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I dont often wish Death on people...but

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What you have to remember between North and South Korea is that they are still technically at war if I remember rightly... what this looks like now is that NK is trying force things there way with strikes at ROK forces which they have been doing for 50 or so years to get aid etc...


This though looks like it is going to backfire on them... even though they are denying it was them even though proof is staring them in the face...


Either way this could get very very messy very fast... North Korea declare war on the south and invade so the US etc get involved to fight back followed by Iran doing something stupid as well... etc etc etc...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Iran isn't going to jump into the fray if dear leader does something stupid.

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US etc get involved


The current administration is unlikely to back the South should fighting start. I also doubt that they will do anything other than give some lip service to any sort of sanctions for the sinking of the ship. North Korea is this administration's ideological comrade.

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There won't be any fighting, at least, the ROK leadership won't do more than the equivalent of sending a strongly worded letter to the PRK or the UN. The Korean people are massively pissed, but there won't be many options for the South Korean government. I'm really interested to see what China will do though. There are quite a few commentators including the South Korean government themselves saying that China can no longer sit on the fence when it comes to NK. Especially not after an event such as this. I can think of 146 reasons why.

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North Korea is this administration's ideological comrade.

lol, dude... You'd be much closer to the mark if by administration, you meant Apple and Chairman Jobbs ...and they were looking for their 4th Gen iPhone that you may or may not have in your home. Remember, they've already used the cops to kick down the doors of a few people they've 'suspected' of having their new iToy.

Edited by Say What?!

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There have been plenty of aggresions by the North Koreans wich should have meant an end to the regime, and nothing happened. The greatest threat to the NK government are the Chinese getting mad at them.

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Kim Jong-il the man most people would like to see go down with terminal flatulence

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Kim Jong-il the man most people would like to see go down with terminal flatulence


I told my dad they'll be recalling all Korean War Vets for active duty pretty soon...


We were talking about this last night over dinner, and both agreed that Obamination will simply acknowledge this, condem it, and move on. He won't do anything else as he's afraid it will provoke the NKA into possible aggression, meanwhile, it probably won't. Il Jong Idiot is simply trying to stoke the flame again, although this is really going to far. NK and SK are still at war, and are only in a truce stage, even though it's been 50+ years now, they are still in 'at war' status. As we all know, now and then he tosses rocks to see how the world reacts and cry's for attention. If you notice, it's always around the same time something happens with Ahmendidiot over in Iran.


It seems all of these 'Axis of Evil' players are pushing Obamination's buttons now. What ever happened to his campaign promise of using diplomacy and inviting them to tables to talk out differences. Maybe he underestimated the fact that they simply don't care about what he has to say? Sounds like a rookie mindset to me.



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I told my dad they'll be recalling all Korean War Vets for active duty pretty soon...


We were talking about this last night over dinner, and both agreed that Obamination will simply acknowledge this, condem it, and move on. He won't do anything else as he's afraid it will provoke the NKA into possible aggression, meanwhile, it probably won't. Il Jong Idiot is simply trying to stoke the flame again, although this is really going to far. NK and SK are still at war, and are only in a truce stage, even though it's been 50+ years now, they are still in 'at war' status. As we all know, now and then he tosses rocks to see how the world reacts and cry's for attention. If you notice, it's always around the same time something happens with Ahmendidiot over in Iran.


It seems all of these 'Axis of Evil' players are pushing Obamination's buttons now. What ever happened to his campaign promise of using diplomacy and inviting them to tables to talk out differences. Maybe he underestimated the fact that they simply don't care about what he has to say? Sounds like a rookie mindset to me.




Sometimes though there are some who wont sit down and talk because they are suffering Stupiditus... and the 2 named are renowned for it...

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Not like there's any choice. There is a treaty binding the US to the defense of S Korea should fighting break out, hence the almost 30,000 military there.

Now just how much support we would give is open to interpretation, but to renege on a treaty like that, well, that would make us look worse to the international community, something they've claimed they're trying to reverse, aren't they?

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not like the U.S. hasnt reniged on a treaty or anything before,,,,,,,,,,

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If Reagan was in power, would he launch a retaliatory raid like he did with Libya in '86 after the disco bombings in W. Germany?

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If Reagan was in power, would he launch a retaliatory raid like he did with Libya in '86 after the disco bombings in W. Germany?


I read one estimate that there were something like 2,000 arty tubes within range of Seoul. The North can do pretty much what it wants without much worry of serious retaliation.

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what do you guys think would happen if NK decides to use nukes?

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THey have a very simple, but very dangerous weapon. Around 100 km northeast of Seoul you will find a big north korean artifical lake with a big damb. If the NKs blow this damb in the air a big flood will run toward Seoul and will reach it into few hours.

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NK can threaten all they want. The US won't do anything major until Americans are attacked.

If that guy in the North is psycho enough to use nukes,I believe that China will tell him that he's on his own.

I don't think China will want to risk a large part of its economy(US exports) and it's standing in the world on supporting a nut job.

We'll go in with surgical tactical nukes and when it's done NK won't have any government or military left.

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