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Logical Progression

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I am flying as a A-4 pilot in the Yom Kippur War. Provided I survive, if I were to use this same pilot in the 82 campaign what aircraft would he progress into?

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I would say Kfir fits as badass attacker, but i guess A-4s could have been also replaced by Netz if you mean historically. Personally, i would get the Kfir as it retained the role of attacker, while F-16s shared this role with air superiority. Ironically, if you where flying Mirage or Nesher, i would say the F-16

Edited by macelena

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Why not simply pick the same squadron and see what they've got?

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I remember reading somewhere, but I don't remember where, that the best pilots were moved up to the newest planes, so your A-4 pilot could have moved to F-16s. I also know a pilot who served in 1982 who flew A-4s. I spoke to him about his experiences once and seem to remember that he was fairly newly qualified at the time and he said that once he was more experienced he would be moved on to more advanced aircraft. He told me about having to hit targets accurately in urban Beirut with only dumb bombs when the targets (mortars, heavy machine guns, ammo dumps etc) were pretty close to civilian targets such as schools, mosques, churches etc or firendly troops. He said that it was pretty hairy to start with but that they got so proficient that the ground units started to request them specifically rather than wait for an aircraft armed with LGBs or a helicopter gunship with TOWs.

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What squadron?

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In this if you where flying an A-4 me I would run with the Kfir idea... or I would look at what kills you had at the end of it and take it from there plenty of Air kills Baz or Netz Ground Kills Kurnass or Kfir... or if you lost a bunch of jets stick with the A-4... Good Luck with the campaign...

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Why not simply pick the same squadron and see what they've got?


I hadn't thought of that and when I check they had upgraded to the Kfir C1 (77) So that is what I will go with. Thanks all.

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"Logic is a little bird, tweeting in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers, that smell bad"



kevin stein

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Well never mind now. He is dead. I was shot down strafing an airfield after 10 missions with 26 A2A kills. Before anyone asks, he flew in the Six Day war and got 10 kills. I got 16 more as an A-4 pilot because I always carry AIM-9D's on the outer rails for self defense. Well on CAS missions I always run into the Arab forces trying to lay waste to my tanks. So I take out any tanks with my bombs then go after the SU-7's or IL-28's. If I am tasked with a recon mission I take 4 winders with me and look for any easy pickings. I have got 4 Mig-21's but the rest were non fighter types. Oh well.

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Nice one!


Was wondering what you were asking - he could have flown an A-4 in 82 (and 2006 for that matter :grin: ) - most likely an A-4N - which Ive just realised isnt in the game by default!

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I'd keep flying the A-4 in 1982.

That will be more challenging.

Edited by jomni

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