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FIFA World Cup

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No cup winning performances from England either. At this rate, they'll lose to Algeria. Germany was much better against Serbia even with only 10 men. It's going to be an interesting World Cup, when so many of the supposedly best teams are losing their games. :cool:

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Yes, I see parallels between these two plays and the expectations.

The Englishmen are luckier - the ref doesn't pull out yellow cards for each and every tackling,

although there were scenes enough, were the other would have done so.

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What a bunch of utter tossers England are!...I was cheering for Algeria by 60th Minute..... Time to pack your bags, you useless bunch of Short wearing c*nts

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There, there, Widow! Klinsmann was on German TV as one of the commentators,

and he said, it is still not lost for England.

But this team is quite old, compared to the very young Algerians - those youngsters

just can run faster and longer. And we mustn't forget: the grand football nations are

not the only shareholders of football wisdom anymore - these teams from all over the

world have players in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany and England - and they learn!

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Oh Olham...your gentlemanly conduct, and the things you say are truly a credit to you.


I think Slovenia should do the Kind thing...walk up, with a sympathetic smile...pull out their .38 Revolver...and put the sad, old Horse out of it's misery....then at leat I can enjoy watching teams who know how to play Football

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Well, at least they didn't lose. One point is better than nothing. (Okay, I'm not convincing anybody with this!) :grin:


But as much as it sucks for the fans of a team that fails (even if not losing), this does keep things interesting for the Cup as a whole. Where would all the fun be if everything went always according to the plan?

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My god - I see, it hit you hard. Tell yer what: is Friday evening,

and the pup must be open for two more hours your end.

Why not go and have a pint or two? And banter with the others and let it all out?

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hahaha...I'm just waxing Lyrical lads!...there is far more important things than Football...I am off fishing on Sunday..and I can't do any worse than the England Team surely! :lol:

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Don't be so sure - a big fish may pull you into the water, and then the result would be Fish 1 - Widowmaker 0. :grin:

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No cup winning performances from England either. At this rate, they'll lose to Algeria. Germany was much better against Serbia even with only 10 men. It's going to be an interesting World Cup, when so many of the supposedly best teams are losing their games. :cool:


Spot on Hasse... man, has been a crazy World Cup if there ever has been. So far the 1st round is anybody's guess. With Germany's loss today, who knows... France is done, Spain is shaky... Slovania is up, Paraguay looks good... man, it's all over the place.

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Many top teams are falling over this year, very odd. Maybe they all are feeling the pressure. Germany had it rough, but Klose did do 3 tackles from behind and the referee let him off with one of them, so although slightly harsh it is not unexpected. All the referees so far who have been VERY hot on tackles from behind and booked people without a usual warning.


Also they missed a penaltly which is not the ref's fault.


That was England's worse performance for years. Really awful. I'm really disappointed for the players themselves though not just for me or the fans. These are normally really top top players when they play for their clubs, who play fantastic top level football for some of the very best teams in the world, but then played like frightened rabbits in the headlights tonight, so they are not showing the world their true qualities - sad. Capello has lost it.. Steven Gerard playing on the left?? NUTS. He plays 100s of games for Liverpool on the right or right centre midfield as he is Right footed too, and is the type of player to destroy teams on his own.. grabs the ball and scores when the rest are playing badly. OK so er put him on the left instead and make him wander in for the ball. Get Hesky out, Put Gerard in Midfield just behind Rooney, and major one PLAY JOE COLE (!) and Peter Crouch who actually scores.. instead of Lennon and Wright-Philips. I mean I'm not football manager but most England fans I think will agree.


Why are they so nervous, you can see it in their faces, all the normal Premiership player 'arrogance' is missing, they have mouths open with a shocked look from the start like they are very very self aware ;)


What the hell, some of these guys have been to several world cups so it's not that it's new experience of pressure or whatever. They have all played in massive pressure games like Champions league finals too so it's not that. Must be some witch doctor with a curse ;)

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You wonder what's going on in the european National Teams - in the French team, there must have been

a war on, between the trainer and Thierry, or trainer and whole team - absolutely not normal what I saw.


Pol, I saw Klose's tackles in replay - it was not calling for a yellow/red ticket. If that referee would have been

in the England match yesterday, England would have got at least 4 yellow, and maybe one red even.

In the European Championship two years ago, we had a similar "event". One game was "whistled" like that,

then the FIFA grandmasters must have talked to the refs again, and after that it was fine.

This time, Germany was the unlucky team to get such a ref.

In the next play, they will have the chance to prove that they can do it. But it must hit Loew and the team hard,

that after Ballack being injured, now Klose will be out too.


