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SFP2E Campaign Mission Generator - WTH?!?

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Oh come on!





My wingie survived an amazing sixty seconds before his pursuers turned on me as well.





Fortunately, any kind of AI (friendly or enemy) is pretty bad at fast paced treetop hugging. But still...shattering windows of innocent people's apartments isn't cool at all!





Now, is it often going to be like that in SFP2E's '62 campaign?


And is the campaign winnable at all? The reds are gaining momentum on the ground...



My task was interception by the way. Two F-100s against eight to ten IL-28s (one of those went after me!!), eight Mig-17s and at least four MiG-21s. If the MiG-19s operating in the vicinity had also joined in I would have been *royally* screwed!

I've actually tried to get the last MiG-17 pursuing me for revenge, but stutters got bad (already set object density to "high" for next time) and fuel got low, so I buggered out. Next time...


(I got an IL-28 during the initial surprise attack, wingie got 2. I kind of know now how Luftwaffe pilots felt during WW2 (late). One pass and back home before the escort gets a shot at you)




P.S: I really like SFP2E. Well invested 17€s.


P.P.S: Are the missiles more realistic now? Unlike in the very first SFP, I can't hit anything with the early 9Bs!


P.P.P.S: The new configuration file mod installation thingy is kind of a PITA. The old method with separate installations from the start was way better.


P.P.P.P.S: I like the revamped AI even though wingie number one still lacks half of his brain.

Edited by Heretic

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1) Yes, it is always like that, especially the first week, if you survive, you quickly love to learn the trees.

My first mission usually ends up as a giant ten to one furball over the objective with 2 to 4 named soviet aces thrown in the mix and maybe a USAF one.


2) The campaign is winnable, in theory, but you have to work fairly hard to get a chance.


3) Yes, by default their use is a little harder I think, even though I haven't looked at the files it certainly felt so.


4) With the new method it only requires the additional step of making a copy of the .exe file for each new install, rather than the whole thing, saves up a lot a space.


5) Your wingman is meant to be less autonomous so he can be available to (badly) obey your orders, he can be quite deadly with enough rank and experience though.

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All SF2E campaigns start with a massive Red offensive. Survive that and it'll get much easier afterwards.

If the odds are bad you can go to the roster screen and manually pick more planes for the flight.

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In the default European campaigns, especially 62 it starts off as overkill. I've yet to survive more than 3 missions in a Hun. Other planes I've had better success (Hunter, thud)


Try an addon terrain and campaign and it's much more reasonable.

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In the 62 campaign I take the whole squadron with me. Sometimes it works, sometime it bites you in the ass. If you have a strike, it works well because I take 8 loaded for A2G and 8 A2A to cover you. That is where I had my most positive results.

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1) Yes, it is always like that, especially the first week, if you survive, you quickly love to learn the trees.

2) The campaign is winnable, in theory, but you have to work fairly hard to get a chance.


Good to know.


4) With the new method it only requires the additional step of making a copy of the .exe file for each new install, rather than the whole thing, saves up a lot a space.


I've tried that, but it didn't work out like intended. So now I'm back to the old procedure. One installation for stock plus some general mods, one for NF4+.


5) Your wingman is meant to be less autonomous so he can be available to (badly) obey your orders, he can be quite deadly with enough rank and experience though.


I'm thinking about simply sending him home the next time I definately know I'm *that* outnumbered.


Call me dumb, but I've never paid attention to the attrition system in SFP. You'll get replacements for both pilots and aircraft over the course of the campaign, right?

Are those enough (I'm playing on "normal" difficulty/supply) to get at least a four-ship formation airborne?




If the odds are bad you can go to the roster screen and manually pick more planes for the flight.


Cool, I didn't know that!




Try an addon terrain and campaign and it's much more reasonable.


I've yet to try a mission in a "normal" NF4+ campaign. The ones I've flown so far only had YAK-28s on the "other" side since I somehow porked the installation and no default planes and ground objects were there.




In the 62 campaign I take the whole squadron with me. Sometimes it works, sometime it bites you in the ass. If you have a strike, it works well because I take 8 loaded for A2G and 8 A2A to cover you. That is where I had my most positive results.


Good to know, I'll try that.






