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Hello all! I've been craving a good jet flight sim for a while now. LOMAC was a turn off because I would have to order a hard-copy. Plus, Ive heard nothing but good things about Third Wire and their sims, and I'll admit I wanted to see what the huff was about.


I purchased Strike Fighters 2 and just installed it. I'm glad I have previous flight sim experience. Is there any tutorial whatsoever? Ive been free-flying in the missions as opposed to doing them. I tend to fly WWI and WWII flight sims. (Il2 and ROF respectively.) So I was pretty unhappy about the lack of a tutorial. It seems easy enough to take off, and I found the buttons for ejecting, chaff, etc. etc. Still, I have no idea how to lock on, or anything like that. Let alone LANDING.


Is there some sort of help file or community-made tutorial maps around? Or am I just going to have to tough it out?

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Ok, you both lost me. When I look through the 'knowledge base' all I see are numerous stickies regarding converting things from SF1 to SF2 and how to mod, as well as various graphical stuff.


Am I missing something? I was asking about learning the basics. Its been a long day, so I'm probably missing something very simple.


*EDIT* Just found the manual! :P Thanks for all the help!

Edited by OneoftheLost

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Glad you found the manual. The knowledge base is mainly for modding or troubleshooting.


At thirdwire.com there is a good, and short, tutorial on using the early radar system for guided missiles (Tutorial uses radar pics from SF2 F4 Phantom).


It is posted in the General section of the 3rd Wire forum.


BUT the site is down for maintenance at time of this post.

Edited by csb

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Yea, I feel kind of stupid! Normally I'm used to huge amounts of beginner tutorials and things created by the community. (I.e. Il2's fan-made tutorial campaign.) Or a built in one, it never occured to me that Strike Fighters might require the player to .. I dunno...read the manual? :P Ive always used 'em as a reference. A desert to the main course if you will.


I think I have everything figured out now! My one 'niggle' is more curiosity then anything else.


I was really looking for modern planes when I was looking at Third Wire, and it seems that they tend towards more historical planes. (vietnam, 60's, cold war. etc. etc.) Is the development team more interested in these periods? I was hoping they had made a title with more modern planes. (I.e. F-16, F22, F35, etc. etc.)


My second question is about planes. I'm starting to realize that most of the planes added through mods seem to be variations in the stock game itself. I.e. I have yet to find one F-16 for the standard Strike Fighters 2, which is a shame, because I would really like to fly that or the F-15. I did see an F-15 based on an NPC model. Are the Third Wire games, hardcoded to only allow certain planes and cockpits? I figured there would be a HUGE number of planes and cockpits. Or is this only what is hosted?


Lastly, as you can guess, I am looking for a fully-implemented F-16/F-15 plane for standard Strike Fighters 2. Are there any? and are there any campaigns for such craft? Or should I wait until I have the cash for Strike Fighters 2 Isreal?


Thanks again for all the help!

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The Mirage Factory has several F-16 variants (albeit for series1, but readily adaptable). In the downloads section you'll find a boatload of F-15s, recently updated for the last patch.


and, whilst not updated for (quite) some time .... there's this listing (covers mostly 1stGen series,but will give you an idea as to what's available)




Of course, browsing each of the download sections, while a bit time consuming, is worth at least looking through



kevin stein

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My second question is about planes. I'm starting to realize that most of the planes added through mods seem to be variations in the stock game itself. I.e. I have yet to find one F-16 for the standard Strike Fighters 2, which is a shame, because I would really like to fly that or the F-15. I did see an F-15


There are 33 pages of downloads in the aircraft section!

It will take you a while to trawl through them all looking for modern ones.

(I'm the opposite of you. I've just spent ages going through all the downloadable aircraft picking out the '50s and '60s ones!)


To get you started



F14 A and B



F16 Block 10



F15 Super Pack


(Requires SFEurope to use the early versions)


F18 Super Hornet






Mig 31





And stick with it. I remember coming from Il2, at first I found it difficult to get into this game.