Does anyone know, how good the Ghana team is?

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Does anyone know, how good the Ghana team is?


Ghana is good, there's no doubt about that. They have fit and aggressive players, who clearly want to show to the bigger countries what they can do. They have some excellent midfield guys, like Michael Essien, who are very good at creating dangerous situations and blocking attacks. So it's not going to be an easy game for Germany. Germans have to watch out for those yellow cards and again learn to make goals, a skill which they seemed to have forgotten in the Serbia game.

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I think the pressure of the world cup is way too intense...The way fans go one (Fans of course being short for Fanatics...nuff said)...they are terrified of making a mistake....Green making that blunder in the first game wont help.


Football has gone WAY over the edge these days...it's ridiculous

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Well, I think it was a big shock for all, when Klose had to leave the field.

Loew must have gone through tactical variants with them, and Klose must have played

an important role in them.

Next match, they know beforehand, that Klose won't be there, and can build new tactics.

The German team stands or falls with great team play; there are no solo stars.


It will be a nervewrecking match for me, cause when I see African teams play with great

joy, enrgy and enthusiasm, I also grant them the victory.

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I don't think the fans are any less fanatic in all the other leagues and cups that all of those superstars play for most of the year. When you look at how experienced and really top-notch players England (among many other teams) has and then compare that to their actual performance on the field, the difference is incredible. The worst of all was France. It's hard to believe it wasn't that long ago when they played in the finals and even won, and now they are like a bunch of zombies wandering aimlessly around the field.

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from my experience as an active player in a teamsport i hate nothing more than a referee or umpire who dictates a game instead of just guiding it. referees who want to show the players who's in charge. the best referee is the one you don't notice during a game. then you know he's doing a decent job. of course every ref makes mistakes, as every player makes mistakes. but there are such you respect, and there are such you simply hate an where you know he has no sense about the "real" game. every referee should have been a relatively successfull player in the past IMO (no pro or something, but also no brewball beer league, at least good enough to know the game from the player POV) to guide a game.

in this worldcup are real red cards for sure, but a ton of ridiculous bookings you are laughing at. what are they supposed to play? free dance? it is a fighting, contact sport (even for wounded to death italians when somebody touches them).


p.s. last weekend i was on third bases on a bases loaded situation with less then 2 outs. the batter hit a dribbler to the pitcher and there was a home first double play situation, so of course i broke the doubleplay at homeplate, sliding through the catcher to prevent him making a proper throw to first. when i walked to the dugout the opponent catcher yelled something to me into my back. i turned back to him and was in his face. afterwards the umpire told me that it was ok and my job to do this and of course i agreed. this is how the game is supposed to be played and i like the fact the umpire didn't see some unnecessary roughness or something. btw. the opponent catcher is a cuban with the first name lenin. in his following at bats i just called him stalin :grin:



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btw. the opponent catcher is a cuban with the first name lenin. in his following at bats i just called him stalin :grin:



Hah! But be careful so that he doesn't purge you, in case you play against him in the future. :grin:


One thing that might explain the zombie performance of so many top players in the World Cup is exhaustion. They all have long and hard seasons behind them, so it might have bigger impact on them than the less great players, who maybe don't see so much action in all the important games and don't have to carry such huge expectations on their shoulders.

Edited by Hasse Wind

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Hahaha...good video Olham


Here is my all time fishing sketch


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Yes, I know that one, Widowmaker; you had posted it some time ago - very good!

The whole idea to make comedy of the "competitive dad" is great; I enjoyed it.

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I'm pretty confident that Germany will pass. They seem to be in good shape and are strong. Brazil and Germany are the favorites for me.

England still has a lot of chances to pass.

I guess you aren't used to make some calculations. We Portuguese we are always making calculations in terms of football. :grin:

We have to suffer, always. Things have always to be hard. It seems that to us it has to be that way.

For example we are now thinking that if we can pass our group in the second place maybe we won't caught Spain in the next round.

There's a pretty good chance for Switzerland to stay in 1st place in its group.

Of course sometimes "these" calculations fail. :bye:


The French won't have much chances. But to be honest they didn't deserve in the first place to be in this World Cup. That goal against Ireland....

One of the biggest problems with Les Bleu it's the coach. I believe, like Zidane, that Domenech is not a a coach. And probably, it never was.

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Just checked, who won the World Cup when, and how often.

This is for all, who are new to the World Cup or football in general, and want to know.


Click for your language in the left side bar.


(It shows clearly, that the saying: "Football is a game of 90 minutes, and in the end Germany wins"

should be changed for "...Brasil wins")



Edited by Olham

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