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P4 update Please.......

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Dear OBD,

It has been a month and lots of days after the last update on 23 December 2010.


Please post us a few 100 new picture of P4.


Thanking you




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Don't confuse interest with impatience.


I agree with Morris. The 23 December 2010 shots are so last year ago.

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I think I hear the murmurings of a release date... what's that OvS?


Ah yes... two weeks. :grin:


Whenever it comes out, I'll be one of the first in the virtual cue to buy a copy. :good:

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I desperately want to be one of the guys who's selected to receive the Master Beta....

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Patience is a Virtue...seldom found in women...never in Fighter Pilots

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I want the Devs to take all the time they need to polish their latest little gem up to their hearts delight. Don't rush a thing!


All I need are 4 things:


A Delorean

a Flux capacitor

a few cans of plutonium

enough clear road to get up to 88mph


I'll be back with all the pictures and video you want right after that.



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guys. i remember the impatience when we were all waiting for p3. i remember how it was when we were waiting for HiTR, waiting for urgend patches etc.

some people were so impatient within the time that it went almost ridiculously bad mannered. this stage is of course far from reached yet. probably it may come again when it's almost finished and just a matter of days or weeks for release.

but, what i had to think of at that time was maybe a bit too philosophical, but IMO it helps me when i'm impatient.


IMO there are two ways of patience. an easy patience and a hard patience.


easy patience is when you know something is going to come, definitely. you just have to wait for it. period. like a child who is looking forward to his birthday or xmas etc. it's tough to wait, but you know definitely that it will come, so that's easy patience.


hard patience is when you have to wait for something, without ever knowing if this patience is going to pay off. like somebody waiting for a new heart or kidney or something like that. or you have somebody lying in coma etc. it's very tough to wait and to be patinent, and maybe it's never ever going to pay off. that's hard patience IMO.


waiting for p4 is definitely the first version. so enjoy the easy patience. it's definitely going to come :drinks:

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guys. i remember the impatience when we were all waiting for p3. i remember how it was when we were waiting for HiTR, waiting for urgend patches etc.

some people were so impatient within the time that it went almost ridiculously bad mannered. this stage is of course far from reached yet. probably it may come again when it's almost finished and just a matter of days or weeks for release.

but, what i had to think of at that time was maybe a bit too philosophical, but IMO it helps me when i'm impatient.


IMO there are two ways of patience. an easy patience and a hard patience.


easy patience is when you know something is going to come, definitely. you just have to wait for it. period. like a child who is looking forward to his birthday or xmas etc. it's tough to wait, but you know definitely that it will come, so that's easy patience.


hard patience is when you have to wait for something, without ever knowing if this patience is going to pay off. like somebody waiting for a new heart or kidney or something like that. or you have somebody lying in coma etc. it's very tough to wait and to be patinent, and maybe it's never ever going to pay off. that's hard patience IMO.


waiting for p4 is definitely the first version. so enjoy the easy patience. it's definitely going to come :drinks:


Well said man! Hear Hear! :drinks:

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Dear Pilots,


Patience is the name of the lady that i work with in government.


Its only a small request to show that I'm interested in the development of P4.



Remember, Patience is the name of a lot of people in South Africa.




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Its only a small request to show that I'm interested in the development of P4.



and that's absolutely legitim :drinks:

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Again, don't confuse interest for impatience.

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Just be like me and opt for the 2025 model and you won't need the plutonium or road. I'll be seeing you last month!! drinks.gif.

I want the Devs to take all the time they need to polish their latest little gem up to their hearts delight. Don't rush a thing!


All I need are 4 things:


A Delorean

a Flux capacitor

a few cans of plutonium

enough clear road to get up to 88mph


I'll be back with all the pictures and video you want right after that.



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Some new screenshots would be much appreciated. They make the waiting period more enjoyable, as then we have something to marvel and also analyze. It's fun to carefully examine the screens and try to find out what might be new and different from P3. There doesn't have to be hundreds of new screens released every week, just a few every now and then will do nicely. Consider it as a form of advertising. Publicity never hurts a sim. :cool:

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I agree with Jim!

The original post was asking nothing more than an update... :dntknw:

Don't confuse things.

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Not even going to hum a couple of bars for us, huh?







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I want the Devs to take all the time they need to polish their latest little gem up to their hearts delight. Don't rush a thing!

All I need are 4 things:

A Delorean

a Flux capacitor

a few cans of plutonium

enough clear road to get up to 88mph

I'll be back with all the pictures and video you want right after that.



Funny you should say that.

If I had those four things, I would not be coming back with photos and video.

If I came back, and odds are much better than even I would not - and even if I could, why would I?

I might have a MM or a DFC, but much more likely I would earn the wooden cross, and be happy that I did.

At least I would have fulfilled my childhood dream, which was to be a Great War Camel pilot.



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@mattmilne...the score for OFF Phase 3 could have been released as a record no problem..I can hear classic FM playing. If the score is near complete I imagine the game is more complete than I thought...so it does seem more hopeful it will be in my Xmas stocking....

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@mattmilne...the score for OFF Phase 3 could have been released as a record no problem..I can hear classic FM playing. If the score is near complete I imagine the game is more complete than I thought...so it does seem more hopeful it will be in my Xmas stocking....


We will do an update soon...




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