Now, I absolutely love it.

Once you get into a decent campaign, it's frikkin' awesome.


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You get some modern a/c with SF2 Europe. And if you get SF2E you can also get the Expansion pack which will give you ability to edit the random missions before take-off.


There is a F16 Blk 10 in A/c downloads. I have it and it is my main flyer.


Also F14, F18 & F15. And others.


I have only SF2 and have deleted all jets and added modern a/c from this site.

Quite easy to do. I just don't fly campaigns because specific a/c must be entered in campaign files.



Also be aware that some a/c downloads do require files that are in specific SF2 titles.

So read through the description and requirements.

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I was really looking for modern planes when I was looking at Third Wire, and it seems that they tend towards more historical planes. (vietnam, 60's, cold war. etc. etc.) Is the development team more interested in these periods? I was hoping they had made a title with more modern planes. (I.e. F-16, F22, F35, etc. etc.)


My second question is about planes. I'm starting to realize that most of the planes added through mods seem to be variations in the stock game itself. I.e. I have yet to find one F-16 for the standard Strike Fighters 2, which is a shame, because I would really like to fly that or the F-15. I did see an F-15 based on an NPC model. Are the Third Wire games, hardcoded to only allow certain planes and cockpits? I figured there would be a HUGE number of planes and cockpits. Or is this only what is hosted?


Lastly, as you can guess, I am looking for a fully-implemented F-16/F-15 plane for standard Strike Fighters 2. Are there any? and are there any campaigns for such craft? Or should I wait until I have the cash for Strike Fighters 2 Isreal?



Welcome to the forums OneoftheLost. From looking at your wants for this sim I have a few suggestions you might enjoy. First I recommend having all for the SF2 titles (and the expansions) because of the different maps and aircraft available. You will particularly enjoy SF2E and SF2I for the F-15A's (and F-16A in SF2I). Most of the time the Modders will build campaigns based on certain titles that have particular items they they need to build their mod campaigns. An example from the first Generation would be the Operation Desert Storm campaign which required WOE to work (outstanding mod by the way and they are updating it to SF2 standards now). All of the campaign mods come with all of the aircraft and ground objects needed for the campaigns... an all in one kind of deal.

Some other mods you would like are as follows:


War for Taiwan

Modern Warfare Korea

War for Israel (SF2I)

NATO Fighters IV (total conversion mod with campaigns from 1950's to 1980's)


Also, just because it is sooo good, try the Falklands Mod 1982. Theres no F-22/F-35/F-15/F-16 fighters (heck the best planes available are the Shar and SuE) in it but it is a great historical mod. I flew it from both sides and had a blast.


They can all be found in the SF2 downloads section under missions and campaigns. Just remember to read the readme files and always backup your files. Hope this helps.

Edited by Vampyre

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I figured there would be a HUGE number of planes and cockpits. Or is this only what is hosted?


Have you not seen the downloads section? :blink:

In the SF2 downloads section there are 410 planes to download, from F-22, F-35, to the F-111 and B-52.....that section alone has almost 120,000 downloads.


In the SF1 downloads section there are 1066 planes to download, totalling 1.4 MILLION downloads.....so my question is, what's your definition of huge?

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I was really looking for modern planes when I was looking at Third Wire, and it seems that they tend towards more historical planes. (vietnam, 60's, cold war. etc. etc.) Is the development team more interested in these periods? I was hoping they had made a title with more modern planes. (I.e. F-16, F22, F35, etc. etc.)



The games only go to about 1983 max as standard - and yes they are keeping it that way - its their target audience!

A time period not really covered much but far more interesting - especially when other sims have been nothing but WW1/2/post 80s sims. You will need to learn some new ways to fight.


So basically you need to do some modding if you want to give it a more modern time frame.

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Wow thanks for all the help! I guess I'll adress things one at a time.


