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Lt. James Cater

New Year's Resolutions!

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We all have at least one.


My first is to quit drinking for a prolonged period as i've finally realized that i'm a textbook example of a functioning alcoholic and have been for years. Whatever booze i have left is being polished off and that's it until i get things under control.


The next resolution is to pay more attention to my bass and get my new band off the ground and developed enough to be able to record a quality demo.


The third is to find a way that someone without even a high school diploma but with a lifetime's worth of experience can make some real money.


I have a few more but those are really personal.



So let's hear yours! :cool:

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I resolve not to make any promises I can't keep.

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I resolve to kill more MiGs! :P

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I have resolved that this year I am just going to enjoy life more...

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I think im going to join you on the stop drinking resoloution lt. I have'nt drunk over the festive season and have still enjoyed myself thoroughly.


Hopefully i can stick to it....



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good luck Cater...

no new year's resolution for me :blink:

Edited by Nesher

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I made a resolution 20 years ago not to make any New Years resolution. I have keep that resolution. Carter good luck on not drinking. From your posts and the amount of determination that went into finding all the sams sites and making a map of it, you have the willpower to do what you want in life. I hope the willpower is effect to offset your body's withdrawal. Good luck to you :salute:

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Haven't smoked for about ten years now but like every year I use a cigar to light the fireworks, giving me the wonderful possibility to resolve something wonderful for this year: to stop smoking (until next newyears eve that is):grin:





Edited by Derk

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Crikey - no idea - not that ive ever stuck to one. Maybe I will go to the gym less - that sounds the sort of res I can live with!

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Less booze, more (unreadable)

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Breaking the alcoholism isn't going to be easy. The longest period without drinking in the past 10 years or so has been when i was in jail. Even then, as soon as i was released i hit the liquor store and loaded up before even getting home.


During one homeless peroid, i had a steady job and still managed to have a few drinks a day, timing it just right so i could beat the breathalyzer at the shelter. If i wanted to party, i knew where there were good mostly safe spots to sleep it off until morning.


As of now, when i get home at about 5 pm i usually drink until 12 or 1 AM. On the weekends and i have nothing planned? As long as possible. From just after waking until my body can't take anymore and shuts down.


As i type this out i'm home from work knocking off the last of my supply. I should be done with it about 2 AM and the struggle begins tommorrow afternoon.

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Finished what i had about midnight and was STILL looking around for something i might have overlooked as i didn't have the usual buzz level.


It's now about 8:30am and i strongly craved a drink while i was in the shower getting ready for work. My anxiety levels are sky high knowing that there will be no comfort awaiting me when i get home. Maybe sobriety isn't all that it's made out to be?


Anway's i'm thinking about a blog or something to distract myself and to figure out what to do in lieu of the alcohol.


This is going to be worse than i thought.

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LT seems like you have a real stuggle with the booze my man, I too suffer from needing a few beers to chill in the evening, im quite lucky though as "Her Majesty" sends me away on her submarines to dry out on long boring patrols, thus allowing me to extend my life expectancy so long as we dont go ramming into any of Ivans boats while out on patrol, only problem I have is when I get back from a patrol I need a real good session of beer and cigarettes to get over the s**t we just did on patrol.:yikes: , im sure your American submariners are the same.


Maybe thats why I have been flight simming for the last 20 years, at least I can do somthing for the military that involves enjoyment and beer at the same time without risking my shipmates, at the end of the day the only people I am hurting is Ivan and Ho Chi Mins band of merry men.


A toast please.........flight simming & beer :drinks:

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I'm a textbook functioning example too James, Sir. Really hoped this great new year would change things for me, but it didn't. I had a new girlfriend at the end of that year, you know, 19 years old blonde one, but I couldn't keep Her interested... booze won over. So I know how's it about, I know it too well...


9th year it is

Edited by Stary

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