitian Americans... remember me... vote for xx in 2012! :)


So, that being said... I'll take my beating... but truthfully, not being narcasistic I don't think I am far from the truth in what I am saying... I read a lot from both sides of the fence, and I never vote my party, I vote for the candidate that I feel will suite my needs.



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Wait a sec... you almost sounded like a disenchanted liberal like myself. Obama actually admits it's essentially impossible not to be beholden to every special interest (mostly wall street) in his book.


I put a lot of blame on his advisors, Rahm Emmanuel, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner. All scumbags in my book, and I have a good sense for people who shouldn't be trusted. They're all establishment, so SSDD is no surprise. It's like day 1 his primary concern was not rocking the boat too much.


The media actually is quite mixed. MSNBC is left, Fox is on the right and CNN is just a laughing stock that panders to everyone.


As for Haiti and healthcare, helping Haiti is easy to do because outside of a few clowns, everyone can agree on what to do. I'm sure they're looking at the political gain from it, but actually getting it done isn't nearly as politicized as anything domestic.


If you don't want healthcare, you're damn lucky. If it wasn't for NY extending coverage under a parent's policy until 29, I'd be incomparably f**ked right now. And when it comes to taxes, him and the federal government actually lowered them for most, the states were the ones who went and raised them. Nevermind that nobody lowers taxes, just shifts them around to different groups.

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Wait a sec... you almost sounded like a disenchanted liberal like myself. Obama actually admits it's essentially impossible not to be beholden to every special interest (mostly wall street) in his book.


I put a lot of blame on his advisors, Rahm Emmanuel, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner. All scumbags in my book, and I have a good sense for people who shouldn't be trusted. They're all establishment, so SSDD is no surprise. It's like day 1 his primary concern was not rocking the boat too much.


The media actually is quite mixed. MSNBC is left, Fox is on the right and CNN is just a laughing stock that panders to everyone.


As for Haiti and healthcare, helping Haiti is easy to do because outside of a few clowns, everyone can agree on what to do. I'm sure they're looking at the political gain from it, but actually getting it done isn't nearly as politicized as anything domestic.


If you don't want healthcare, you're damn lucky. If it wasn't for NY extending coverage under a parent's policy until 29, I'd be incomparably f**ked right now. And when it comes to taxes, him and the federal government actually lowered them for most, the states were the ones who went and raised them. Nevermind that nobody lowers taxes, just shifts them around to different groups.


Wait till the bill is signed... then talk taxes. I think I got the left and right mixed.... I'm a conservative/independent... is that far right? Like I said, Obama is no better than any other President when it comes to being truthful... closed door decision on Health Care, Ear Mark/Pork Barrel spending... bribing Senators for their vote... it's all there under his administration, just like it was years and years before. He's no better than Bush, as was sold to the populous... he just has better speaches. Bush would have been standing in Haiti already... Obama will be there after the smell dissapates a little, and the golf course is fixed.


Anyhow... Haiti is what it is, but really, the USA should not be the savior for them... help, hell yes, but to dump in all kinds of money, efforts...etc.. when there are still big issues in our own yard is really a slap in the face for long suffering individuals inside the USA.



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Rush and Pat Robertson are noted for opening their mouth and inserting their foot.

Rush thinks everything is the Democrats fault.

Pat thinks that everybody pi--ed off God.

I don't believe that they have enough following to even make a difference.

They kicked Don Imus off the air for what he said. I guess there wasn't enough outrage at Rush and Pat.

As for the Prez: it doesn't matter who it is.

The Media loves misery,so the Prez gets free media coverage while he sends relief efforts to Haiti. Just remember:The Whole World is Watching,if they weren't,things would be different no matter who was Prez.

As for the people here in this country that need help,it's not good media ,so it doesn't get done.

President's have been actors long before Reagan came along.

Whatever is a good Photo Op.

OK,my rant is over.

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Ovs, I'm with you for the most part.


I also think that no matter what we do for Haiti we, as a nation, will be found to be wrong and quilty of some dastardly wrongdoing.


I don't mean to be too cryptic but what is really going on may be well beyond what has been discussed here and what "they" want us to know.


Just as I don't expect everyone that reads my posts in this forum to always get my meaning, especially when I think I am being funny, I don't think people get or understand Rush like those that listen to him on a regular basis. He jokes about always being right but he is fallable and can misspeak and have his comments taken out of context. He is on the the radio 15 hours a week and much of his show is satirical. I have noticed that it is only the left that can make jokes or be funny, it is their provence, much like the black vote or caring for people or the enviroment. If a rightwinger makes a joke it is out of bounds and a major offense. If a comedian on the left says whatever they want and it is offensive and political it was a joke after all don't get so bent out of shape. There is a terrible double standard in the press. I think too many people get their politcal view from comedians.

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