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Not the teacher, that's the prinicpal. They're a different breed...and not a better one.

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I beg to differ...it's not simply "Dumb School News" it's more like "Dumb Education System News". The entire education system in this country (including pricipals, administrators, and yes, teachers), is shot to hell. They've continually shown that they cannot convey simple concepts, such as responsibility, the consequences of one's actions, and the difference between fantasy and reality. Hell, quite often, the teachers themselves cannot differentiate between the latter two :grin:

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Guest Raden



Yep no wonder our schools suck ass, our teachers are morons.





Dave, hahahahaaaaaa.....I enjoy ur cursing the school system!


Back then 1990s, before the commercial Net had been around, one could only observed some 'strange' things (whatever they had been) by naked eyes, and read good books/reports.



Back then I noticed, there is somewhere around R-Street if my memory serves me well, a really very good building the location of a PRIVATE, Catholic School in D.C.


Only for the really loaded, and definitely Catholic families. The right choice to send their kids for schooling.


Even here in Jakarta same schools have been d...n good, their teachers staffs are tough-minded, discipline (correct spelling?) have been the orderof the day -- every day.


Two of my kids (one was) and one is still studying in one of the BESTest (hahaha) Catholic university in town. Both excelled (yet, the girl in her early 20s have been sort of rebellious, yet verrry popular among her peers, even seniors. Like daddy like daughter -- hahahaha...)


Her eldest bro been almost five years a Graphic Designer (the univ. is no ONE in that field throughout Indonesia -- produces no hackers like the second one a bit far from Jakarta to the East).


Ur Link reminded me of one particular piece of 'analysis' or e-ponion yet based of FACTS, by a respectable Christian gentlemen in the USA, I forgot his name, even perhaps he already passed away.


I read it when I first went On-Line in early 2000 in our office -- very corrupt one, where disgusting politicos of small and big parties came and went: begging for MONEY!


Oops! The article, I still remember re the very sorry condition of the schooling system in the USA, was "the dumbing down of america' (three parts). There have been even a BOOK, authored by a former senior lady teacher re same case.


I am not sure if the book and the article are still around.


If we can turn the clock back in time (1970s-1980s), would you go to a public school? I would not.  :bye:



Fubar, I 100 percent AGREE with u.

Edited by Raden

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That EXACT same thing happened to ME in kindergarden. Only since that was back in the day, it was a toy laser gun and Optimus Prime (FTW), but I didn't get a news article, well it was before the interwebz too.


And don't get me started on dumbing down of schools. This one time ignorance reigned supreme was a second grade class with basic geography. We had to cut and paste (with sciscors and glue mind you, not ctrl-X and ctrl-v) the continents onto a map of the world. At this point, I couold already read at a level that was well over five years ahead of everyone else, and had actually seen real maps of the world. The dimwit teacher told everyone that only europe and asia had land touching and all the other continents were seperated by water. So what everyone else did was put oceans of distance between North and South America and Africa and Asia. Me knowing the only water was the Panama and Suez canals, put them accurate to a map. And to the whole class and the teacher, I was the one who was made to look like I was the dumb one and couldn't follow directions.


Needless to say, I've pretty much lived by Oscar Wilde's "Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."

Edited by eraser_tr

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That EXACT same thing happened to ME in kindergarden. Only since that was back in the day, it was a toy laser gun and Optimus Prime, but I didn't get a news article (well it was before the interwebz too)


LOL, there's an old photo of myself, that I need to find, scan, and upload...it was taken on Christmas morning in '64 or '65....I wonder how the school board in question would react to it? :rofl:

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And here it is....judging by the Horribe Hamilton action figure and matching torpedo tank ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton_Invaders ), I'd say that this was taken on Christmas of 1964. That's me, with my (toy) .30 cal machine gun at the ready. Imagine what they'd think about the (wired) RC '63 Lincoln convertible in the background..... :blink:


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Hence why we've been homeschooling for the past 5 years. At least there I know that we can say "Under God" during the daily Pledge of Allegiance and not be punished.

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Guest Raden

And here it is....judging by the Horribe Hamilton action figure and matching torpedo tank ( http://en.wikipedia....milton_Invaders ), I'd say that this was taken on Christmas of 1964.  That's me, with my (toy) .30 cal machine gun at the ready.  Imagine what they'd think about the (wired) RC '63 Lincoln convertible in the background..... :blink:

Re: ur Lincoln, convertible: JFK, Dallas 1963??? Uuuuuuu, it's a baddest taboo to discuss. hahahahaaaa....




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Guest Raden

That EXACT same thing happened to ME in kindergarden.  Only since that was back in the day, it was a toy laser gun and Optimus Prime (FTW), but I didn't get a news article, well it was before the interwebz too.


And don't get me started on dumbing down of schools.  This one time ignorance reigned supreme was a second grade class with basic geography.  We had to cut and paste (with sciscors and glue mind you, not ctrl-X and ctrl-v) the continents onto a map of the world.  At this point, I couold already read at a level that was well over five years ahead of everyone else, and had actually seen real maps of the world.  The dimwit teacher told everyone that only europe and asia had land touching and all the other continents were seperated by water.  So what everyone else did was put oceans of distance between North and South America and Africa and Asia.  Me knowing the only water was the Panama and Suez canals, put them accurate to a map.  And to the whole class and the teacher, I was the one who was made to look like I was the dumb one and couldn't follow directions.


Needless to say, I've pretty much lived by Oscar Wilde's "Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."


Eraser, I refer to your concluding remarks: then, I have been on the right side -- yes?


Look at my Score. Hahahahaaaa............nosediving all the time! And in MINUS! Thank u gang.................................................................................







