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Tunes in the pit

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What's your fav tune in the pit?

Mine are


1.Rock the casbah-The Clash

2.One night in bangkok-Murray head

3. Shout-tears for Fears


As you see, its all 80's

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Whatever cycles through Windows Media Player

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Seek & Destroy, Orion, Disposable Heroes - Metallica


In fact, most of the Burton's era is played on when I fly, otherwise I'm tuning in an online radio ala Chronix.


How long 'till we see a proper iPod docking station built in pits?

Edited by FrankD

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or a coffee maker!!! (reference: "Hogs" series)



kevin stein

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Close air support in an A-1H over Vietnam with the rolling Stones - paint it black

Recon, some kind of chillaxin Trance music

Dog fights: Some rocking tunes f.e Billy Idol, Bodycount, RamJam....

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I've got three separate playlist folders in my iTunes player.


* Sixties Flight

* Seventies Flight

* Eighties flight


The sixties playlist contains dozens of songs with everything from Diana Ross to Jimi Hendrix.


You can get the picture with the others. Usually I play whichever suits me at the time regardless of what era I'm flying in :whistle::aggressive:

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Hmm, interesting. Do most of you use ipod or mp3 player at your side? I remeber from the Microsoft flight sim you could turn on media player via the buttons in the pit of a plane. i wonder if it can be done in a sf2 pit? Just beats having to use ipod or a stereo system nest to you.

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I don't own an iPod. I just use the iTunes player in my PC. Don't seem to notice any FPS drop when using it along with the SF2 series at the same time. Starting it while in flight is something I'm sure a lot of us would like but realistically a bit far fetched.

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Currently the only way I have to play music is on the same PC which is running the sim, so I don't. It's not the newest or fastest computer in the world and anything which might hit the frame rate gets shut down.


Actually I suppose I could play music on my mobile phone ( which is apparently also an MP3 player ) but I don't know how the hell that function works. If something hasn't got wings, or wheels, or a trigger, or is a machine tool then I'm not very interested in learning how it operates.....I can't even send a text message :grin:


If I DID play music then one choice would probably be the Steve Earle album " Shut Up And Die Like An Aviator " - appropriate to drown out that annoying guy who keeps screaming " Get him off me !!!!! I can't shake him !!!!! " :grin:

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Normally either the engine sound of a pair of F110's or TF-30's, since I don't usually listen to music during the mission itself. If I'm ever screwing around with music and captured video, something along the lines of Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, or other heavy metal bands (the same on the few occasions I do listen to music during the mission). Think I did a Falcon 4 one to "Whiskey in the Jar" by Thin Lizzy.

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Some Disturbed, Def Leppard, Queen, Moby, etc. As long as it keeps pace, no slow country songs while dog fighting.

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Anything that answers to the name of metal.


Once i also made an armed recon listening to Robert Johnson

Crossroad Blues.

in the desert, with a Skyraider

Edited by the test pilot

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