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Pity there's not a awards night for modders if there was I could nominate you for a oscar

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Nice Dels, very nice.

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This is really awesome work bro! I respect the amount of patience and dedication it takes to build a pit. It's not an easy job at all.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Looks good. I'd personally go with more contrast on the wear and tear and do an AO bake to bring out the depth of the details.

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It's look very nice god bless your job!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by czarny900

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Do you think an KA-50 and RAH-66 ?

I have thought about the Commanche, but that's about as far as I got.


As for an update on the Apache, all is finished now and it's in testing.



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I have thought about the Commanche, but that's about as far as I got.


As for an update on the Apache, all is finished now and it's in testing.




Great news Dels!!! :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

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Had to page back to see the cockpit progress. Very nice. Glad to hear of it's progression to the test phase.


Thanks Dels.



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When you release the mod, can you a give an date?



As for any mods, when it is ready as usual. Lets say in 2 weeks :rofl:


Belive me, it worth it so be patient :grin:

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in 2 weeks :rofl: Belive me, it worth it so be patient :grin:


I can't wait...


Any progress?:salute:


I think you can read eh? :blink:

I´m sure Dels will let us know when it´s ready.

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Guy I want it as much as the next guy, but this stuff is not like folding a piece of paper and making a paper plane. it takes time and patients the artist like to do the there work at there own pace I think that sometimes when folks get on here and poke and prod for a faster release it causes the project to be delayed....at least 2 two weeks more

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How about this one..............:drinks:





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...... or this one.....





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Sorry guys. My personal life is very hectic at the moment, so no progress.



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No worries Dels.

Hope everything gets sorted out soon..

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