@Wrench Thanks! Thats a link I must of somehow over looked.


@davokingy Thanks alot! Looks like quite a haul! and yes, coming from Il2/ROF its a bit jarring. Not too hard I'm hoping. The manual is making quite a difference. ALOT of info packed into that pdf. *EDIT* Also, that Block 10 F-16 requires SF2:I


@csb You answered another question I had, namely, if I could add jets to the campaign. I believe I saw a link on how to do that, and will have to hunt that down.


@vampyre Ooh, those campaigns all look excellent! I've given them a glance, but I'll be sure to look a bit deeper. Actually, in regards to getting the rest of the titles, Ive been meaning too, but SF2 is my test run. I really don't have an excess of cash right now, so I'll just have to wait. In the meantime I was hoping for modding to fill that particular void.


@Dave Actually, I edited a large part of my post out, in regards to that exact download section. You are right, it is MASSIVE. Unfortunately, I have no way of telling what is quality, and what is not. I can look at the downloads, but to take it to another level entirely would be to add various features to the download section itself. I was going to make several comments regarding that, but it just felt rude since I'm rather new. :) tl;dr I did look through the download section, but burnt out after 20 or so minutes. It is QUITE substantial. I'll probably make a post at a later date detailing what would make it much more useful. (Unless subscribers get more features?)


@MigBuster I see. Interesting. Its not really the first time period I think of when I'm thinking jets. I usually associate jets with the most modern fighter set. (Which.. is changing. :P ) I was just curious on that front, it seemed an odd choice in my mind.

Edited by OneoftheLost

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Is there some magical reason I can't edit my own post after an hour or so?


Sorry if I sound peeved, but combat in this game is impossible. I have tried 10-15 times to play the first mission on the Burning Sands campaign. Ive tried Instant action as well. Coming from Rise of Flight, combat is downright infuriating. I can promise you, that dogfighting is not done in modern jets. Simply turning around without going into an uncontrollable spin is downright impossible.


This is EXACTLY what I was referring to when I meant tutorial. Here's a little run-through of the mission.


Mission Type: Intercept enemy air attack on Airbase D7

What I do:


I have Flight on HARD, so its as accurate to the real thing as I can make it. I'm flying a Phantom II with 4 Sidewinders, and 8 Sparrows with a gunpod. Default loadout.


Here's what I do.


1. Lift Off.

2. Retract Landing Gears

3. Retract Flaps.

4. Activate Radar.

5. Fly towards waypoint.

6. Spot a 2 Beagles heading torwards the base.

7. Tell wingman to engage.

8. (On 70% Throttle, and aiming at the enemy from 2 mn out.) I hear the loud buzzing of the sidewinders get louder. I launch it at 1.5mn out. Radar is in gunsight mode, and has a target lock.

9. Somehow the damn beagle dodges the Sidewinder.

10. Throw airbrakes on, and lower throttle so that I can turn around and engage again.

11. Repeat step 8.

12. Another miss.


I cannot get a missle to hit an enemy aircraft to save my life. Yet, I try to shoot the damn beagle down with gunpod, and it launches a missle, or shoots a gun and blows me up instantaneously.


I have enemy planes on normal.


What am I doing wrong? Why can I not kill a single effing thing?

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Welcome to the modern world of air combat with crappy ass AIM-9B's and AIM-7D/E's. The missiles were unreliable and you now feel the pain our pilots felt in Vietnam. You want realism, there you go. Also if your flying on HARD FM then that is another problem. We had an actual US Navy Mig Killer tell us if all F-4's flew like these do on HARD, there would of been a lot more dead pilots. I fly on NORMAL FM.


Gun pods were terribly inaccurate back then too and Beagles don't have missiles. Just a nasty tail gun.


