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I'll have SF2-folderized verions of the weapons this evening.


I am curious as to why the weapons weren't working on your install, though. What patch level are you at?


Eric Howes


SF2 w/Jun 2010 patch.

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As promised, here are the Weapons in SF2-folderized format:




Installation is simple. Delete your current Weapons folder. Unpack, and drop the new Weapon folder in its place.


If you encounter bugs or missing items, pleae let me know. This updated Weapons collection will be included in the full updated version of the mod that we are planning to release.


Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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Thanks for the report. The attached ZIP contains fixes for the A-4 nation decals. Drop the included folders in the \Objects\Aircraft directory of your Mods Folder. These fixes will be included in the complete update we have planned.


Eric Howes


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Just found this! Looks like I'll have to get this baby installed in the next few daysyikes.gif

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Happy New Year to everybody, and many thanks for this great mod.

Played Falklands1982 on SFP1 for last 2 years, but never heard about porting it to SF2. That's a great Christmas gift.


Tried to play campaign with Bataliуn de Aviaciуn de Combate 601 (Stanley Airfield, 21 May 1982 ) , but everytime my first mission starts at 25, April on Comodoro Rivadavia Air Base.

That's because of typo in Malvinas1.ini. "[ArgentinaUnit007]" ID is actually 23, not 22.

Fixed, now everything works like a charm.


Also, i repainted some terrain and water tiles. With Paladrian's waternormal map, Malvinas became just an eye candy!



P.S. Sorry for my bad English... it's not my native language. blush2.gif

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Nice waters there luk1978! :good:

Do you mind sharing your terrain repaints?

Here is my own new Sea Harrier loading screen:


post-10763-052506900 1293902097.jpg


Happy New Year to you too!


Edited by elephant
  • Haha 1

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Thanks for reporting that bug, which will be corrected in the planned update.


Eric Howes

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Wow luk1978 that is nice....

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Hi, elephant!


I saw your screen in th screenshot thread.

Good old SF can show amazingly beautiful pics sometimes.grin.gif

Never heard about term "Black Death" before. But yesterday I read about Falklands/Malvinas war, so now I know what does it mean. Your screen just in time. good.gif


I will send you a PM about repaints.

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Never heard about term "Black Death" before. But yesterday I read about Falklands/Malvinas war, so now I know what does it mean.



Hi, I'm sorry to off-topic, but the term "Black Death" was never used by the Argentine pilots. It's just a figment of the British tabloid propaganda. That is a myth and much depends on the version you read.


Sorry for the off topic and thanks for including my work on this mod






Hola, siento mucho hacer off-topic, pero el término "Muerte negra" nunca fué usado por los pilotos argentinos. Es sólo un invento de la propaganda sensacionalista británica. Éso es un mito y depende mucho de la versión que se lea.


Disculpen el off topic y gracias por incluir mi trabajo en este mod


Un cordial saludo


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Hi, I'm sorry to off-topic, but the term "Black Death" was never used by the Argentine pilots. It's just a figment of the British tabloid propaganda. That is a myth and much depends on the version you read.


Hi, and thanks for your great work!good.gif


Of course, Black Death may be a myth. Anyway my knowledge about Malvinas war are not so broad. But I've read another version about "la muerta negra". This may be interesting.


Sorry for the offtop.

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Argentine Planes stop appearing in several missions after their Tankers have been destroyed in Brittish Campaign. :D


Glorious <3.

Edited by JonathanRL

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I like water repainted. :good:

I have a personal suggestion and I don't know if you can comply. I don't know the permissions that are needed.

It is possible to replace the Dagger of Mod by Nesher Israel's Strike Fighters 2 with torno camos? are very historical camos like the Nesher, would be a step forward in quality and history.

Leave some pictures for comparison. Camos Personally I consider perfect.










Sorry Eric, I read this message too late... lol




I've started a topic for proposed fixes and updates for this mod. If you have a bug report, a proposed change, or (even better) files that you can share, please post or share them here:




Eric Howes




Edited by TerceraEscuadrilla

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It's a nice set of skins, no doubt. The problem is that using them would completely change the installation requirements for the mod. Players would need an install of SF2I. Whether SF2I alone would work with the mod, I don't know. We'd have to go through the TYPES.INI and TARGETS.INI to check that every terrain structure being used was also in SF2I. If there were any missing structures, then the installation requirements would become SF2 or SF2V plus SF2I.


Whatever the case, it would not be a trivial change.


Edit: A few more thoughts. What we could do is offer the Nesher-based Dagger (sans the LODs) as an "optional" install within the installation package, somewhat like we do with various things in the SF2V Expansion Pack. There would be an optional IAI Dagger directory with the all the necessary bits (again, minus the LODs) for folks who have SF2I. We would supply simple instructions for swapping out the default Dagger with the Nesher-based Dagger. It would really be a matter of: 1) move or delete the default Dagger; 2) drop the new one in.


Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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I'd just like to take second to say thanks to all those concerned with the creation of this mod, its an absolute blast. What with being away for holidays and other real life stuff I've only just downloaded and done a quick test. Does anyone have any tips on landing the Sea Harriers on the carriers? I'm finding it nearly impossible. Flight model is set to 'Normal' and I've mapped the thrust vectoring to the slider on my X-52 throttle. I guess it's a question of practice?


Lovely Harrier skins BTW :clapping:

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I would like to have some tips about harrier v landings as I'm hopeless!

I watched the AI landing and they seem to follow a standard hook arrest landing patern...

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I would like to have some tips about harrier v landings as I'm hopeless!

I watched the AI landing and they seem to follow a standard hook arrest landing patern...


Landing the Harrier I will only say this practice practice practice... then practice some more...



gives an idea

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Argentine Planes stop appearing in several missions after their Tankers have been destroyed in Brittish Campaign. :D


Glorious <3.


Excuseme Jonathan but no KC-130 Argentinean tanker was downed in the Falklands conflict. If so you think you could put any evidence?



Edited by TerceraEscuadrilla

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Finally got a free time to work on Malvinas terrain. Repainted water tiles, made new waternormal.bmp.

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Finally got a free time to work on Malvinas terrain. Repainted water tiles, made new waternormal.bmp.


Water looks great. Were you planning to upload your work to the "fixes" thread I started?




Eric Howes

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