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F-12 key Action view and other items of interest

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Just wondering, but on my SFP1 and WOV key cards, its states that F12 automatically zooms in on the all important action as the occur. Mine does not. Was this a feature that TK left out?




Dogzero1 :salute:

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I honestly have no idea, F12 is mapped to my TrackIR. If I want to see what's going on during a flight, I usually just cycle through the aircraft external views with F6.

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Thanks Crusader. I have now managed to work that one out. :salute:


I have asked TK as to why it was not implemented. He got a bit irate and started mentioning about all the other wish lists that cost money. I reminded him that this was not on any wish list, but a part of his own implementation and documented in the key cards to SFP1, WOV and WOI. So I re-iterated the fact that I am only asking a customer question. :cool::good:

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I've noticed too that TK seems to be getting a bit ratty with folks [customers] just lately, thats always good for business.... :minigun:

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This feature might never have been in the game - when the game was ready to be published a list of key codes he hoped he could get in the game was sent probably at some deadline that included that and other things - for example the braking chute key - but there are no 3D chute models even in the game.


If it was taken out during a beta version then it was causing problems with other things that couldn't be fixed at the time - and was left as non essential.


Looking back at SFP1 - and the many things wrong with it - I'm pretty glad the main things have been dealt with, stability, AI, bouncing planes , etc etc....


At the moment I would hope his priorities are bug fixes in the engine, and producing a new game, which is the only chance of new features, and getting good non stutter performance out of multi core CPUs which have now been around years.


TK really needs to hire a team of programmers to help him - but this could bring in other problems - not least having to pay them all - and could still take years to see any progress.


If I was him I would reduce non essential patches to one every 2 years or during a new game release, and waste less time answering the same question over again on the forums!


Anyone expecting some kind professional customer service from a programmer is dreaming - of course you can always buy something else - theres plenty to choose from :lol:


Maybe you can all get Ace Combat 6 and talk to their call centre in India about implementing realistic flight models. :good:

Edited by MigBuster

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What TK really needs is for everybody to stop telling him how to run his business.....then he can get in with the job in hand, asking a civil question about something that apparenty isnt working [intenionally or not] is what customer support is all about, folks constantly telling him he should be doing this or that is bound to piss him off, there is a difference.


Just my point of view.

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What TK really needs is for everybody to stop telling him how to run his business.....then he can get in with the job in hand, asking a civil question about something that apparenty isnt working [intenionally or not] is what customer support is all about, folks constantly telling him he should be doing this or that is bound to piss him off, there is a difference.


Just my point of view.



yes otherwise he'll stop talking like he did some times ago and everbody will (including me) whine about his silence (it's real nice when he talk about what he may do or when he give us some preview pics like the f-14 ones)

Edited by Murphy'S

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Well I certainly have not even hinted at TK on how to run his business and would never dream of it and I have not seen anyone else do it either. So it's no good trying to make trouble by suggesting it. :suicide: :stink: However, asking simple questions to the developer, programmer and seller of a product that I have purchased is never wrong in my book. Yes I am the customer and I have purchased every single game he has done. So I think I deserve the right to ask him a question when I feel like it. All I hve ever expected are polite answers.


Right, move along, there is nothing more for you here. :tumbleweed:

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I was'nt suggesting that YOU were....calm down I'm on your side matey.. :drinks:

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What TK really needs is for everybody to stop telling him how to run his business....




Absolutely... One often forgets that TK implements his game "alone" (there are only few guys working with him for the 3D and graphics).

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This is the double edged sword of making yourself available for comments and critiques. On the one hand, it's a good thing...you can get good ideas for fixes or additions, or get an idea in general of where the next project should go. On the other hand, it also means you set yourself for people who basically try to tell you how to do things without having any real knowledge of how it works...all they see is the end result, not the behind the scenes calculations. You can easily say that he should have a thick skin...but even the thickest skin can get worn away by constant poking and rubbing of the same area.


Frankly, I think TK does a pretty good job of not telling people to go pound sand. Heck, I've even gotten pissed reading the boards and I don't even make the sim! Some folks show an extraordinary amount of arrogance in assuming that because something sounds easy to implement that it is easy to implement, or that if only this feature was added, the sim would take off, or have way more numbers of buyers than it does.