These isn't a hit a switch and it dies sim, dogfighting in an F-4B, with worthless AIM-9B's and Sparrows and no gun....doesn't get any better and that is how it was done. That's realism for you.....my advice, practice practice practice. Been flying and modding this sim for 9 years and its still a challenge and thus why this is one of THE best dogfighting sims ever made. IL-2, ROF, LOMAC......cant touch the A2A side of this.

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Normal FM it is!


You arn't joking! Its incredibly frustrating to have inaccurate missles. I'll keep at it of course, but its a pain. I can see what you mean by challenge. I actually got it in my head that since the sim wasn't as realistic with flight controls as say... Falcon, it would be easier. Looking back, I have to laugh. Ah well. Its interesting to see how things where done in that time period. I may go back to the very first campaign, just to see how things are done.


Thanks for the reply!

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Vietnam influence on Sidewinder development

When air combat started over North Vietnam in 1965, Sidewinder was the standard short range missile carried by the US Navy on its F-4 Phantom and F-8 Crusader fighters and could be carried on the A-4 Skyhawk and on the A-7 Corsair for self-defense. The Air Force also used the Sidewinder on its F-4C Phantoms and when MiGs began challenging strike groups, the F-105 Thunderchief also carried the Sidewinder for self-defense. Performance of the Sidewinder and the AIM-7 Sparrow was not as satisfactory as hoped and both the Navy and Air Force studied their performance of their aircrews, aircraft, weapons and training as well as supporting infrastructure. The Air Force conducted the classified Red Baron Report while the Navy conducted a study concentrating primarily on performance of air-to-air weapons that was unofficially called and better known as the "Ault Report". The impact of both was modifications to the Sidewinder by both services to improve its ability to perform in the demanding air-to-air arena and increase reliability.





25,000 AIM-7Es were produced, and saw extensive use during the Vietnam War, where its performance was generally considered disappointing. The mixed results were a combination of reliability problems (exacerbated by the tropical climate), limited pilot training in fighter-to-fighter combat, and restrictive rules of engagement that generally prohibited BVR (beyond visual range) engagements. The Pk (kill probability) of the AIM-7E was less than 10%; US fighter pilots shot down 55 aircraft using the Sparrow.










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Very interesting! I never knew. (Ive never really looked at Vietnam-era air combat.) This raises numerous other questions in my mind, but its good to know. Thanks for the info.

*EDIT* Also, I just made my first kill! Think I'm getting the hang of things. Just takes a little practice is all. Thanks again for the massive amounts of help, and huge props to Thirdwire for making me research all these planes, and weaponry. I can't wait to make my next purchase :) (Probably SF2:Israel)

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Very interesting! I never knew. (Ive never really looked at Vietnam-era air combat.) This raises numerous other questions in my mind, but its good to know. Thanks for the info.

*EDIT* Also, I just made my first kill! Think I'm getting the hang of things. Just takes a little practice is all. Thanks again for the massive amounts of help, and huge props to Thirdwire for making me research all these planes, and weaponry. I can't wait to make my next purchase :) (Probably SF2:Israel)



You cant go wrong with SF2:Israel, which is my favorite of the series. I dont mod it, I just add mods to it because its just awesome on its own. I love the Mirage III.


Part of the fun of this series and I'm speaking from a modder perspective, is the research involved. I knew a lot about planes, Vietnam etc before I started on this series but now 9 years later I know a great deal more. This series has its warts but they arent show stoppers and it has given me many years of fun....

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It's fun to be reminded by a newcomer to the sim how great it really is vs. the competition.

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Very interesting! I never knew. (Ive never really looked at Vietnam-era air combat.) This raises numerous other questions in my mind, but its good to know. Thanks for the info.




These 2 articles by a former F-4 and F-104 pilot are still useful btw





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I love the Vietnam era jets....fire off those dodgey missiles and then get into a high speed dogfight...no fire and forget here....it's WW2 on steroids....hope a Korea game or mod will happen for some early sabre vs mig action...


Love the F8 crusader....some A2A and A2G action with this beauty...

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