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Mig Killer Project

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Awesome! :clapping: Once it's released (together with single missions) it's gonna be hard to justify spending money on YAP, don't you think? :grin:

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Awesome! :clapping: Once it's released (together with single missions) it's gonna be hard to justify spending money on YAP, don't you think? :grin:


Well this isnt a contest between us and YAP, that is a totally different thing altogether. This is our way a paying tribute to the great air battles of the Vietnam. If we A) Dont burn ourselves out and B) this does well we will be making air to ground missions and it wont just cover Vietnam. Think of it as actaully getting to fly the mission of the Dogfights TV shows with some mud moving in it.

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Well this isnt a contest between us and YAP, that is a totally different thing altogether. This is our way a paying tribute to the great air battles of the Vietnam. If we A) Dont burn ourselves out and B) this does well we will be making air to ground missions and it wont just cover Vietnam. Think of it as actaully getting to fly the mission of the Dogfights TV shows with some mud moving in it.


Roger that, and I hope you won't burn out :grin:. I suspected that it wouldn't be long before someone put ME into a very creative use! And it coming from you guys means it's gonna be awesome and it's not just my wishful thinking - these screenshots speak for themselves!


P.S. Sorry for the unnecessary YAP reference, I didn't think it through before posting, obviously :drinks:.

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I'm pretty sure Thirdwire games will always be sparce when it comes to deck or airfield clutter.


i'm very curious to see how carriers will be managed in the f-14 sim.

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What we were wanting to do was make a few missions at a time. Not a whole new MOD but something to enhance SF2V a little at a time. Basically starting with MiG kills and working from there. This is not navy centric, but the navy missions are what we started researching first. These will not be easy if you play them right and used the most realistic settings. Just something fun to keep you out of the bars! We are really cracking books and documents for this.

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This is looking great guys!


If you want to do any skyraider missions, this site (and the combat journal in it) has some great material. I started a mission set based on this at one point, but it fell off to the wayside.



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You got the easy part right. I practically spelled it out for you guys over a year ago. If you read through this thread on ship lighting, you will get your answer.


Thread is missing? :blink:

Looked through your posts for the last year but I still can't find it.

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Tremendous work in finding a way to populate the stock carriers! :good::good::good:

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Thread is missing? :blink:

Looked through your posts for the last year but I still can't find it.


I guess you must be part of the Modder group instead of the Senior Member group.


What I will do is make a separate thread on this so that everyone can see it and keep this thread focused more on the mission instead of the behind the scenes modding. Give me a bit and I'll spell it all out.

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Post it in the Knowledge Base, Diego. I'll lock it in from there, if you want



kevin stein

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Post it in the Knowledge Base, Diego. I'll lock it in from there, if you want



kevin stein


Actually, Kevin, I would rather keep in it in a place where questions can be asked for clarification and answers given. If it is a perfect tutorial (yeah right) and nobody asks questions, then I guess we can move it there so it can be referenced.

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no problemo, brother! I wil, however, sticky the NEW thread you did.


I LIKE it!!



kevin stein

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Mission number 1



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Mission #2



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Ignore the terrain, based on some work Wrench did but perfected by me.... :lol:


Another mission done....and it is over Vietnam.





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HUH????? :dntknw:



kevin stein

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FYI we haven't given up on this. We are going to resume once the patch comes out and fixes the take off bug. Please stay tuned. :salute:

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No worries, I'm patient to fly these over GH3 :wink:

More Skyraiders shots please! :grin:


side note: next patch and everything will return to normal (so I hope)

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side note: next patch and everything will return to normal (so I hope)




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