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Down on my knees to say "pleeze" for more screens!

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I know, I know - P4 may be far from being ready.

But couldn't you devs perhaps think of releasing - say - 5 screenshots every month?

They must not always show something new; only what you have got done, from different angles?

(I know I still have to grow up, but that makes me the right sort of customer, eyh?)

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Patience Olham, after all you tell us how much there is still to achieve in p3 :lol::good:

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Don't you attack me from behind like that, Widowmaker - I know you too can hardly wait! :poke:

Edited by Olham

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Come on then!

Edited by elephant

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Why pics? I want videos! :rofl:

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Patience it will be ready when its ready... I must admit I am waiting to see the wonders as well but patience makes it all the more worthwhile when it arrives... but I must admit Herr Olham nice idea...

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I know the guys do what they can, and they won't work like Mickeysoft - they release it when it's ready.

Wasn't mean too serious.


But serious. :grin:

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+1 on new screens, please. The November 5th shots were great but they are so November 5th ago.


Perhaps a shot or two of a Gotha that's not so far in the distance?

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I too enjoy the screens. A few every month would be great. :good:



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Ag' please post a few more pics. Im dying on this side.



Pretty please.






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We need those screenshots!


The masses can only take so much before revolting. :grin:

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We need those screenshots!


The masses can only take so much before revolting. :grin:

My lord your minions are revolting and thats just the smell...

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:declare: Just say No. to P-4 Temptation . Its like dateing. If u get to 1st base can Second base be far behind ?:pleasantry:

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What kind of Cake ? Cant we all just get along ? (*&^%# the P-3 s P-4 s ahead.

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Slarti wrote:

My lord your minions are revolting and thats just the smell...


If they smell they're probably starting to turn. In order to be good, minions need to be fresh. They don't keep very long either, especially in warm weather, and once they get old they really can be revolting.



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I could go for some of that Dairy Queen ice cream cake myself.


Oh yes, and some P4 screens wouldn't go amiss!

Edited by Javito1986

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P4 MUST have a Snipe in it. I just can't see what all the fuss is about if it doesn't.

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