Here's the thing...TK makes his living off the sim. Period. Far as I know, this is the only thing he does to make any money. Go read about the origin of SFP1 sometime. For a while, he had no car, was riding the bus to work, had blown most of his savings to start up the TW series, was eating Ramen noodles for dinner. Yea, not exactly poverty, but nothing like the budgets other sims had. Also, remember he had been part of big budget sims (Longbow 2, EAW, etc) and so has seen the sim dynamic from that end as well.


Do you see what I'm saying? He thinks about this kind of stuff EVERY DAY...he HAS to. He's had to calculate what works, what doesn't, what's the best return on investment...because otherwise, he may not eat.


So, the next time you decide that if TK would only do THIS, that he would make tons of money, unlimited customers, and the perfect sim, maybe you want to keep that to yourself instead...because I'm pretty sure he's already heard about it.


Finally, I leave you with a comment from a professional maker of sims (I mean the multi million dollar sims the airline and military use): "If we were to implement everything that a pilot would want into the sim, the sim would end up costing more than the actual aircraft it's based on."



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My response on the subject is not going to be popular here or with TK. Just ignore my comments if they offend those of you who worship at the Thirdwire altar.


I'm all for TK making changes and evolving his game. I don't see how anyone has ever given him business advice except when it comes to MP. Other than that, people have asked for this feature or that one. It will always be that way. What upsets me is in the manner in which he responds to his customers. Almost as if we were his children asking for something not in the household budget. Some of us have been asking for the same things since day one only to be told that he is a "one man team" or "not his idea of fun". That would be fine except we end up with things like Blue Tiger Enabler patches or Matrox TripleHead2Go support. Who asked for this and why do they deserve more resources than what many have previously asked for?


Business is business, but why are the ones who have been purchasing every game TK has put out "to support" his development treated like they are being greedy children? I know, I don't have to buy anything. I do it to support him and the outside possibility that if I keep stuffing dollar bills into his wallet he will maybe, just maybe, implement a few of my requests. I am not feeling entitled to anything more than what he has put up for download. I am feeling more like some lame patron at a strip bar hoping the dollar bills he's stuffed into the hot dancer's bikini will get him more than a fake wink and smile. I think I just found my cure to this feeling - no more wallet stuffing until I see some titties.


CA has always been a Thirdwire friendly place if not THE Thirdwire place. Why doesn't he post here? Even for updates or WIPs? I would like to see an in depth interview and a Question/Answer on him and his team. This might alleviate some ill feelings and shed some light on projects that are on the front burner. After all, Combat Ace is where most of his customers are.

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Well said Old Diego. :salute:


As for the others who seem to respond in the negative to my comments, you seem to think that I or anyone else who merely asks a question, should have booked an appointment with his holyness and then we are only allowed to ask qustions that do not make him say "I am a one man band, I dont have the resourses etc etc etc." And in my opinion, business is business. He does have a business selling air combat sims to the general public, I know this to be true, because I am one of them. I know he only has limited funds and time, but surely we can ask questions?


Will I buy anymore of his business products? Hell yes. I will carry on funding his business and by god I will carry on asking him questions and requesting other things to improve the products.


Dogzero1. :salute:

Edited by Dogzero1

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well, i think everybody needs a vacation here :rofl:


apart from the joke, i see the matter in other perspective, even if i agree with most you guys said here....


i got my first TW game (WOV) because my pc was crappy and i could run it smootly on my old PC, and the graphics and physics of the game was also crappy.


today i'm happy with what happened with TW games, they did evolved a lot and i did brought a new PC because of it.


so, i'm not holding my breath for new features i've asked before in past, even if i really do appreciate them.


the game evolved a lot and i like the way it is now, but i wouldn't complain with changes.

Edited by Silverbolt

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Diego - a few good points there - although in regards to TK going on forums, that kinda stopped after the mauling he received at simhq - and I defo wouldnt say it was all constructive critisism either.



Dogzero - I dont see any particularly negative comments - are they negative because they dont conform to your opinions?

Ask all the questions you like - but no point moaning about his response if you word your questions like this:


quote 1 " its a request as to why you didnt implement something that obviously worked during beta stages or you would not have put it in the instruction manual and key card"


Here you are implying something that "obviously" was there when in fact it may never have been - either way you dont know.


