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BREAKING: U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised

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WTF ? It can't be possible !

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The aliens have found a way to disable ICBMs? Next time the spinning object appears check to see if it has 'Greenpeace' written on the side of it - then shoot it down :grin:

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all kidding aside, these seem to be some big names in the list of men about to testify on this subject, and if youre going to say they are just crackpots, then thats even scarier than if there are flying saucers monitoring our icbm sites, because these re some damn important jobs,,,

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I've said it before, I'll say it again... The TRUTH is out there!!! :ph34r:

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Lets assume these men are speaking the truth. Why the hell would aliens do this? I means these kind of stuff have been reported since forever basicly. Why would they still keep doing it? Just hover and see if they can disable them...For what purpose?

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It's quite possible disabling was a side effect of their investigation. Likewise I've heard stories of deactivated ones going active during such an encounter, so it works both ways.


However, consider this possiblity: what if they're not aliens, just people...from the future? If in 50 years the planet is devastated by a nuclear war, it's conceivable that hundreds of years later man could develop the ability to travel thru time and start making trips to see what they might to do avert that disaster aka the Terminator premise or the 4400. If they know the day a nuclear war happens, they could arrive the day before and disable them all and prevent the disaster. Coming from a post-holocaust future they've lost lots of the records from the era, especially the classified military stuff that would give them details on how the nukes work, requiring that they first visit numerous military bases looking for the nukes and then run tests to see how their arming/disarming works. For all we know they've been in contact with the upper echelons where they've told their story to disbelieving generals and presidents.


Sounds SF? Sure it does, but telling someone during the Civil War that man would walk on the moon while under a President from Texas while the whole world watches it lives on TV would be even more farfetched, and that was just 100 years.

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But then you run into the 'grandfather paradox'.


And the other question...with the end of the cold war, why hasn't there been anything from Russia about UFO visits to ICBM sites? After all, it doesn't do any good to disable one large arsenal if another large arsenal still exists.



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I didn't know the russians were so willing to share info, much less on something of this nature...  :grin:

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But then you run into the 'grandfather paradox'.


And the other question...with the end of the cold war, why hasn't there been anything from Russia about UFO visits to ICBM sites? After all, it doesn't do any good to disable one large arsenal if another large arsenal still exists.



The grandfather paradox is a non-issue if we submit to the idea that there are infininte parallel universes in which case any alteration of the past would just open a new timeline.

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If that's true (and I'd imagine time travelers would have fully explored this option), then it doesn't matter...you won't be able to change your own 'track', you'll merely become inhabitants of another time track.


In other words, you don't change 'your' history...so why bother going back?


Also, if you subscribe to the 'many worlds' multiverse theory, then ALL possible futures exist...including those without a nuclear war...yet taking away one more reason for going back in time to affect a change in the timeline.



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back to the alien theory and why would they do it........... to maintain the capability if they needed it for real. same reason a soldier goes to the rifle range or squadrons fo to red flag. they were just practicing on the real thing. and i agree that we as americans are about the only ones loose lipped enough in the world to actually talk about it. the other country's officers have been told to keep quiet on pain of pain!:grin:

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My guess is they stopped looking at Russia's because they know when it happens years from now that Russia's missiles won't be in good enough shape to actually launch, just sit there rusting. :grin:


Anyway, while the grandfather paradox, first introduced in HG Wells' Time Machine AFAIK, does seem to preclude that possibility, it's also possible we are constrained by our outdated modes of thinking and hundreds of years from now they'll figure out a way around that. Perhaps it's as simple as burying the tech in the past, perhaps it means that while they'll try to stop it, they'll only succeed in mitigating it, ensuring that they will still try to stop it later.

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those dumb @$$ can't tell the difference between UFO's and the nuclear inspection team



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