Also, are there any other recommended "general" (environment, terrain, sound, etc...say, universally applicable) mods for SFP2, maybe even from SFP1 except the terrain?



P.S: I'm thinking about porting over JSF_Aggie's Harrier campaign. Anyone already running it trouble-free in SFP2? Any hints on potential mod-specific obstacles?

(I'll dig through the KB first for instructions in any case.)

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P.P.S: Are the missiles more realistic now? Unlike in the very first SFP, I can't hit anything with the early 9Bs!


You will - if they are fired in parameters - The AIM-9B is a POS and has limited firing parameters - as it was IRL. If the MiG is turning or you are pulling Gs dont bother firing - it needs a good heat source. The stock AIM-9B is better than it used to be in the game - however at the other end the AIM-9L seems too good IMO



haha - didnt realise there was that many in 62 - I get rid of red planes from the map - good job too otherwise i'd be turning around and running also!

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You will - if they are fired in parameters - The AIM-9B is a POS and has limited firing parameters - as it was IRL.


I know, but I can't even hit an Il-28 with all the parameters in the greens! I'm right at his six, totally level, out of the tailgunner's range, with a good tone and the thing just zooms past him!

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Try aiming slightly above the target, that has always seemed to give me better luck with early sidewinders. And get closer, it's suicide with tail gunners, but even if you get a good tone, they won't track well unless you're within 1nm in my experience.


IMO you're better off depending on your cannon and trying to get a decent deflection shot.

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Try aiming slightly above the target, that has always seemed to give me better luck with early sidewinders. And get closer, it's suicide with tail gunners, but even if you get a good tone, they won't track well unless you're within 1nm in my experience.


I've already discovered the range thingy. At 3nm, the 'Winder will just fall short.


I'll however give "aim higher" a try.



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I know, but I can't even hit an Il-28 with all the parameters in the greens! I'm right at his six, totally level, out of the tailgunner's range, with a good tone and the thing just zooms past him!


I tried several times to shoot down Il-28s with early AIM-9 models and never successed. Methinks its mainly the warhead, that hasn't the power to actually shred these bombers to piecesthis.gif . Also with bombers like the TU-16 and -22 I don't have a single chance to shoot them down from behind. When I'm armed up with AIM-9Ls or later, I always try to get a head-on shot or I simply take some Sparrows to hunt them down. And if I fail with the AAMs, I try to do a suicidal gun-run, but in 50% of these attempts I get shot down by those russian laser tailgunnersdntknw.gif

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I tried several times to shoot down Il-28s with early AIM-9 models and never successed. Methinks its mainly the warhead, that hasn't the power to actually shred these bombers to piecesthis.gif . Also with bombers like the TU-16 and -22 I don't have a single chance to shoot them down from behind. When I'm armed up with AIM-9Ls or later, I always try to get a head-on shot or I simply take some Sparrows to hunt them down. And if I fail with the AAMs, I try to do a suicidal gun-run, but in 50% of these attempts I get shot down by those russian laser tailgunnersdntknw.gif



Yeah its difficult - but with practise I have about an 80% chance of flying behind TU-16/22s and not being hit - you have to keep moving though - and I couldnt do it without a trackIR - its pretty much slash accross at angles.


The AIM-9s often just take off a rudder after the missile proximity detonates behind (or is hit by laser fire) :grin: - but they will often down IL-28s - I recommend getting below the bombers and firing upwards with all missiles but aqain a lot will miss even when fired in params (The AIM-4D is a lot worse than the AIM-9B- leave it behind - its more use as a paperweight).


You can of course add some friendly SAMs (Hawks) into the game - because anything other than an F-4/F-15 taking out large bomber flights is a nightmare - especially if your flight decides to go after the Escorts instead!

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I tried several times to shoot down Il-28s with early AIM-9 models and never successed.


Tried it again yesterday, no success either.


Again, launch parameters were perfect and the thing just zoomed past. The closest I came to a kill was with a MiG-17 which got passed by my AIM-9B by about 3 feet.


I don't get it, those freaking missiles can't be THAT useless?!?


So far, I got maybe twelve off them launched, but no hit so far. :blink:


Maybe it has something to do with difficulty settings? I fly with everything on "hard", except HUD.


When I'm armed up with AIM-9Ls or later, I always try to get a head-on shot or I simply take some Sparrows to hunt them down.


