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Hot Summer could wipe out Goth Population-experts warn

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I hope so :grin:

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Please tell me it will also take those fake Goths out as well... Emo's or Emu's or whatever they are... :lol:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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I doubt the hot weather can take out emu.


Although they're kinda goth...

in captivity they also eat shards of glass, marbles, car keys, jewellery, etc.

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Ha ha!!!!



there i have one...



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Well, it's a test from God (pun intended!).


If you're a real Goth, you persist wearing your warm dark clothes even

when you can bake an egg on it.

I mean, supposedly it's a way of life. You don't put aside your way of life

'cuz it'd frigging warm' , I don't see women shedding their burkhas and whatnots

when it's too warm....


So: dress up and be Goth, or be a wuss!




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My question:


Does that same weather have any effect on Justin Bieber?????

That brat really gives me the chills.... nasty product of the

20th/21st Century Consumerism Culture....

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Just the result of the Theory of Evolution. Look, we don't see any more those once many people hairdressed with rock and roll quiffs or ridiculous big round African wigs with huge sideboards, neither the once ubiquitous Disco dancers. Where are they? All gone! Evolution... Some mythical reservations are said to still host a few punks ans skinheads, but the scientists have serious doubts about that. Almost all of them have gone too. So why wouldn't the Goths as they are disappear and evolve in something different... Something even more silly and crappy, of course: that's the main way of Evolution...

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So J.B. is the next sillier and crappier (d)evolution in 'Lifestyles in which to use 0% of your brain's capacity'...

Makes sense!

Edited by Muesli

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Don't you see Bieber is the first of his kind, new stage of human evolution. Emo Bieberensis Crappiers they will be called in the future.

We're doomed that's certain. Too large brain to survive in the environment, we simmers have. Must mate with Goths to survive, that's the only option! Oh, they died out of global warming :yikes:

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We a doomed kind? We, Homo Sapiens Simulats Fuga ??? I rather mate with.....

oh wait, I already have a 'Muesli v2.0' to save our kind!

(He'll be taught in the Ways of the Sim very early on, my young apprentice!)

Edited by Muesli
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If you're a real Goth, you persist wearing your warm dark clothes even

when you can bake an egg on it.


This is true. You want to know about real dedication? I lived in Hawaii for about 10 years-- There are even goths there!

I'm pretty sure I met both of them. grin.gif


Also? Goth chicks can be smokin' hot, so don't knock their quaint counterculture too much.

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To tell the truth, you never see real Goths. Those you see are the VisiGoths. Real Goths are invisible. :heat:


And I doubt they'll ever become extinct, they have been around for a long time.



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You know, I'm all for getting rid of that musk smell, but...

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'Lot to be said for those long black coats though...makes it much easier to carry a full size handgun.

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To tell the truth, you never see real Goths. Those you see are the VisiGoths. Real Goths are invisible. :heat:


" Good. I don't like Visigoths. Tomorrow, we'll get sign: "No Spiders or Visigoths Allowed." " (Roberto Benigni in Life is beautiful)

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"Britain’s Goth population, identifiable by its distinctive eye markings, peaked at around 90,000 in the 1970s,"


Author knows jack about Goths because they didn't even exist in the '70s. Goth movement started in the early '80s. I should know because I was at the Batcave in Soho during the peak of the Goth movement and those Goths in the photo were either not born then or still wearing diapers. I prefer "darkwave" anyway.

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"Southern Death Cult"


Um, SDC were not a Goth band, they were also an 80s band so the author contradicted themselves right there. Now if they had mentioned Bahaus, Specimen, Virgin Prunes, Dead can Dance, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, Christian Death, Fields of the Nephilim,etc. then I would have given them some credibility.

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Author knows jack about Goths because they didn't even exist in the '70s.

Well, there are (many) people who confuse goth and industrial, like that South Park episode that had goth kids with a hu-u-uge Skinny Puppy poster.

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