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early flight still some ini stuff max and photoshop to do but its flying and looks beautifull a fine project by North American
















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Hello...I wanna ask something. I Have SF2...I've downloaded F-22 Alpha from page 4 of this Thread...After installing, the plane appears on the Aircraft List...but when i start a mission, the plane model not show up! So on the runway there's only Blue callsign like Python 11 but no Plane...Can anybody help me?? Thanks! :)

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posted in the wrong thread. repost as a new thread in the main section of this sub-forum

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workin on the -300. two down around 25 more to go.  hopefully done by Christmas (if not in job training) or end o year (if in job training)



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Should not the fuselage have a visible area rule pinch to it?



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that another version  they proposed this his the all weather version whit radar!




The all weather version does have the area rule fuselage, although it looks like it is not as pronounced in the image above.




It is possible that it is there, just not visible due to the angle of your screenshots. In the screenshots it looks to me like a pre-area rule F-100 mid fuselage.

Edited by KJakker

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well i follow the 3-view to max wend its uploaded  by  Xmas time i hope maybe you see it better


bump map near done skin also near done ini work quite a bit!

















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very nice so far. are you making your panel lines (esp the pilot doors in the 2d and 3d shots a seperate layer in PS?

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Looks great Jim! Btw, I´m still working on populating Hopsten AB.. ;-)

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Fuse lengthened, loads of stuff remapped, stuff added, smoothed, bump & spec maps & there's still  at least 101 things wrong with it........





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still early...

but with some luck, this one single Lod can be used to create 4 - 5 different variants!

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