Quote 2 "Can you tell me (us) why the F12 action view was never implemented?"


Demanding things like that wont work with him - you cant just call his line manager. Its probably bottom of the queue now! TKs a sensitive soul - and stubborn.

Edited by MigBuster

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Migbuster, please dont imply that I have demanded anything, because I have not. Simple questions posed in a polite manner require straight forward answers. So lets leave it hey? No need to stir trouble.





Sundowner, got your message. Many thanks and understood. All the best and warm regards.



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and with that, I think it's time to close this one down



kevin stein

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I am opening this up Kevin. Diego is right on the money. We have been supporting him for years and years. He shouldn't get bent out of shape when people ask for the things we have been asking for years. Some of them are very minor, I have talked to a few game devs and some of what we ask is not difficult to do. I bought all the first and second series, loved his support for it all, however the new series had better be different, or I am done. This site is mainly dedicated to his sims and we steer a lot of business in his direction, as does SimHq, so I am thinking hearing us out a little more instead of getting upset is preferable. You can only say "time and money" is an issue so many times before people get sick of hearing it and move on. If TK wants any future sims to be a success then he needs to give a little here and there to set this new series apart from the old. If the people think they are getting the same thing as gen 1 and 2 they wont gravitate to a 3rd.

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I want to clear up something too. I am not slamming TK at all. It is his business after all. There are some of us here who have been his cheerleaders through the worst of it. We supported his sim, defended him from the trolls and naysayers. Not even a thank you from him for when we went to "war" for him on many many occasions. I think some of us have earned the right to have an opinion on the direction of the sim without getting jumped on. Do not get me wrong we are not looking for a thank you from him. But he could be a little less stubborn in some cases. Also there is a group of us who would help him for free if he would only dive in to the wealth of knowledge some of us have amassed over the years. Think about it, some of us have been with this sim for almost 8 years! I know he wants to keep control of his world but by opening the sim like he has he created this monster. Why not use it to his advantage. Example, we have skinners to help DanW, we have 3d guys to help TK or whom ever else he uses to make this sim. I can think of several of them who would do it for free for just the opportunity to make this sim a financial success. All he would have to do is ask. I want new sim to do well but if an abundance of old stuff makes it into the new sim them people aren't going to bite. The new terrain engine is a step in the right direction but there needs to be more. I have probably burned my last bridge TK after this but I am being honest and opened. I think we have earned that right for what we have done for each other over the years. He needs us just as much as we need him for our hobby.

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Diego - a few good points there - although in regards to TK going on forums, that kinda stopped after the mauling he received at simhq - and I defo wouldnt say it was all constructive critisism either.



The difference is that he wouldn't get mauled here because (to put it very bluntly, so please forgive me) I am the asshole prick to runs this place and the first sniper at him just to be a jerk gets the boot along with is I.P. and domain. I am getting really good learning how that works. TK I know you are reading this and FYI the crap that went down at Simhq that caused you to leave there WILL NEVER happen here.

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SimHQ has never been a stellar example of the flight sim community in it's best decorum, IMHO.


There have been odd flare-ups hereabouts, but I have seen some serious slop sloshed around over there. Again, an opinion, so I hope no SimHQ

regulars get all butt-hurt.


A notoriously touchy bunch as well...

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I am opening this up Kevin. Diego is right on the money. We have been supporting him for years and years. He shouldn't get bent out of shape when people ask for the things we have been asking for years. Some of them are very minor, I have talked to a few game devs and some of what we ask is not difficult to do. I bought all the first and second series, loved his support for it all, however the new series had better be different, or I am done. This site is mainly dedicated to his sims and we steer a lot of business in his direction, as does SimHq, so I am thinking hearing us out a little more instead of getting upset is preferable. You can only say "time and money" is an issue so many times before people get sick of hearing it and move on. If TK wants any future sims to be a success then he needs to give a little here and there to set this new series apart from the old. If the people think they are getting the same thing as gen 1 and 2 they wont gravitate to a 3rd.



I agree totally. TK could have a hell of a lot of help from you talented guys on here. I also agree that the next gen need to be very different.

ps, I am sorry if this thread caused any trouble.


Dogzero1...............out. :salute:

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You are fine Dog, everyone is being civil. We want opinions and we want to know how you all feel. Just as long as we don't get pissed of at each other over it.

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