A test with F-16s and Limas brought a 60% success rate, so they're okay in my eyes.


But those Bs...?




- Edit: A bit of research...

The Sidewinder was of course used extensively over Vietnam by both the USAF and the Navy. The Air Force scored 28 AIM-9 air-to-air kills using the AIM-9B/E versions, achieving a kill probability for this missile of about 16%. The USN's most successful Sidewinder variants in Vietnam were the AIM-9D and -9G, which were resposible for the majority of USN air-to-air kills in this conflict. A total of 82 air-to-air kills over Vietnam are attributed to the AIM-9.



So 16%, huh?


Geez...here's waiting for later variants. Let's hope they'll come soon. :dry:

Edited by Heretic

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Hmm.. I've had 50% hit rate with Bs. Do you launch the missile right after the tone or let it buzz a little longer?

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Even on Limas I give a 5 second count, or better, before loosing it.


Improves hit rates dramatically...

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I usually fire the Lima when it reaches the 2.0nm mark. When going at head on I fire them at 3.0 nm mainly because by the time I fire the range will be 2.0nm. Rarely the missiles miss. Usually I get 100% hit rate. On the B model, I usually get 20% hit rate. I wait few secs after lock before I fire the 9B.



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Geez...here's waiting for later variants. Let's hope they'll come soon. :dry:

Well... don't expect too much even from the -9E. Despite its name, it was still way behind the -9D navy model...

By the way: whoever has a 50% Kill Ratio with the 9Bravo, must have taken all his rounds against a Jumbo 747 :grin:.

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No, I just wait for the target to stop manuevering, prefferably to engage burner too. Then I let the missile growl for about 5-7 seconds and launch while flying level. All it takes is a perfect shot at close range. Il-28 will most likely require 2-3 hits to bring down, though.

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Hmm.. I've had 50% hit rate with Bs. Do you launch the missile right after the tone or let it buzz a little longer?


Tone plus two or three seconds or till I'm perfectly in range.




Well... don't expect too much even from the -9E. Despite its name, it was still way behind the -9D navy model...


I just want these things to be a bit more manoeuverable with better target locking. All-aspect versions won't be there till the 1980s anyways.

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I just want these things to be a bit more manoeuverable with better target locking. All-aspect versions won't be there till the 1980s anyways.



You can change the params using the Weapons editor from 3rd wire - pretty easy.

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No, I just wait for the target to stop manuevering, prefferably to engage burner too. Then I let the missile growl for about 5-7 seconds and launch while flying level. All it takes is a perfect shot at close range. Il-28 will most likely require 2-3 hits to bring down, though.



In recent patches the AIM-9B does turn with MiGs sometimes - so its defo been improved to what it was and is probably about right now IMO comparing it with many combat accounts.

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Well when I fly in the F-100 ( which I think is a greatly underestimated Fighter. No dogfighter but used right a real lethal weapon) Then I only use the guns period. The 9B's on hard is more or less useless anyway.

And yes a 62 campaign in NF4 or NF4+ is win able.


Tactics is the name of the game to get the upper hand in those campaigns. Always remember to manage your Squadron to fit the mission at hand and know when to press on target and when to run and fight another day. And I never start near target in game play options. You can get some very unpleasant surprises that way :grin:

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You can change the params using the Weapons editor from 3rd wire - pretty easy.


Ha! That'd be too easy.


Maybe if someone had absolutely accurate numbers for the missiles to make them even more realistic...but to make them actually easier to handle...? Nah, that'd be cheating in my book (and I cheat often enough already...F4, F6, ALT+D, ALT+P...*Cough*). :grin:




Well when I fly in the F-100 ( which I think is a greatly underestimated Fighter. No dogfighter but used right a real lethal weapon)


That's another interesting topic.


Funnily enough I've never cread much for the Hoover in the SF games. I just wanted to survive long enough in one for the Zipper or Rhino to arrive.


But how do you actually use a F-100 right? Hit and run?

Edited by Heretic

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You will only have air superiority in Europe once you get the F-15. :D



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But how do you actually use a F-100 right? Hit and run?



Basically keep your speed up in the battle - drop the speed for long (in SF2/E/I) and you will be hit - there are probably good tips on older threads - worth searching

Edited by MigBuster

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