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Fubar, that thing looks like a mounted machine gun! Don't make 'em like they used to, eh? :blink:

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Fubar, that thing looks like a mounted machine gun! Don't make 'em like they used to, eh? :blink:


If my memory serves me right, it "fired" white plastic rounds, at a machinegun-like cyclic rate! My parents soon regretted getting it...lol



Edited by Fubar512
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Last year, a group from our unit was going to a school for a presentation for Security Forces in the USAF. There was quite a debate within the school administration if we could bring the weapons (M-249, M-4, M-16, M-203, M-9) for show and tell. Someone at the school kept over-ridding somebody else and it came to the point where the district superintendent had to get involved. It was decided that we could not bring any of the guns to show and tell. However, the guys brought their knives with them and that was ok. Once they showed up, the principal asked, "Why didn't you bring the guns? They said it was ok."

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And here it is....judging by the Horribe Hamilton action figure and matching torpedo tank ( http://en.wikipedia....milton_Invaders ), I'd say that this was taken on Christmas of 1964. That's me, with my (toy) .30 cal machine gun at the ready. Imagine what they'd think about the (wired) RC '63 Lincoln convertible in the background..... blink.gif



Fuuuh... At which age would you authorize the type of side- and shoulder-beared Minigun that can be seen in Predator?

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Yep no wonder

I call it U.S.. And don't edit that out either lol. drinks.gif



Toy gun hehe...

...DOE administrator said no other action was necessary after the toy gun is confiscated and returned to the parents at the end of the day.

I'm surprised the article didn't call it automatic weapon. I'm also stunned that .gov didn't keep the...automatic weapon™.


It could be worse. In UK they probably would confiscate the kid as well.


Just a toy. Not even a toy gun. banghead.gif That's why I don't read "the news" or watch TV anymore.

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I call it U.S. And don't edit that out either lol. drinks.gif





What word? :lol:

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What word? :lol:


Acronyms are evil, also



I don´t get it. When i was 7-8, we played in school with toy guns, even ambushed teachers and we were never told anything, while here pacifism and feelgoodism are more in fashion than in the US. On the other hand, we never had shooting sprees in schools

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Acronyms are evil, also



I don´t get it. When i was 7-8, we played in school with toy guns, even ambushed teachers and we were never told anything, while here pacifism and feelgoodism are more in fashion than in the US. On the other hand, we never had shooting sprees in schools



Want to really wonder why our schools suck so bad? Trace all the way back to when things started to go south, when the ethics and morals of our students and school faculty began to go down the drain. You'll find that it starts right when someone took the term "separation of church and state" too literally and had the courts throw God out of the schools. Separation of church and state was designed solely so that the government can not meddle with the affairs of the church. It was never intended to keep God out of the government. We need to include God in government. Look at the fiasco that we have going on now because we kicked him out. That's just my opinion though.

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I remember doing a talent show in the 4th grade, we did a bit to the Marine Corps Hymn. We had plastic M1 Garand rifles that shot red plastic "bullets". I had all the cool GI Joe stuff for the 12" action figures, not the little ones. I used to build models of WWII aircraft and armor. We used to point anything we had at our buddies and say "bang". We never did that with our BB guns.



On the other hand, we never had shooting sprees in schools

We never did either. And many of us had rifles or shotguns in racks in our pickup trucks in high school. I had a Colt Python under seat of my 4x4. At 16. No shootings and if there was a problem us boys fought. And usually after the fact we'd end up being friends. We also said the Pledge of Allegiance and if we messed up we could end up in the Dean's office waiting for the business end of a paddle.


I'm class of '82 and we weren't politically correct. We also weren't wusses like many of today's high school kids.

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I don't mean too offend anyone here but:

In my opinion: When I was 20 years old,I gave the United States of America a blank check for the amount of "Up to and including my life" for 6 years. I have paid my dues.

Unless someone has done the same,they don't need to talk to me about being politically correct.

If they have done the same,then we can sit down and discuss it.


I know a man who was a school superintendent for 25 years.

He told me that the last 10 years of his tenure,he spent more time in court,testifying because parents do not raise their kids anymore,they expect the schools to do it.

And when little Johnny gets into trouble,the parents Sue the school district,because "My little Johnny wouldn't do that"

Rather than exposing the school district to unwanted media attention,the district usually settles out of court.

It is a shame,but the principal or superintendent was just,

"Covering their(the school district's)A**.

That's what they get paid to do ,anymore.


Political Correctness is wrecking this country.

If you teach your kids to be polite and respect all other people,you don't need political correctness.


OK,my rant is over.

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It has to work both ways. It's utterly impossible to keep government out of religion without keeping religion out of government. (I'm quite sure this will be the next war and source of -x posts)


Moreover, ethics and morality doesn't need to have any connection with religion. Yes, religion has always been the basis in the past, but people don't need to be religious to be moral or ethical.


Edit: seeing the posts in between, S&E and this...


Political correctness isn't the problem. It's that parents don't raise their kids as ezlead said. Many reasons for this and that's a gigantic thread in an of itself.

Edited by eraser_tr

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Oh, I agree with ezlead, but the average public school system today seems to do its absolute dampest in indoctrinating kids into becoming little turds...and then they conveniently shy away from the responsibility of having done that.


A prime example, is my friend's son. Up until the age of 5, he was unbelievably polite....and then, he went to school (kindergarten), and his behavior started to change for the worse, until my friend stepped in and took him out of the public school system.

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I remember every time I got out of hand I got spanked. That fixed that and I never pulled that particular stunt again. It's time for parents to provide a little corporal punishment again without fear of having their kids taken away.

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I remember every time I got out of hand I got spanked. That fixed that and I never pulled that particular stunt again. It's time for parents to provide a little corporal punishment again without fear of having their kids taken away.


When they tried to spank me I threatened to call the cops on them for child abuse :rofl:

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