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Battle: Los Angeles

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Anyone seen this trailer?


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Another alien invasion movie?... There's just too many of these movies coming out. Seriously, when the rapture happens, everybody will think it was the result of a mass alien abduction.

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Might be worth the price of a movie ticket. There are a few spots in LA I'd like to see get blown to bits.

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You and me both, brother!!! :lol::rofl:



kevin stein

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Well, if they vaporize the San Fernando Valley, I might go see it just incase they get a shot of my house getting blasted to pieces. Even if the movie sucks, it'll still be cool to see that.

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Just looked into this a bit more and there seems to be s legal issue underway between this movie and skyline. I did think it was kind of odd that another alien movie was being made featuring my home town. LA can't be that much of a popular spot for our extraterrestrial tourists. Surely there are better locations on Earth to blow things up.

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The problem is most alien invasion movies suck because if you apply ANY sort of real science the plot holes are bigger than the Giant Red Spot on Jupiter.


Now if they made a movie (you'd need a mini-series really) on Footfall...that would rock!



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FootFall would RULLLLEEE!!!


(wonder how they'd do the Orion ship launch...???)


I, for one, welcome our new Snout Overlords....



look carefully at those inbound trails... that's from entry into our atmosphere. As in ...they be dropping LARGE rocks from orbit (google: Projet Thor)



kevin stein

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Maybe a real alien invasion would bring the Taliban and the US Forces fighting together as allies?...Now, would'nt that be something!...haha

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look carefully at those inbound trails... that's from entry into our atmosphere. As in ...they be dropping LARGE rocks from orbit (google: Projet Thor)



kevin stein


Was that directed at my comment or does it have something to do with Footfall?




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Remember Independence Day had US, Brit, and Iraqi forces fighting together, mid-90s.

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A friend of mine showed me the trailer a couple of days ago, it was a shocker. No way to take the song out of mind, we are YouTubeing it all day


PS: I wonder if they got a role for Wild Bill Kelso

Edited by macelena

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Tenom, yes directed towards you.

Also, that very same "idea" was used in Footfall, during the Battle of Kansas.



kevin stein

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You know what's wrong about the alien attack movies?




How come it came to nobody's mind to make the movie that starts on the Alien planet, they have a High command meeting or something about lack of resources. One especially ugly little one then reminds them there's a planet they could harvest resources from and of course it's Earth.

So they pack their offensive army in a huge attack fleet and start their journey, as the movie passes along we witness their enormous technological military power as they slash through the galaxy easily defeating some poor alien race that had the same plan.


In the final 10-15 min of the movie(duration depending on special effects budget lol) they enter our solar system, start drooling on the carnage they will impose on us, when all of a sudden OUR huge F'in fleet appears and totally owns them, I'm talking like zero causalities on our side complete and utter owning and at the end on the Earth Solar System Defense High Command headquaters the active commander completely calmly like nothing unusual just happend says: "Tell Patrol 00586 that their shift is over."

And with the credits just about to roll WE go to harvest THEIR planet muahahahahahah...

Edited by Brain32

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Tenom, yes directed towards you.


Oh I was talking more about this:

check out the alien ships flying close to the ground.

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You know what's wrong about the alien attack movies?




The film you proposed would be a big-budget bore. Spending almost 2 hrs preparing to do something only to have an anticlimactic ass-whooping at the final 15 mins? Reminds of the story in the HHGTTG where the fleet finds out Arthur Dent was the one who said the phrase that led their planet into a devastating war and takes off to attack earth only to find they got the scale wrong and their entire fleet is eaten by a dog.

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I find it funny how in movies we always win. Think about it. There is a race of beeings capable of actually crossing the distances between stars and maybe galaxies to get to us. They are thousands if maybe not millions of years ahead of us in everything. We would not stand a chance. Then again i dont really belive they would invade us. Why invade a planet when there are countless planets with plenty of resources. Much more efficient than wiping out us puny humans first then takeing the planet. Kinda doesnt make any sense when you think about it.

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The film you proposed would be a big-budget bore. Spending almost 2 hrs preparing to do something only to have an anticlimactic ass-whooping at the final 15 mins?

Unlike preparing for 2hrs to beat them with F-15 and AH-64 because although technically indestructable they are weak to pure awsomeness?


What's next? We will beat them by showing them WoW on which they will hook up into insane addiction and trade their invading fleet for WoW gold?

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I find it funny how in movies we always win. Think about it. There is a race of beeings capable of actually crossing the distances between stars and maybe galaxies to get to us. They are thousands if maybe not millions of years ahead of us in everything. We would not stand a chance. Then again i dont really belive they would invade us. Why invade a planet when there are countless planets with plenty of resources. Much more efficient than wiping out us puny humans first then takeing the planet. Kinda doesnt make any sense when you think about it.


Read Footfall.



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I find it funny how in movies we always win. Think about it. There is a race of beeings capable of actually crossing the distances between stars and maybe galaxies to get to us. They are thousands if maybe not millions of years ahead of us in everything. We would not stand a chance. Then again i dont really belive they would invade us. Why invade a planet when there are countless planets with plenty of resources. Much more efficient than wiping out us puny humans first then takeing the planet. Kinda doesnt make any sense when you think about it.



We don´t win allways. And i have a beat about this one.


BTW, if they come here is because they could colonize (as they are supposed to have a simmilar life requirements to us, wich i´m not sure is true), because kicking human asses is funnier after a long interstellar trip than mining alone, and because there wouldn´t be any film if they didn´t. You can´t make a film on how aliens didn´t invade us.

Edited by macelena

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The film you proposed would be a big-budget bore. Spending almost 2 hrs preparing to do something only to have an anticlimactic ass-whooping at the final 15 mins? Reminds of the story in the HHGTTG where the fleet finds out Arthur Dent was the one who said the phrase that led their planet into a devastating war and takes off to attack earth only to find they got the scale wrong and their entire fleet is eaten by a dog.


My favourite episode!


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