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Ronald Reagan Passed Away

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:( What a great man he was. President Reagan was the first president I ever voted for. Under his reign the US armed forces were revitalised and we were proud to serve. For all that was said about him in the negative he had a vision and it in time came true.

One of my favorite quotes of him was this...."Mr. Gorbachev,tear down this wall."

That happened in time, so fast we couldn't fathom it, and when all was said and done it was President Reagans policies that did it.

He will be remembered as a great leader.

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A great man that did some great things, <S!>

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I hate to see him pass away,I had alot of respect for him and the office he held...

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To me, he was the greatest President this country ever had. I was proud to have served in the military during his Presidency.


He was a true American. God Bless him.


Navy Chief

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Although I never knew the guy as President, since I was born halfway through his second term, he stood for just about everything I beleive in. The best description I've heard of him was that he was like a father to a hurting child (the US). He had the highest approval rating of any president at the end of his term, and he demanded the respect of everyone. A man with his conservative ideals, morals, and other strengths deserves nothing less than the life he lived. S! to this great man I sadly never knew.

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God Speed to the Gipper. My favorite President.


By ordering naval escorts in the Persian Gulf, he maintained the free flow of oil during the Iran-Iraq war.


Yep, I was there and darn proud to be there. I served for his Presidency and for Bush 41.

Edited by Chaingun

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To me, he was the greatest President this country ever had. I was proud to have served in the military during his Presidency. 


He was a true American. God Bless him.


Navy Chief

Hear! Hear!


I enlisted in '87, and so, came in at the tail end of his Presidency, but I still remember the greatness of his "600 Ship Navy" policy. The Navy was like no other during that time. It was amazing to be a sailor back then, and even on through HW Bush's Presidency.


It all changed when "he, whose name shall never be spoken" took over. It was like being a pariah while that guy was President.


It's a sad day for America, for a great leader, and a great man, has passed.


May God grant him everlasting peace.



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I missed voting for him the first time around by 1 month because I was'nt old enough yet. I'm proud to say I did vote for him for his second term. In my estimation, Ronald Reagan was one of the best to ever serve these United States as President. I'm talking right up there with the best of the best. Those who have tried to cast dispersions on the man have constantly found they get no traction for their remarks among the common folk like us. We saw the results of his work. It affected our lives. They were better. He made the difference. He made us stand tall again as Americans, after we had been humiliated by terrorists. He told us that WE THE PEOPLE made the country great, and that "government was the problem". My fellow Americans, we were blessed to be served by such a man.

I pray God gives us more like him!


God speed Ronald Reagan, and THANK YOU SIR! <S>

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I didnt always agree with the Gipper like when he fired all the union ATC people. But I always LIKED him. I felt he was sincere and honest and he always had a good word to say and seemed to know what was needed in America at the time after 'Nam. He got us back on our feet, lifted our morale and our spirits. He built a Navy second to none I was mighty proud to be a part of. I honestly beleive it was his policies and focus that brought down finally the iron Curtain and the fear of Nucleur holocaust that up till then always seemed to hover over us. And who can ever forget his voice as he quoted "High Flight" in memorial to the Challenger 7. He was true to his wife, to us, and to the country. A fine American whom I was proud to call my CIC. Rest in Peace compadre...


Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

Of sun-split clouds -- and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of -- wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,

I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air.

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue

I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace

Where never lark, or even eagle flew.

And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.




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I didnt always agree with the Gipper like when he fired all the union ATC people.

You gotta admit tho,it took big brass cojones to do it...lol you cant go on strike,you're all fired..that ought have been a good hint to daffy and his crew that this Mans MAN was not going be intimidated by anyone..yes the Man DID return Pride to the US Military,gone soon were the days of crossdecking,of hangar queens and of a military that was in a lot of ways in decline...but he did not only do that,he did it with a style and class thats rarely seen these days of 'they did it first'....Mr Regan,after your long goodbye into that dark night I Pray you are at Peace,as you touch the face of god I hope he holds you in his arms....

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Salute to Reagan!!!





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I didnt always agree with the Gipper like when he fired all the union ATC people.

You gotta admit tho,it took big brass cojones to do it...lol you cant go on strike,you're all fired..that ought have been a good hint to daffy and his crew that this Mans MAN was not going be intimidated by anyone..yes the Man DID return Pride to the US Military,gone soon were the days of crossdecking,of hangar queens and of a military that was in a lot of ways in decline...but he did not only do that,he did it with a style and class thats rarely seen these days of 'they did it first'....Mr Regan,after your long goodbye into that dark night I Pray you are at Peace,as you touch the face of god I hope he holds you in his arms....

Well, certain industries should not be allowed to strike. ATC is one of them. It puts the public safety in danger and also endangers National Security. Reagan understood that.


While I am all for organized labor, you simply cannot allow a strike that would endanger the public safety or a lapse in National Security.



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Love him or hate him you can't deny that he changed this world forever.

Edited by Snacky

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It didn't really hit that he was gone until I saw the fly-over and and flag draped casket going down Constitution Ave. Thats when I knew the country lost a great man. I remember when Air Force One was a frequent visitor to NAWS Pt. Mugu, we always knew the President was in town. HAL-5 had the honor of escrting his helo to and from his ranch.

I was proud to be in the Navy while he was our leader. And I was proud that I voted to put him in that position,twice. I didn't always agree to some of his views and policies, but at least you the country knew where he stood.


Fair winds and Following Seas Mr. President.

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