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What is the #1 feature you would like to see in P4?

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I agree with von Baur on this matter.

In other sims I've played (IL-2, RoF with Pat Wilson's CG), squadmates get medals and promotions under the same criteria as the player does. The developers should give some more note to this parameter.

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Thanks Hellshade!


The more I think about this idea, the more I like it. I wonder if it is possible?


Imagine a folder with pictures of every possible angle and detail level of Albatros for our good friend Olham, randomly appearing before the start of each mission.

What do you think Olham? Sound like paradise? :grin:




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Ratatat: What do you think Olham? Sound like paradise?


For me it would, Ratatat - but then there are all the other fans of different crates.

Lou would want the Camel, Hasse Wind the D.F.W., etc. etc.

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Ratatat: What do you think Olham? Sound like paradise?


For me it would, Ratatat - but then there are all the other fans of different crates.

Lou would want the Camel, Hasse Wind the D.F.W., etc. etc.


Ratatat was suggesting that we as players could put whatever pictures we wanted in the folder and the Manager would randomly put up new pictures from the ones in there. That way everyone could have pics of their favorite planes if they wished.



Edited by Hellshade

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Ah, now I got it - in that case it would be all Albatros on my screen indeed! :grin:


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A Replay feature thru a "gun camera". Yeah I know they didn't exist in World War I but it would be great to be able to watch a video of what a mess you made of the last mission - see BoB and IL2!

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More two-seaters; early war a/c; Aviation Militaire Belge planes and campaign; multi-engine bomber campaigns; as many historically accurate airfields as possible.

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All right, who spiked the punch? And would someone please get Lou down from that table?!

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Süüüüüüüüüüsser die Glocken nie kliiiiiiiiiingeeeeeen! ... :drunks:

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Well, if cows are included in P4, then why not some partridges too? And pear trees? It's the little details that matter. :grin:

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Stop that, guys - or we will never get P4!

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I will not buy P4 without partridges and pear trees. Both live (or grow) in France, so it would unrealistic to leave them out. We want OFF to be as realistic as possible, right? :grin:

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I like Dogs...can we have some Border Collies to round up the sheep?

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You lot are going P4 Stir crazy... oooh can we have seaplanes please please there's Gluhwein involved if we can... :drinks:


Seriously though I will be happy when it arrives... hopefully the planes that are in Red will become available also some of the 2 seater scouts as well as bombers and the like but I would seriously love to have a go at a Seaplane campaign... right off to play in the snow...

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I still maintain that the #1 feature I would like to see is the ability to warp with enemy aircraft as close as 2 miles instead of 4.

I think the #2 feature would be the ability to take a few more hits before you begin to lose some control of your plane. As it is right now, it seems like the first bullet to hit my plane nearly always is a cable that impacts a rudder or elevator. I can certainly see that happening sometimes, but I think currently it happens a bit too often.



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when will P5 be released?



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when will P5 be released?




When we are all in a snowball fight in a highly unlikely place...



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I'd ask for Directx 11 support for P4, but I'm afraid of being banned from the forum by the Devs. :blink:



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