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Capitaine Vengeur

20 years ago

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Twenty years ago, January 17, 1991, was the outbreak of Operation Desert Storm and the aerial hammering of Iraq. Many things have changed since in that poor country. But it seems to me that military aviation has made less progress since that time than during the preceding twenty years. USS America and some other ships have been retired, as well as many of the planes who flew over the Gulf at that time (Jaguars, Mirage F-1, F-4G, various MiGs...), but we still find the same Apaches, Tomcats, Hornets, Eagles, Stratofortresses and AWACS enforcing "Pax Americana" over the World.

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No Tomcats except for the ones enforcing the "Axis of Evilness" over Iran :grin:


Still, 20 years, doesn't seem like it's been that long at all.

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Remember it well.

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Yes I remember it well too.

Damn times goes by too fast. :blink:

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i don't , but i remember well the corwardness over the balkans and the recent shock and awe over iraq.

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time flys i started flyng sim in spectrum after that and coleting books about Aircraft and weapons land forces etc about that time too 20 long years look 20 short years to me

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Thinking back on it this is probably why I'm here, some of the earliest memories I have are of the news coverage of the war.



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Can't believe it has been that long! I was about five and a half and I still remember seeing it on the TV. Time flies!

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i remember well the corwardness over the balkans


What? :blink:

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Indeed military aviation has made a lot of progress, it's just not been beneficial. New programs take longer and longer and cost more and more so there are so few of them now.


The USSR was in the middle of its collapse at the time, so the US military was still at its peak. On a side note, how much effect do you think the virtual steamrolling of Iraq in 91 contributed to the severe drawdowns in the later years of the 90s? I'd say it had everything to do with it. During Desert Shield, a lot was made of how strong Iraq was, its huge standing army and large although a bit outdated air force, having just recently finished an 8 yr-long war with Iran that made its troops quite good, etc etc etc. In retrospect, it seems like the higher-ups were prepping the public for heavy losses. Then we went in and it was a cakewalk, the "100 hr ground war" that no one could have predicted with a straight face.

Well, the USSR was gone, Iraq fell over a long weekend, obviously the military was too big right? It only made sense to cut it down and save a lot of money since we'd never have to fight anyone as big as the USSR again, right?


Saddam Hussein's defeat in 1991 did more damage to the US military than all his successes combined by convincing the politicians that it could lose a ton of fat.

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i don't , but i remember well the corwardness over the balkans


This was a war in Europe (troubles started in 1991) - it was NATOs responsibility to end it - and they did (after a bit of faffing around) - the area is now peaceful.

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Saddam Hussein's defeat in 1991 did more damage to the US military than all his successes combined by convincing the politicians that it could lose a ton of fat.


Yes a good observation



Iraq had 8 years real combat experience - and MiG-29As (not quite the 150 on order!!) - it was certainly hyped up to be nightmare!

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of all things was watching MTV where they we're debuting a video remake of give peace a chance. it was interupted to announce the start of the war! thats when i discovered this lovely channel called CNN........

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Daughter and son in law came over. They asked me why I wasn't watching CNN about the war. I said that Pres. Bush(senior) wouldn't go to war. He would extend deadline. They said that air war had already started. :blink:

I switched to CNN and from then on it was "don't bother me,I've got the game on!!" :yikes:

Doesn't seem like that long ago.

Your right about military cuts and legacy aircraft.

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i don't , but i remember well the corwardness over the balkans and the recent shock and awe over iraq.


I get what you mean, but you are wrong. The Balkans were a mess, but we had to do it. I´m not seeing it black and white, i think that both sides were fighting a war in the fashion of the Russians and Germans in WWII, so we had to stop it. I was told by vets that Bosnians and Croats were as ruthless as the Serbians. We stopped it. Maybe it didn´t get out well, but at least there are no more killings.


Anyway, the Yugoslav Air defence was really good at the time, a hell of an air defence, as i´ve heard. And cowardice wouldn´t be the word. If you were in command of anything, your obligation would be to accomplish your mission AND bring your men back home, as many as you can.


About shock and awe, i just passed an International Law exam, we shall discuss it in other place.

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